Ethical Philosophy, writing assignment help

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This can be your general ethical philosophy of life, or your ethical philosophy of life before and after this course, or your ethical philosophy of life as it is relevant to some of the issues we discussed, or your ethical philosophy of life last year as compared to now, or, if something important has occurred in your life, your ethical philosophy of life after this “life changing” event. So, you have a number of different avenues you can take. The best papers I’ve received are students, “ethical philosophy of life.” I am always amazed at the lives of students that I’ve taught. Some students have had lives of hardship, struggle and pain and they’ve survived and continue to be survivors.

Be creative in this assignment. It is your reflections, not a research paper. Write your ethical philosophy of life however you wish. It’s up to you.

In attachment you will fined similar paper I did it before, you can use it as guide or get some info from it

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1 My Philosophy of life Given the short time I have lived on this earth, I seem to have been a student of life and learning about my environment, my society and academics. As I mentioned in a previous papers, “my whole life, I have been a student and learning from others theories, philosophies and ideologies about life” yet I don’t seem to have one unifying philosophy of life. At this moment in my life, I do not have one philosophy of life, but rather a bunch of closely held ideas that form the very basis for the person that I am today, including ideas that I have picked from having travelled to America for education. I doubt I will ever have a full encompassing philosophy on life, but maybe a set of guidelines by which I would like to live by. For now, based on all my learning and understanding of this world, life should not be lived to the extremes. While many might argue live life to the fullest, party like there is no tomorrow, do everything you can in this life time…I would say the contrary…. everything in moderation. Extremes in experiences can be stressful emotionally, physically, and eventually be the very downfall to everyone’s experience on this earth. What do I mean by this? Extremism is ruining the world as we know it; Extremist religious views, extreme ant-racism, or extreme pro-acceptance such that people are leaning too much into the black and white realms (what ever happened to the grey?) What about this very country we live in whereby everything is done in excess? For 2 instance: Excessive TV programming, too much food choices, too many malls, cars, universities (I guess we cannot have too many schools). Either way, excesses lead to societal issues that are very apparent at times. When I lived in my country, I never had to think twice about controlling my eating habits, watching my spending spree, or regulating the amount of television that I watched. Everything from my religion to my financial blue prints were deeply ingrained in me from the way my people behaved, but moving to America much in the way of my philosophies and outlooks on life changed greatly. In taking the course for philosophy, I learned much about why we need to think critically about issues and it was reminded to me why people get educated. So they can see the light of enlightenment and never go backwards in ways of thinking. In coming to America, my eyes were opened to the diversity of everything under the rainbow and I was to learn to embrace it all or as much of it as I could. But that would seem to be much to gather and embrace almost too much when you think about it. My whole goal when I first got here was to take a little bit of the “good” in this country and avoid as much of the “bad” as I could. However, that is a little difficult to do, and almost a lie to say a growing up young man would never experience the bad. Also it would go contrary to my philosophy to say that I did not try ANY of the “bad.” Key to my philosophy on maintaining and keeping with my moderation was the fact that I was willing to try everything…but in moderation. This of course can be a dangerous philosophy 3 depending on what we are talking about. For example, I would never “try” Russian roulette, or shooting heroine in moderation knowing that we are talking about life and death experiences. As I type this paper and think about the moderation that I am talking about, I realize that perhaps my life is not as eventful as other people’s lives. I do not go sky diving, climbing rocks in Colorado or swimming to deniable depths in the oceans. I do not engage in risky behavior that could immediately result in the termination of my life (knowingly). Let’s all acknowledge that while thrill seekers may be “living life to its fullest” they also come to a quicker termination of that life too. Many thrill seekers win big or lose big. For example, I watch my friends getting ready for a Friday night of heavy drinking. The preparation and anticipation of such an event is almost ridiculous to watch because we all have a good idea and indication where most of this is going to lead. My friends will go out, drink until they cannot any more, until they puke, until they pass out, until they get arrested or as some of the really veteran or drinkers would do…until the sun comes out and they do it again. With all the warnings about the dangers of drinking my friends will never give this up. I suppose I cannot reinvent the wheel, change the world and ask people to stop doing this….but boy does drink in moderation sound like such a good idea. Not be a complete buzz kill for a weekend of writing, there I have friends that love to play video games, and by that, I mean they will play call of duty from 4 Friday after class, until Monday morning before their 8am. If they are able to squeeze some time for a shower and a meal that’s great, but otherwise those are the extremes they are willing to go to rot out their eyes, be completely anti-social (in my view) even though they probably believe to be socializing with other online players. Not to say that I do not like video games or Call of Duty, but that in moderation too can be beneficial… at least so that I whole weekend (or life in this case) does not pass you by. My thoughts and philosophies on moderation in life may make me seem like I am no fun at all or I am a schmoozer, when in reality I am not. One can be passionate about sports, living active lifestyle, raising a family, doing a job well done, gardening or anything safe. Again, I would caution to be passionate with moderation. I say my philosophy on life is to be passionate and exercise moderation. This goes well with my ethical view on life, which is to be accepting and treating others like I would like to be treated. I want to live life in an exemplary way such I am moderately contagious.
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Explanation & Answer

Hello here is the assignment please go through it and let me know in case of anything. I hope it is to your expectation.Goodbye


Running head: Ethical Philosophy of life

Title: My Personal Ethical Philosophy of Life

Ethical Philosophy of life


Individuals create and shape their own reasoning amid the entire life. A few
conditions may drastically change our perspectives, contingent upon our age, economic
wellbeing and individual qualities. With respect to me, at this phase of my life, I can't state it
for beyond any doubt that my own reasoning is finished and all around formed. I'm not a
religious individual to full degree. Having perused much about various religions, I
comprehended that the confidence in its actual significance ought to be inside us. Regardless
of whether a man visits a church or not, he ought to pick either to have confidence in God or
not all alone. I regard every single religious stream and acknowledge certain thoughts from
every one of them. For instance, in disdain, the way that Christianity is nearer to me than
Eastern religions, will probably have faith in the resurrection.
I can't acknowledge Christian perspectives that after death individuals would get
themselves either in the paradise or in the hellfire, as indicated by their uprightness in earthly
life. The faith in consistent come back to this world is by one means or another nearer to me.
That is the reason I can't state solidly what religion is better for me. In each religion, one may
discover something near his standpoint. Christians trust that people have two particular
quirks. Above all else, as they are made in the resemblance of God, it is more right than
wrong to consider that they mirror his character. God is thought to be great; it implies that
individuals are additionally amiable. The second perspective is that we live to appreciate
otherworldly association with God, through supplicating and going by the chapel. By and by I
don't visit the church and know just a couple of petitions, however, I have inward conviction
and I surmise stop. Religion is something individual. I surmise that every individual needs
God, yet can't genuinely be upbeat without Him. Individuals have a tendency to ...

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