/ This program uses a selection sort to arrange an array of integers in
// ascending order //PLACE YOUR NAME HERE #include <iostream> using namespace std; // function prototypes void selectionSortArray(int [], int); void displayArray(int[], int); const int SIZE = 5; int main() { int values[SIZE] = {9,2,0,11,5}; cout << "The values before the selection sort is performed are:" << endl; displayArray(values,SIZE); selectionSortArray(values,SIZE); cout << "The values after the selection sort is performed are:" << endl; displayArray(values,SIZE); return 0; } //****************************************************************** //displayArray // // task:to print the array // data in:the array to be printed, the array size // data out:none // //****************************************************************** void displayArray(int array[], int elems)// function heading {// Displays array for (int count = 0; count < elems; count++) cout << array[count] << ""; cout << endl; } //****************************************************************** //selectionSortArray // // task:to sort values of an array in ascending order // data in:the array, the array size // data out:the sorted array // //****************************************************************** void selectionSortArray(int array[], int elems) { int seek;// array position currently being put in order int minCount;// location of smallest value found int minValue;// holds the smallest value found for (seek = 0; seek < (elems-1);seek++)// outer loop performs the swap // and then increments seek { minCount = seek; minValue = array[seek]; for(int index = seek + 1; index < elems; index++) { // inner loop searches through array // starting at array[seek] searching // for the smallest value. When the // value is found, the subscript is // stored in minCount. The value is // stored in minValue. if(array[index] < minValue) { minValue = array[index]; minCount = index; } } // the following two statements exchange the value of the // element currently needing the smallest value found in the // pass(indicated by seek) with the smallest value found // (located in minValue) array[minCount] = array[seek]; array[seek] = minValue; } } Exercise 1: Re-write the sort program you chose so that it orders integers from largest to smallest rather than smallest to largest. Exercise 2: Modify your program from Exercise 1 so that it prints the array at each step of the algorithm.
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Hood College Module 1 Tao Security Information Systems Essay
Cengage assignment for information security class all can be found in Chegg so you only to Paraphrase the answer that for ...
Hood College Module 1 Tao Security Information Systems Essay
Cengage assignment for information security class all can be found in Chegg so you only to Paraphrase the answer that for Think Critically QuizEssay Submittal only one page no chegg or any other source. MindTap Information Security, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Whitman/Mattord's Principles of Information Security , 6th Edition Michael E. Whitman; Herbert J. MattordISBN-10: 1-337-28164-6ISBN-13: 978-1-337-28164-5Assignment: Module 1 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.Do you think this event was caused by an insider or outsider? Explain your answer.b.Other than installing virus and worm control software, what can SLS do to prepare for the next incident?c.Do you think this attack was the result of a virus or a worm? Explain your answer.Ethical Decision MakingOften an attacker crafts e-mail attacks containing malware designed to take advantage of the curiosity or even greed of the recipients. Imagine that the message body Amy saw on the e-mail from Davey had been “See our managers’ salaries and SSNs” instead of “Funniest joke you’ll see today.”a.Would it be ethical for Amy to open such a file?b.If such an e-mail came in, what would be the best action to take?TAO Security Essay SubmittalQuestion Workspace1. Open a new Microsoft® Word document, and enter your answer to one of the prompts below:Select two articles from the RSS feed, one that details an information security concern and one that explains a new cybersecurity skill or knowledge. Summarize each article and include a concluding paragraph that explains how you as a cybersecurity professional would use this information.Scan the articles that appeared over the last two weeks. Use those articles to create your own one-page summary of significant security concerns over the last two weeks and the major events that have occurred.Select one article that is of particular interest to you. Perform additional Internet research on that topic and then write a summary of that article. Include why you were interested in the article, what you learned from it, and how you could use it in your career as a cybersecurity professional.2. Save the file on your computer with your last name in the file name. (Example: chapter_01_essay_Jones.doc)3. Click the Choose File button below to find and select your saved document, and then click Submit Assignment for GradingAssignment: Module 2 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.Before the discussion at the start of this chapter, how do Fred, Gladys, and Charlie each perceive the scope and scale of the new information security effort? Did Fred’s perception change after that?b.How should Fred measure success when he evaluates Gladys’ performance for this project? How should he evaluate Charlie’s performance?c.Which of the threats discussed in this chapter should receive Charlie’s attention early in his planning process?Ethical Decision Makinga.Instead of Charlie being named CISO, suppose instead that Fred hired his son-in-law, an unemployed accountant, to fill the role. Assuming the person had no prior experience or preparation for a job in information security, did Fred make an ethical choice? Explain your answer.b.Suppose that SLS has implemented