Seattle University Activism Through Poetry Erasure Poem Exercise

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Seattle University


Write an Erasure poem on any passages from the book "Of Poetry and Protest" This is a activism through poetry class.

Erasure poetry,

also known as blackout poetry,

a form of found poetry wherein a poet takes an

existing text and erases, blacks out, or otherwise

obscures a large portion of the text, creating

a whole new work from what remains.


*Choose any passage(s) of text that you have read, from the books we are using in class to create your own poem.

*You may incorporate other sources of text such as a dictionary text, magazine text, graphic novel text, instructions or a social media post.

*Use the text and black out or cross out all words and phrases you WILL NOT use in the poem.

*The words are phrases left, become the bits and pieces of the new (FOUND) poem you are creating.

*When you turn in the poem, please send pictures of all the text sources you used and include a bibliography

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Explanation & Answer

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