Kenyattta University Effects of Depression on Adults Discussion

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Effects of depression on adults

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The content of this paper focuses on the definition of depression, the effects of depression
on young and older adults, and what is there in the current research on matters of depression.
Normally, everyone will feel grief at one point in their lifetime but if this feeling doesn't go away
in a few days, it could be depression. To know if one is undergoing depression, signs, and
symptoms of depression will tell it all. Examples of signs and symptoms of depression in adults
include fatigue and pleasure loss in life. Since many adults in America pass through depression
in their life, WHO recommends different treatments to help curb the disease. Psychotherapy, as
well as electric shock treatment, are the two recommendations that have been put forward by
WHO to manage depression. The big question on the effect of depression is whether the
condition is environmental or genetic. Recent research has shown that someone feeling low
cannot be depressed. Depression is more than one’s seasonal feelings.

In the present world, several disorders affect the way adults behave and act. Many of the
disorders have adverse effects on an adult's multiple life areas which could lead to distress for
the persons experiencing this disorder. One of the disorders whose effects are seen on adults is
depression. Depression is neither grief nor sadness because these feelings of grief and sadness
don't go away within days of weeks but instead persist for months and years. Barlow, argues that
many health professionals in the United States of America are faced with depression (p.250). in
his arguments, Barlow says that depression increases the chances of many adults developing
heart attacks and in more serious cases, depression leads to cancer, diabetes, and stroke.
Depression in itself doesn't kill but research has shown that subsequent developments
from depression are claiming the lives of many American people. When one is facing depression,
he or she no longer finds anything to be enjoyable even to the activities he or she loved doing
before. Apart from depression making one feel very low, it causes a loss of connection with
family and friends. Depression happens to anyone including teenagers, children, government
officials but our focus today is how it affects adults. Recent research on depression shows that
across the globe, around 350 million people suffer from depression. Scientists have proofed that
the hippocampus of adults' brains suffering from depression is much smaller compared to regular
normal people. This means that when someone gets depressed for a longer time, his or her
hippocampus keeps on reducing and this adversely affects the emotions and memory of the
affected person.

Now that depression is here with us like HIV/AIDS and now COVID-19, scientists have
tried to establish if depression is caused by genetic inheritance or environmental factors.
Depression can be a factor that can be inherited in families. Levinson, (p.2) says that in cases
where depression is in genes, the identical twin to the patient is likely to have a higher risk of the
diseases compared to non-identical twins. In other simple terms, if we have two identical twins
and one is suffering from depression, the chances that the other twin will suffer from depression
is very high. One should seek advice from a medical professional if he or she is suffering from
depression otherwise the condition may get worse and cause death.
Molenaar, (p.2) says that depression is found in people because of environmental factors.
Families don't share common environmental effects and the only explanation for environmental
effects is that there is a connection between environment and genes that can mask the effects of
the common environment. When people are continually subjected to poverty, abuse, neglect, and
violence, the chances of them developing depression are very high. Apart from the abuse and
violence, chemicals in an adult's brain and a personality of low self-esteem where one is easily
overwhelmed by stress greatly lead one to depression. Other environmental causes of depression
include: losing parents when one is at a tender age, sexual violence, and many more. Research
shows that depression is not only felt in adult human beings but also affects pets, mammals, and
even birds.
Now that we have explored the causes of depression, we now give in details how
depression affects adults. When adults are depressed, they are affected by having concentration
problems, loss of energy, change in weight and appetite, reckless behavior, and having suicidal
thoughts. Major depression disorder (MDD) is developed from normal depression and is what
causes adults to have suicidal thoughts. Adults with major depression disorder ought to be

treated with antidepressant medication and counseling. MDD is also associated with psychiatric
disorders like for example family events that have high chances of increasing suicidal ideation.
Depression is a very serious health issue that need not be taken lightly and once one is
dragonized with depression, very urgent measures need to be taken so that the affected person
doesn't harm his or her life and the ones close. Some of the depression effects on male and
female adults include the following:
Effects of depression on adults
a. Hopeless outlook: major depressive disorder is a mood depression that determines how
adults feel about life. When many adults are depressed, they will be affected in that they
will feel helpless and hopeless about life. Another effect of a hopeless outlook is adults
will feel worthless, guilty, and hate themselves. Many adults will feel like everything
wrong happening in their life is because of their fault.
b. Loss of interest: many adults who are depressed are stolen the pleasure of enjoyment
from the things they formerly loved. When adults are depressed, they will lose interest in
the hobbies they once looked forward to like hobbies and sports. Worse of this, all is that
affected people will lose interest in SEX or even become important.
c. Sleep problems and fatigue: the reason why one can stop doing something he or she
likes is when he or she is feeling tired. When one is struck with depression, he or she
losses energy and is overwhelmed with fatigue. In some rare cases, this effect can lead to
excessive sleep. Insomnia can be caused by depression and vice versa and when both
strike a person, the condition may not be controlled.
d. Anxiety: there is no direct link that depression causes anxiety. However, scientists have
proofed that the two conditions can occur simultaneously. When an adult is depressed

