This can be your general ethical philosophy of life, or your ethical philosophy of life before and after this course, or your ethical philosophy of life as it is relevant to some of the issues we discussed, or your ethical philosophy of life last year as compared to now, or, if something important has occurred in your life, your ethical philosophy of life after this “life changing” event. So, you have a number of different avenues you can take. The best papers I’ve received are students, “ethical philosophy of life.” I am always amazed at the lives of students that I’ve taught. Some students have had lives of hardship, struggle and pain and they’ve survived and continue to be survivors.
Be creative in this assignment. It is your reflections, not a research paper. Write your ethical philosophy of life however you wish. It’s up to you.
In attachment you will fined similar paper I did it before, you can use it as guide or get some info from it
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Hello here is the assignment please go through it and let me know in case of anything. I hope it is to your expectation.Goodbye
Running head: Ethical Philosophy of life
Title: My Personal Ethical Philosophy of Life
Ethical Philosophy of life
Individuals create and shape their own reasoning amid the entire life. A few
conditions may drastically change our perspectives, contingent upon our age, economic
wellbeing and individual qualities. With respect to me, at this phase of my life, I can't state it
for beyond any doubt that my own reasoning is finished and all around formed. I'm not a
religious individual to full degree. Having perused much about various religions, I
comprehended that the confidence in its actual significance ought to be inside us. Regardless
of whether a man visits a church or not, he ought to pick either to have confidence in God or
not all alone. I regard every single religious stream and acknowledge certain thoughts from
every one of them. For instance, in disdain, the way that Christianity is nearer to me than
Eastern religions, will probably have faith in the resurrection.
I can't acknowledge Christian perspectives that after death individuals would get
themselves either in the paradise or in the hellfire, as indicated by their uprightness in earthly
life. The faith in consistent come back to this world is by one means or another nearer to me.
That is the reason I can't state solidly what religion is better for me. In each religion, one may
discover something near his standpoint. Christians trust that people have two particular
quirks. Above all else, as they are made in the resemblance of God, it is more right than
wrong to consider that they mirror his character. God is thought to be great; it implies that
individuals are additionally amiable. The second perspective is that we live to appreciate
otherworldly association with God, through supplicating and going by the chapel. By and by I
don't visit the church and know just a couple of petitions, however, I have inward conviction
and I surmise stop. Religion is something individual. I surmise that every individual needs
God, yet can't genuinely be upbeat without Him. Individuals have a tendency to ...