EDU 602 BU Learning Disabilities in Children Presentation

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Belhaven University


Watch the video below: Dear Teacher: Heartfelt Advice for Teachers from Students. After watching the video on what it is like to experience the world as a student with a learning disability, create an informational pamphlet for regular education classroom teachers that will assist them in understanding the special needs of the students in their classrooms. See Appendix B for specific details and scoring rubric.

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By: Your Name Here

What is a learning disability?

What Should Teachers Look For?

In children, a learning disability is when a child is
struggling or having difficult with understanding certain
areas of learning, in which they are not as motivated to
continue to learn or do not have the resources they
need to do so.

❖ Short attention spans
❖ Poor memory and remembering of tasks
❖ Inability to follow directions & be organized
❖ Poor reading and writing skills
❖ Difficulty in coordination and sequencing
❖ Symptoms for dyslexia and dysgraphia

Symptoms of learning disabilities in children include
reading at slower speeds, reversing words and
numbers, not being able to recognize patterns, difficulty
sorting, remembering tasks, coordinating their
movements, and not understanding the concept of time
(Peterson, 2021). Learning disabilities cause children to
feel out of place, scared, frustrated, angry, and sad,
which is why it is crucial for teachers to pay close
attention to their students’ behavior and learning needs.

Why should teachers care?

How Can Teachers Help?
❖ Incorporate visual cues in the classroom
❖ Post a clear and understandable schedule
❖ Build-up, motivate, and encourage students
❖ Set clear expectations
❖ Provide a judgement-free zone
❖ Involve parents and other care providers

It is a teacher’s primary responsibility to ensure their teaching methods are universal enough for
all students to benefit and learn from, including those who have learning disabilities. Children learn
in different ways, so a teacher should make it a priority to establish a learning plan that is flexible
and easily teachable.

Dyslexia is known as a disorder where a child has poor management in
their writing, reading, spelling, and speaking in which slow reading,
mixing up words, and poor spelling is apparent (Brennan, 2019).
Although a child’s vision is typically normal, it is their brain...

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