the policy prohibiting use of personal USB drives at work. Also, suppose that Davey Martinez brought in the USB drive he had used to store last month’s accounting worksheet. When he plugged in the drive, the worm outbreak started again and infected two servers. It’s obvious that Davey violated policy, but did he commit ethical violations as well?Assignment: Module 3 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.Should Iris have approached Henry directly, or was the hotline the most effective way to take action? Why do you think so?b.Should Gladys call the legal authorities? Which agency should she call?c.Do you think this matter needs to be communicated elsewhere inside the company? Who should be informed and how? How about outside the company?Ethical Decision Makinga.It seems obvious that Henry is doing something wrong. Do you think Henry acted in an ethical manner?b.Did Iris act in an ethical manner by determining the owner of the flash drive?c.Assuming that this incident took place in the United States, what law or laws has Henry violated?d.Suppose Iris had placed the flash drive back at the coffee station and forgotten the whole thing. Explain why her action would have been ethical or unethical.Assignment: Paul's Security Weekly Essay Submittal1. Open a new Microsoft® Word document, and enter your answer to one of the prompts below:Select two articles from the RSS feed, one that details an information security concern and one that explains a new cybersecurity skill or knowledge. Summarize each article and include a concluding paragraph that explains how you as a cybersecurity professional would use this information.Scan the articles that appeared over the last two weeks. Use those articles to create your own one-page summary of significant security concerns over the last two weeks and the major events that have occurred.Select one article that is of particular interest to you. Perform additional Internet research on that topic and then write a summary of that article. Include why you were interested in the article, what you learned from it, and how you could use it in your career as a cybersecurity professional.2. Save the file on your computer with your last name in the file name. (Example: chapter_01_essay_Jones.doc)3. Click the Choose File button below to find and select your saved document, and then click Submit Assignment for Grading.Assignment: Module 4 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.What would be the first note you wrote down if you were Charlie?b.What else should be on Charlie’s list?c.Suppose Charlie encountered resistance to his plans to improve continuity planning. What appeals could he use to sway opinions toward improved business continuity planning?Ethical Decision MakingThe policies that organizations put in place are similar to laws, in that they are directives for how to act properly. Like laws, policies should be impartial and fair, and are often founded on ethical and moral belief systems of the people who create them.In some cases, especially when organizations expand into foreign countries, they experience a form of culture shock when the laws of their new host country conflict with their internal policies.a.Suppose that SLS has expanded its operations in France. Setting aside any legal requirements that SLS make its policies conform to French law, does SLS have an ethical imperative to modify its policies to better meet the needs of its stakeholders in the new country?b.Suppose SLS has altered its policies for all operations in France and that the changes are much more favorable to employees—such as a requirement to provide child and elder-care services at no cost to the employee. Is SLS under any ethical burden to offer the same benefit to employees in its original country?Assignment: Module 5 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.Did Charlie effectively organize the work before the meeting? Why or why not? Make a list of important issues you think should be covered by the work plan. For each issue, provide a short explanation.b.Will the company get useful information from the team it has assembled? Why or why not?c.Why might some attendees resist the goals of the meeting? Does it seem that each person invited was briefed on the importance of the event and the issues behind it?Ethical Decision MakingSuppose Amy Windahl left the kickoff meeting with a list of over 200 assets that needed to be evaluated. When she looked at the amount of effort needed to finish assessing the asset values and their risk evaluations, she decided to “fudge” the numbers so that she could attend a concert and then spend the weekend with her friends. In the hour just before the meeting in which the data was due, she made up some values without much consideration beyond filling in the blanks. Is Amy’s approach to her assignment ethical?After the kickoff meeting, suppose Charlie had said, “Amy, the assets in your department are not that big of a deal for the company, but everyone on the team has to submit something. Just put anything on the forms so we can check you off the list, and then you will get the bonus being paid to all team members. You can buy me lunch for the favor.”a.Is Amy now ethically justified in falsifying her data?b.Has Charlie acted ethically by establishing an expected payback for this arrangement?Assignment: Module 6 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.What questions do you think Kelvin should have included on his slide to start the discussion?b.If the questions were broken down into two categories, they would be cost versus maintaining high security while keeping flexibility. Which is more important for SLS?Ethical Decision Makinga.Suppose that Ms. Hamir stacked the deck with her design proposal. In other words, she purposefully under-designed the less expensive solution and produced a cost estimate for the higher-end version that she knew would come in over budget if it were chosen. She