MBA 690 CTI Wk 2 Operations Management the Design Process of A Product Discussion

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Business Finance

MBA 690

Caliber Training Institute



Submit the Operations Management section (Section I) of your project management plan.

Assess the history and trends of operations management, focusing on the business or company from your business plan in the Marketing and Strategy course. Provide rationale for the selection of your business development opportunity. Detail initial estimates of demand based on your forecasts and justify your selection of forecasting methods. Determine site location(s) and provide specific quantitative rationale for your selection.

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MBA 690 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric The final project for this course is the creation of a project management plan. In Milestone One, you will submit the operations management section (Section I) of your project management plan. Assess the history and trends of operations management, focusing on the business or company from your business plan in the Marketing and Strategy course. Provide rationale for the selection of your business development opportunity. Detail initial estimates of demand based on your forecasts and justify your selection of forecasting methods. Determine site location(s) and provide specific quantitative rationale for your selection. Consider the underlying business information needs of the new business and what information requirements will be needed. Outline the management information structure of the proposed business information system for your new business opportunity as part of the overall proposal based on the feedback received from Module Two. Consider specific IS concepts in Chapter 12 to outline your proposed system. For example, what elements do you plan to incorporate into your management information system? What linkages in the information structure are proposed? Prompt: Assess the history and trends of operations management, focusing on the business or company from your business plan in the Marketing and Strategy course. Specifically, you should assess the significant forces that have shaped operations management in recent history and answer the following:       How did these forces impact the business operations of your company? If your company does not yet exist, how do you envision these forces will impact the business operations of your company? Critique the key obstacles and issues that confronted company management during the evolution of operations management into the modern era. How did your company’s management handle these obstacles? If your company did not exist then, how do you think they would have responded to these issues? Assess changes to operations management philosophies and organizational structures in response to the evolving complexity of business operations. In other words, what has changed and why? Analyze the business operations of your selected company. Consider questions such as these in your response: o What organizational processes does the company use? o How do the business operations support the strategic plan, mission, and vision of the company? o What factors affect productivity and profitability? Determine the key trends in production, quality, resource, and information management with a focus on the business operations of your company. Assess the impact of these key trends on the business operations of your selected company and on the business product, service, or other idea in your business plan. Note: If, for some reason, you cannot use the company and product, service, or other idea from your business plan, you will need to work with your instructor to select another company and corresponding business product, service, or idea. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: a) Assess the significant forces that have shaped operations management in recent history. How did these forces impact the business operations of your company? If your company does not yet exist, how do you envision these forces will impact the business operations of your company? b) Critique the key obstacles and issues that confronted company management during the evolution of operations management into the modern era. How did your company’s management handle these obstacles? If your company did not exist then, how do you think they would have responded to these issues? c) Assess changes to operations management philosophies and organizational structures in response to the evolving complexity of business operations. In other words, what has changed and why? d) Analyze the business operations of your selected company. Consider questions such as these in your response: What organizational processes does the company use? How do the business operations support the strategic plan, mission, and vision of the company? What factors affect productivity and profitability? e) Determine the key trends in production, quality, resource, and information management with a focus on the business operations of your company. f) Assess the impact of these key trends on the business operations of your selected company and on the business product, service, or other idea in your business plan. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should adhere to the following formatting requirements: It should be submitted as an APA-style Microsoft Word (or open source) document, 8–10 pages (not including title and reference pages), double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. There should be a minimum of two references cited in APA format. Critical Elements Significant Forces Key Obstacles Changes Proficient (100%) Comprehensively assesses the significant forces that have shaped operations management in recent history or will shape it in the future, focusing on impact on business operations of selected company Accurately critiques the key obstacles or issues that confronted or will confront company management during evolution of operations management into modern era, focusing on management of selected company Comprehensively assesses changes to operations management and organizational structures in response to evolving complexity of business operations Needs Improvement (75%) Assesses the significant forces that have shaped operations management in recent history or will shape it in the future, but response lacks a focus on impact on selected company or is cursory or inaccurate Critiques the key obstacles or issues that confronted or will confront company management during evolution of operations management into modern era, but response lacks a focus on management of selected company, is cursory, or is inaccurate Assesses changes to operations management and organizational structures in response to evolving complexity of business operations, but assessment is cursory or inaccurate Not Evident (0%) Does not assess the significant forces that have shaped operations management in recent history or will shape it in the future Value 15 Does not critique the key obstacles or issues that confronted company management during evolution of operations management into modern era 15 Does not assess changes to operations management and organizational structures in response to evolving complexity of business operations 15 Business Operations Comprehensively analyzes business operations of selected company Key Trends Accurately determines key trends in production, quality, resource, and information management, focusing on business operations of company Impact Comprehensively assesses the impact of identified key trends on business operations of selected company and business idea Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Analyzes business operations of selected company, but response is cursory or inaccurate Determines key trends in production, quality, resource, and information management, but response is not focused on business operations of company or has gaps in accuracy or detail Assesses the impact of identified key trends on business operations of selected company and business idea, but assessment is cursory or inaccurate Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Does not analyze business operations of selected company 15 Does not determine key trends in production, quality, resource, and information management 15 Does not assess the impact of identified key trends on business operations of selected company and business idea 15 Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Total 100%
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Project Milestone