and anxious, he or she will be tensed, restless, nervous, panicked, high heartbeat rate,
increased sweating, muscle twitching, and having trouble focusing.
e. Men will be irritated: depression has different effects on different genders. In men,
depression will cause irritability, substance abuse, risky behavior, and misplaced anger.
Scientists have proofed that more women than men seek medical attention concerning
f. Weight and appetite changes: people suffering from depression have fluctuations in
their appetite and weight. Depending on individual people, some will have increased
appetite and add weight while others will lose their appetite and lose weight. If the
dietary changes are unintentional, it means that it is caused by depression.
g. Uncontrollable emotions: adults suffering from depression will have uncontrollable
emotions. In one minute, they will be crying uncontrollably, the next minute they will be
out bursting anger. Simply put, depression causes moody swings in adults.
h. Suicidal thoughts: according to the centers for disease control and prevention, around
42000 Americans committed suicide in 2013. When an adult wants to commit suicide, he
or she will show signs. People who want to commit suicide talk about it or attempts it
before making the process successful in the end. From the conducted research CDC now
encourages Americans to call 911 when they see someone is intending to harm or herself.
Once the call is made, Americans are encouraged to stay with the person until the police
arrive and ensure ropes, knives, and guns are removed from the person attempting selfmurder. While with the person, ensure that the person is listened to but doesn't victimize
or yell about the issue.

Recommendations to depressed adults
Each new day, scientists across the world are trying to pursue new treatment
methods that can help adults get depressing thoughts out of their minds. scientists have
established a treatment that causes dopamine in the minds of depressed people to improve
their mood. For patients above the age of 60 years, a program with electroconvulsive therapy
has proofed to be efficient in preventing relapse when combined with antidepressants.
Several therapies have been put forward to help solve the issue of depression in adults. These
therapies include cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and interpersonal
For one to recover from depression, one needs to excise, reach out to other people, find
mood improvement medications and engage in constructive activities that can help improve
one's living standards. With this medication proposal and many others, one can reduce the
effects of depression. Adults are advised to join services and groups that can help them get
over challenges in life that could otherwise lead to depression and they will be able to know
that challenges come to everyone in life and the most important thing in life is dealing with
these challenges.
Tips to depressed adults
a. Learning about one’s depression: before any adult starts the journey of being
treated, one has to establish the exact cause of the depression. If depression is being
caused by underlying conditions, the condition must be dealt with first before one
starts treating depression. Again, how severe a depression condition determines the
intensity of treatment one gets.

b. Right treatment to depression takes time: for any depressed adult, the process of
finding the right treatment takes time. There are those that antidepressants will work
for but others will respond well to therapies. It is therefore important that every
patient gives time for experimentation to determine the best treatment that will work
for him or her.
c. Don't over-rely on medication: medication can indeed treat depression but longterm use of medication is not recommended by doctors. In the aftermath, depressed
adults are advised to use therapies and excise more as these treatment plans have
reduced medical side effects.
d. Social connection: depressed adults are advised to create networks as this will protect
them and speed up the healing process of depression. Adults are advised to talk about
their difficulties to family and friends as this is not a sign of weakness but there is
strength in divergent opinions.
e. Time is a master healer: the process of healing from depression doesn’t happen
overnight but takes time. Depressed adults need to be patient as the healing process
has ups and downs.

Depression is a psychological disorder that has affected many people and the focus now
is how the growing disorder can be stopped from claiming many more lives. Depression is
connected to people's lifestyles as it affects people in their day-to-day activities. When people are
depressed, they feel like they have no purpose in life and for this reason, they cannot be happy.
When people are depressed, they feel comfortable being alone and closing all people from their
life. When one is depressed, he or she cannot live the life he or she used to live when not in
depression. The sad reality of our society is that many people pretend to be okay on the face but
deep down, they are depressed.
When one is depressed, chances of attempted murder will be there. Depressed people
don’t feel the same anymore and since they have lost the sense of existence, they can kill
themselves if the condition is not controlled on time. When one is depressed, day to day
activities of the person will be affected like playing, working, sleeping, and doing simple tasks.
Depression is not only seen on the physical but also emotionally, someone is affected.
Depression is a serious disorder as it affects someone's day-to-day life.

Work cited

Barlow. A Step-by-Step Treatment Manual. New York, Guilford Press, 2008.

Levinson. A Review. Biological Psychiatry. New York, Guilford Press, 2006.

Molenaar, Behav Genet Behavior Genetic. New York, 2015.



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Thesis statement: The content of this paper focuses on the definition of depression, effects of
depression on young and older adults and what is there in the current research on matters

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