also knew that SLS had a tendency to hire design consultants to do build projects. Is it unethical to produce a consulting report that steers a client toward a specific outcome?b.Suppose instead that Ms. Hamir had prepared a report that truthfully recommended the more expensive option as the better choice for SLS in her best professional opinion. Further suppose that SLS management decided on the less expensive option solely to reduce costs without regard to the project’s security outcomes. Would she be ethically sound to urge reconsideration of such a decision?Assignment: Module 7 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.Do you think Miller is out of options as he pursues his vendetta? If you think he could take additional actions in his effort to damage the SLS network, what are they?b.Suppose a system administrator at SLS read the details of this case. What steps should he or she take to improve the company’s information security program?c.Consider Miller’s hacking attempt in light of the intrusion kill chain described earlier and shown in Figure 7-1. At which phase in the kill chain has SLS countered his vendetta?Ethical Decision MakingIt seems obvious that Miller is breaking at least a few laws in his attempt at revenge. Suppose that when his scanning efforts had been detected, SLS not only added his IP address to the list of sites banned from connecting to the SLS network, the system also triggered a response to seek out his computer and delete key files on it to disable his operating system.a.Would such an action by SLS be ethical? Do you think that action would be legal?b.Suppose instead that Miller had written a routine to constantly change his assigned IP address to other addresses used by his ISP. If the SLS intrusion system determined what Miller was doing and then added the entire range of ISP addresses to the banned list, thus stopping any user of the ISP from connecting to the SLS network, would SLS’s action be ethical?c.What if SLS were part of an industry consortium that shared IP addresses flagged by its IDPS, and all companies in the group blocked all of the ISP’s users for 10 minutes? These users would be blocked from accessing perhaps hundreds of company networks. Would that be an ethical response by members of the consortium? What if these users were blocked for 24 hours?Assignment: Module 8 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.Was Charlie exaggerating when he gave Peter an estimate for the time required to crack the encryption key using a brute force attack?b.Are there any tools that someone like Peter could use safely, other than a PKI-based system that implements key recovery, to avoid losing his passphrase?Ethical Decision MakingSuppose Charlie had installed key logger software on all company computer systems and had made a copy of Peter’s encryption key. Suppose that Charlie had this done without policy authority and without anyone’s knowledge, including Peter’s.a.Would the use of such a tool be an ethical violation on Charlie’s part? Is it illegal?b.Suppose that Charlie had implemented the key logger with the knowledge and approval of senior company executives, and that every employee had signed a release that acknowledged the company can record all information entered on company systems. Two days after Peter’s call, Charlie calls back to give Peter his key: “We got lucky and cracked it early.” Charlie says this to preserve Peter’s illusion of privacy. Is such a “little white lie” an ethical action on Charlie’s part?Assignment: Darknet Essay Submittal1. Open a new Microsoft® Word document, and enter your answer to one of the prompts below:Select two articles from the RSS feed, one that details an information security concern and one that explains a new cybersecurity skill or knowledge. Summarize each article and include a concluding paragraph that explains how you as a cybersecurity professional would use this information.Scan the articles that appeared over the last two weeks. Use those articles to create your own one-page summary of significant security concerns over the last two weeks and the major events that have occurred.Select one article that is of particular interest to you. Perform additional Internet research on that topic and then write a summary of that article. Include why you were interested in the article, what you learned from it, and how you could use it in your career as a cybersecurity professional.2. Save the file on your computer with your last name in the file name. (Example: chapter_01_essay_Jones.doc)3. Click the Choose File button below to find and select your saved document, and then click Submit Assignment for Grading.Assignment: Module 9 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.Based on this case study, what security awareness measures, training documents, and posters had an impact on this event?b.Do you think that Amy should have done anything differently? What would you have done in her situation?Ethical Decision MakingSuppose that the blond man in the scenario was someone Amy knew socially. Suppose she also knew he had no relationship to the company and no business being in the building. If Amy chose not to make a report about the event, would she be violating her ethical position?Assignment: ITsecurity Essay Submittal1. Open a new Microsoft® Word document, and enter your answer to one of the prompts below:Select two articles from the RSS feed, one that details an information security concern and one that explains a new cybersecurity skill or knowledge. Summarize each article and include a concluding paragraph that explains how you as a cybersecurity professional would use this information.Scan the articles that appeared over the last two weeks. Use those articles to create your own one-page summary of significant security concerns over the last two weeks and the major events that have occurred.Select one article that is of particular interest to you. Perform additional