Bond University The Finest Hours Teamwork Paper

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Bond University College


Assessment: Team Activity, Film Symposium #2 (20% group assessment)

The Movie for analysis:

The Finest Hours (2016). Action Drama; PG-13

A crew of four perform a daring, true-life, sea rescue off the coast of Cape Cod after a pair of oil tankers are destroyed during a blizzard in 1952.

The purpose of this activity is to use the film ‘The Finest Hours’ (2016) to illustrate key concepts and processes discussed and learned in class sessions and in the subject readings to answer a set of associated questions. You and your team members will decide collaboratively which concepts and processes to emphasize and present to the class.

The Finest Hours is available on EduTV at the link below.

Your team brief:

Analyse the film considering the following questions:

1. Does the crew perform well as a team? Discuss, providing theoretical support.

2. Is leadership designated or emergent? Discuss, providing theoretical support.

3. Is the dispersed/distributed leadership style evident? Discuss, providing theoretical


4. Are team roles designated? Discuss, providing theoretical support.

5. What other aspects of teamwork are evident in this movie that we have discussed in

class sessions? (Discuss at minimum of three, providing theoretical support.)

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Explanation & Answer

Hey check out this draft, am uploading the final paper shortly

Movie Analysis: The Finest Hours (2016). Action Drama; PG-13
1. Does the crew perform well as a team? Discuss, providing theoretical support.
It is apparent from the movie that the crew performed their duties as a crew. They let their
individual strengths combine to deliver one of the unlikeliest rescue missions in the history of
mankind. The team comprising of Andrew Fitzgerald, Richard P Livesey and Ervin Maske led by
Bernie managed to rescue the 32 crewmen despite their inexperience in sea operations as well
as the rough ocean waters. Through their cooperation and excellent teamwork delivered them
victory. Again, it is evident from the movie that through teamwork everything is achievable
regardless of the level of experience. For instance, no one game them a chance to succeed in the
rescue operations including Miriam who wanted to stop Bernie from the expedition but they did.
The same can be said of organizational management.
2. Is leadership designated or emergent? Discuss, providing theoretical support.
Both styles can be seen in different set ups more so in organizational management. However, in
the movie Finest Hours, Bernie is an emergent leader. He becomes a leader as a result of the
way other people respond to him. Before the tragedy, no one could have taken him for a leader.
However, his tea responds well to his instructions and at the same time he listens to the group
members in the process of leading them. His rescue crew was made up of Coast Guards that
were not experienced in the mission. Through teamwork and his effective leadership, they
managed to pull through the mission. From this movie we can learn that leadership is not
designated but emergent in most situations. For example, as a leader you do not have to work
with the most experienced people but those that are willing to get the job ...

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