a game in Market Watch, economics essay help

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I enrolled a game in Market Watch, i participated in a stock market contest in which i had $100000 with which to invest. There are instruction for this essay

  • submitting a written summary at the end of the term outlining your investment strategy, highlighting some of the companies in your portfolio, and indicating why you think you made/lost money on certain stocks .

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...00 AT&T 18:34 1 O 53% E www.marketwatch.com/game 1 Stats tengjie dong Rank ME 63 Net Worth Overall Gains Overall Returns Today's Gains $93.142.44 $6,857.56 -6.86% 0.0056% Buying Power Cash Remaining Cash Borrowed Short Reserve $156,113.78 $63,738.54 $0.00 $0.00 Portfolio Allocation & Performance WMT Portfolio HOLDINGS PERFORMANCE ORDERS TRANSACTIONS Symbol A Activation Date FIT 12/5/16 Shares Type 20 Buy at market open 30 Buy at market open 10 Buy at market open Cancel order Cancel order P 12/5/16 SFM 12/5/16 Cancel order Latest News on Your Holdings 12:39 p.m. 10 department store tricks that make you spend more MarketWatch.com 7:28 p.m. Smithfield Takes Aim at Carbon Emissions The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition 11:31 a.m. Trump Repeats Threat to Seek 35% Import Tariff for The Wall Street Journal Companies Moving Jobs Overseas Interactive Edition 8:58 a.m. Why it's now cheaper to wire money abroad MarketWatch.com Dec 3, 2016 Become a millionaire by busting these 5 myths MarketWatch.com 12:25 p.m. Fitbit's Challenge: Become a 'Need-to-Have' The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition Dec 3, 2016 Retail's Rising Tide Barrons.com Dec. 2, 2016 Wal- Mart Reaches Settlement in Same-Sex Spouse The Wall Street Journal Benefits Complaint Interactive Edition Dec 3, 2016 States and Firms See Pluses, Minuses of Carrier Deal The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition Dec. 2, 2016. Byron Wien Ponders the Coming Trump Presidency Barrons.com Sponsored Links 1. How to Buy Stocks 2. #1 Stock to Buy Now 3. Cheap Stocks to Buy 4. Stock Picks for November 5. 2016 Best Pickup Trucks 6. Work From Home Jobs 7. Top 5 Gold Investments 8. Top Performing Index Funds
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To buy stocks sometimes is equitable to gambling. It is one business that many lay people
don’t understand how it works. One can lose all hi/her investments in a very short term just like
it can happen at the tables when the dice are rolled. I have traded stocks in Pandora Media,
Sprout Farmers Market Inc., and Fitbit Inc.
My strategies are varied and I will outline the rationale I used to put my money in these
companies which proved to be not quite the winning formula. Bekaert et al. (180) warn that first
time investors in the capital markets should get some advice from someone who understands the
game, someone who has traded at the stock exchange in real shares first, which is no guarantee
of making a positive profit on ones investments but minimizes the chance of making completely
negative profits like I did. I tried to bring balance to my investment like most seasoned capital
markets guru advise by investing in companies in different sectors because it is not usual for all
sectors to make losses at ...

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