Southwestern Community College Inorganic Chemistry & Acid Base Definitions Paper

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Southwestern Community College


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Homework #17 Assigned March 13, 2021; Due March 15, 2021 Homework on Acid-Base Definitions, 8 points: 1. For each of the following reactions, identify the reactants as acids, bases or solvents. Explain which acid-base definition would be most suitable for the reaction. In some cases people might disagree as to which is the “best;” I will accept different answers as long as they are well-explained. a. HClO4(l) + CH3CN(l) --––> ClO4–(in CH3CN soln) + CH3NH+(in CH3CN soln) b. Cr(NO3)3(s) + 6H2O(l) ––––> [Cr(OH)(H2O)5]2+(aq) + H+(aq) + 3NO3–(aq) c. BF3 + P(CH3)3 ––––> F3B·P(CH3) d. Co2+(aq) + 6NH3(g) ––––> [Co(NH3)6]2+ (aq) e. 3CH3COOH(l) + H2SO4(l) ––––> CH3COOH2+(in CH3COOH) + HSO4–(in CH3COOH) f. BrF3(l) + SbF5(l) ––––> [BrF2]+(soln) + [SbF6]– (soln) (BrF3 is a liquid at 0˚ C, and is the solvent in this case) g. SiO2(g) + Fe2SiO4(s) ––––> 2FeSiO3(s) Assume that all Fe in this reaction is Fe2+, and figure out charges on the silicate (silicon + oxygen) anions accordingly. h. 7NH3(l) + Mn(NO3)3(s) ––––> [Mn(NH3)5NH2]2+ (in NH3 soln) + NH4+(in NH3 soln) + 3NO3–
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