Project Milestone

Competition in the manufacturing industry continues to push businesses to new horizons
of innovation to survive in the market. Most of the innovations are channeled towards business
operations to minimize operation costs and improve production efficiency as competitive
advantages (Knowles, 2019). This has resulted in businesses adopting operations management as
the bridge for business growth and success. Operations management (OM) is a science of
organizing, planning, and supervising production. It is a process of managing the creation of
goods and services. An example is the activities of sourcing wood, fabric, hiring assistance,
designing, and making a simple chair at home. OM is critical in determining the competitiveness
of business today. It can be a competitive advantage that helps businesses reduce production
costs, improve output quality, and streamline customer service as survival tactics in the market.
The following discussion analyzes Pepsi's operations management. The discussion evaluates
significant forces that have shaped the company's OM, the critical obstacles in the evolution of
OM that impacted the company, and aspects that have changed in the evolution process. Other
issues addressed include the key trends in business operations and their impacts on Pepsi.
Significant Forces
Operations management started as a manufacturing process and evolved with
advancements in production and management technologies. The traditional idea of OM was to
promote the achievement of production objectives with the least possible obstacles. Adam
Smith's idea of labor division and specialization in 1776 resulted in breaking production tasks
into smaller units to improve workers' specialization and efficiency (Iansiti, 2015). In 1900 Frank
Gilbert improved the labor division strategy and specialization by incorporating scientific



concepts of management such as planning and work performance. A decade later, Henry Gantt
developed the first OM system, an inventory for economic controls.
The development of digital computers in 1946 streamlined all these inventions and ideas.
Dantzig and William developed the first OM software for programming business operations.
Cooper W.W and Charners. A developed the first linear mathematical programming in 1950
supported by advancements in large scale and multipurpose (Knowles, 2019). Porter. L.
introduced an organizational behavior model for studying people at the workplace. The widely
used OM trend was the invention of Agile methodology. The methodology is used in OM to
respond to the unpredictable production environment.
Pepsi adopted Agile methodology to streamline the workflow by eliminating error-prone
activities like manual input of data. The company has improved its use by integrating modern
technologies such as Order Processing automation solutions that automatically receive and
process clients’ orders in any format (Pepsico, 2017). The orders are placed automatically into
the workflow after approval to determine the production demand. Consequently, Pepsi
coordinated the balance between demand and supply based on clients' orders and reduced the
cost of failing to meet the production demand, overproduction, and inventory.
The agile methodology has been instrumental but not sufficient due to increasing
production complexity. The continuous technological advancement has resulted in the
digitalization of the supply chain. The trend became more pronounced in the 1990s with the
emergence of systems such as Enterprise Resource Planning (EPR) and Material Requirement
Planning system (Knowles, 2019). Innovators integrated multiple databases to create other
diverging and independent systems such as Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) systems
that globalized supply chains.



The trend has positively impacted Pepsi's global supply chain. The company has been
continuously investing in improving its ordering algorithms to create a perfect ordering system
based on its supply chain records. The company has digitalized its supply chain management and
continues to explore new improvement opportunities. For example, the supply of one of the
company's products, Frito-Lay, is fully digitized as a pilot project for an automated supply chain
by incorporating more digital tools throughout the distribution networks (Brohan, 2018). The
company uses data analytics to track supplies and help distributors manage their inventory. The
digital supply chain has helped the company automatically generate algorithms to predi...

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