MGT 323 SEU Post Graduation Adventure Case Study

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Instructions – PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY 1- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words 2- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. 3- Not copying from the Internet must be in your own words, if it is used from the Internet the reference is placed. 4- Need References from Peer-reviewed Journals Assignment-1-Case Study Please read the Case-5.2 “Post-Graduation Adventure.” from Chapter 5 “Estimating Project Times and Costs” given in your textbook – Project Management: The Managerial Process 8th edition by Larson and Gray page no: 164 also refer to specific concepts you have learned from the chapter to support your answers. Answer the questions asked in case study as deliverables where you should consider the milestones and technical requirements. Answer the following questions with 500 Words limit . 1. Assume you are either Mike or Josh; how would you go about making a decision using project management methodology? 2. Looking first at only cost, what decision would you make? 3. After cost, what other factors should be considered before making a decision? Final PDF to printer Chapter 5 Estimating Project Times and Costs 163 management estimate; this represented about a 20 percent overrun! Furthermore, the bottom-up time estimate based on the project network was four months longer than the top management time estimate. Another meeting was scheduled with the significant stakeholders to check the estimates and to brainstorm for alternative solutions. At this meeting everyone agreed the bottom-up cost and time estimates appeared to be accurate. Following are some of the suggestions from the brainstorming session. ∙ Change scope. ∙ Outsource technology design. ∙ Use the priority matrix (found in Chapter 4) to get top management to clarify their priorities. ∙ Partner with another organization or build a research consortium to share costs and to share the newly developed technology and production methods. ∙ Cancel the project. ∙ Commission a break-even study for the laser printer. Very little in the way of concrete savings was identified, although there was consensus that time could be compressed to the market launch date, but at additional costs. Lauren met with the marketing (Connor), production (Kim), and design (Gage) managers, who yielded some ideas for cutting costs, but nothing significant enough to have a large impact. Gage remarked, “I wouldn’t want to be the one to deliver the message to top management that their cost estimate is $1,250,000 off! Good luck, Lauren.” 1. At this point, what would you do if you were the project manager? 2. Was top management acting correctly in developing an estimate? 3. What estimating techniques should be used for a mission-critical project such as this? Case 5.2 Post-Graduation Adventure Josh and Mike met as roommates during freshman year at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota. Despite a rocky start they became best friends. They are planning a two-week adventure together to celebrate their graduation in June. Josh has never been to Europe and wants to visit France or Spain. Mike spent a semester abroad in Aarhus, Denmark, and traveled extensively in northern Europe. Even though Mike has never been to France or Spain, he wants to go to someplace more exotic, like South Africa or Vietnam. For the past week they have been arguing over where they should go. Josh argues that it will cost too much to fly to South Africa or Vietnam, while Mike counters that it will be much cheaper to travel in Vietnam or South Africa once they are there. They agree that they can spend no more than $3,500 each on the trip and could be gone for only two weeks. One evening when they were arguing with each other over beers with friends, Sara said, “Why don’t you use what you learned in your project management class to decide what to do?” Josh and Mike looked at each other and agreed that made perfect sense. 1. Assume you are either Mike or Josh; how would you go about making a decision using project management methodology? 2. Looking first at only cost, what decision would you make? 3. After cost, what other factors should be considered before making a decision? lar38865_ch05_134-167.indd 163 09/06/19 02:42 PM
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Post-Graduation Adventure Case Study
Question 1

The process to use based on Josh’s perspective

Make detailed budget along with cost breakdown

Prepare cost categories and cost tables to estimate all flight locations

Create a practical communication plan

Prepare responsibility matrix

Question 2

Cost estimates

Benefits expected from the trip

Question 3
Other non-cost factors to consider are;

The political stability of the country


Exchange rate


Ease of getting to that country

Nature of stopping point

Nature of places that Josh intend to visit

• Friendliness of the people of that country toward tourists.

Cunnama, L., Sinanovic, E., Ramma, L., Foster, N., Berrie, L., Stevens, W., Molapo, S.,
Marokane, P., McCarthy, K., Churchyard, G., & Vassall, A. (2016). Using top-down and
bottom-up costing approaches in LMICs: The case for using both to assess the
incremental costs of new technologies at scale. Health Economics, 25, 5366.
Dong Xuan, D. (2017). Factors affecting tourist destination choice: A survey of international
travelers to Hanoi, Vietnam. Journal of Economics and Development, 7792.
Zgolli, S., & Zaiem, I. (2018). The responsible behavior of tourists: The role of personnel
factors and public power and effect on the choice of destination. Arab Economic and
Business Journal, 13(2), 168-178.

Very useful material for studying!


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