BUS692 Ashford University Online Training Design Proposal Essay

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BUS 692

Ashford University online



Discussion 1 

Imagine that you are tasked with the development and delivery of a two-day training workshop for 100 managers on how to use effective feedback skills when delivering one-on-one performance reviews to employees.

In an 800 to 1,000 word paper (excluding the title and reference page), construct a proposal that identifies three specific learning objectives, a discussion of the content the training would entail, methods to be used (e.g. lecture, case study, role play), and the instructional media and equipment required and explains why. Specify the logistical arrangements, such as type of room setup, that can enhance or undermine the content and interaction between participants. Assess the impact that room set up has upon communication within the group.

  • Discussion 2
    • Technology and Training Systems 
    • Write a 1000-1200   word  paper:
  • Describe the results of your assessment of the technology requirements relevant to employee productivity, staffing systems, career development systems, and training systems deployed by the organization to manage and increase competency and productivity of employees.
  • Propose suggestions for improving the technology requirements relevant to employee productivity, staffing systems, career development systems, and training systems deployed by the organization to manage and increase competency and productivity of employees.

Explanation & Answer:
1800 Words
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Explanation & Answer

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Training Design Proposal

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Feedback is personalized information based on direct observation crafted and delivered so
receivers can use the information to achieve their best potential (Jug, Jiang & Bean, 2019).
This proposal will include a plan of the training about improving feedback skills. During the
workshop we will consider how we can improve our feedback skills and how it influences a
company’s performance.
In the beginning of the training, it is very important to mention why these two days of
training are important and what topics will be covered. There will be such themes as how to
prepare a person for feedback giving, what words and phrases to avoid. There will be useful
expressions for giving feedback. After the presentation, participants of the training will have
to practice by giving feedback to each other.
Training Objective
Performance of employees is vital to organization in order to compete and successful
accomplish their organization strategy and goals (Hardavella, Aamli-Gaagnat, Saad,
Rousalova & Sreter, 2017). This training is important because its goal is to enrich our
knowledge about giving feedback to employees. The quality of feedback from colleagues
largely determines an important component of an employee's motivation - getting
Appropriate feedback contributes significantly in developing learners’ competence and
confidence at all stages of their professional careers; it helps them think about the gap
between actual and desired performance, and identify ways to narrow the gap and improve
(Hardavella, Aamli-Gaagnat, Saad, Rousalova & Sreter, 2017).
Main goals of the training are the following:

1. Highlight the importance of giving feedback correctly. Trainees should focus on this
topic and realize that correct feedback will positively contribute not only to
employees’ results, but also to a company’s performance.
2. Trainees will realize mistakes that they and their colleagues were doing while giving
professional feedback. And find out solutions how to avoid mistakes in the future.
3. Practice correct feedback giving in order to apply theory that they learned on practice.
It is important because a person has a knowledge on the topic only when he performs
it on practice.
Place and Equipment
After a research of facilities and conference halls available for trainings, I suggest to split the
trainees for several groups. On the site that I have chosen (Picture 1) there are five rooms for
trainings. I believe that it will be more efficient to study in smaller groups, because 100
employees is really many people. In case all these people are in one room, it will be more
difficult to organize their work and it will be difficult for them to concentrate.
As for organization of tables, I was choosing between two methods of how we can put the
tables. I suggest the way in Picture 1 and here are several reaso...

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