Internet research on that topic and then write a summary of that article. Include why you were interested in the article, what you learned from it, and how you could use it in your career as a cybersecurity professional.2. Save the file on your computer with your last name in the file name. (Example: chapter_01_essay_Jones.doc)3. Click the Choose File button below to find and select your saved document, and then click Submit Assignment for Grading.Assignment: Module 10 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.What project management tasks should Kelvin perform before his next meeting?b.What change management tasks should Kelvin perform before his next meeting, and how do these tasks fit within the project management process?c.Had you been in Kelvin’s place, what would you have done differently to prepare for this meeting?Ethical Decision MakingSuppose Kelvin has seven controls listed as the top tier of project initiatives. At his next meeting with Charlie, he provides a rank-ordered list of these controls with projected losses over the next 10 years for each if it is not completed. Also, he has estimated the 10-year cost for developing, implementing, and operating each control. Kelvin has identifie three controls as being the most advantageous for the organization in his opinion. As he prepared the slides for the meeting, he “adjusted” most projected losses upward to the top end of the range estimate given by the consultant who prepared the data. For the projected costs of his preferred controls, he chose to use the lowest end of the range provided by the consultant.a.Do you think Kelvin has had an ethical lapse by cherry-picking the data for his presentation?b.Suppose that instead of choosing data from the range provided by the consultant, Kelvin simply made up better numbers for his favorite initiatives. Is this an ethical lapse?c.Suppose Kelvin has a close friend who works for a firm that makes and sells software for a specific control objective on the list. When Kelvin prioritized the list of his preferences, he made sure that specific control was at the top of the list. Kelvin planned to provide his friend with internal design specifications and the assessment criteria to be used for vendor selection for the initiative. Has Kelvin committed an ethical lapse?Assignment: Uncommon Sense Security Essay Submittal1. Open a new Microsoft® Word document, and enter your answer to one of the prompts below:Select two articles from the RSS feed, one that details an information security concern and one that explains a new cybersecurity skill or knowledge. Summarize each article and include a concluding paragraph that explains how you as a cybersecurity professional would use this information.Scan the articles that appeared over the last two weeks. Use those articles to create your own one-page summary of significant security concerns over the last two weeks and the major events that have occurred.Select one article that is of particular interest to you. Perform additional Internet research on that topic and then write a summary of that article. Include why you were interested in the article, what you learned from it, and how you could use it in your career as a cybersecurity professional.2. Save the file on your computer with your last name in the file name. (Example: chapter_01_essay_Jones.doc)3. Click the Choose File button below to find and select your saved document, and then click Submit Assignment for Grading.Assignment: Module 11 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.What questions should Iris ask Charlie about the new job, Kelvin’s team, and the future of the company?b.What questions should Iris ask Kelvin about the new job?Ethical Decision MakingSuppose that Iris and Kelvin were involved in a romantic relationship, unknown to anyone else in the company. Such a relationship is not against company policy, but married employees are specifically prohibited from being in a direct reporting relationship with each other.a.Should Iris inform Charlie about her relationship with Kelvin if she does not plan to apply for the transfer?b.If she does apply for the job, but has no current plans for marriage, should she inform Charlie of her relationship?
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Cumberlands AI on Jobs & Benefits of Group Decision Support System Discussion
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IT 226 Dale Carnegie of Georgia Non Technical Audiences Features and Functions HW
CompetencyIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:Present and articulate technical concepts to non-technical audiencesScenarioYou are the manager of a software development team working on new applications for your company, Optimum Way Development, Inc. Your director has called for all development teams to submit product briefs detailing their current projects. The director plans to share the most promising product briefs with clients at an upcoming meeting. You have software design documents for two potential projects.DirectionsYou must choose one of the potential products and use the information contained in the technical specification document to create your product brief. The brief is intended to explain the new application to potential clients. (Use the personas created for the 2-1 Milestone as the audience for this project.) You should highlight the features that will appeal to clients and persuade them to purchase the new application. Your brief should include the following:An explanation of the features and functions of the productClear definitions of technical terms and concepts that are relevant to communicating the product capabilitiesAn explanation of the benefits of using the product within an organizationGraphics that support or clarify technical information concerning the productAppropriate language for the intended audienceWhat to SubmitTo complete this project, you must submit the following:Product Brief with GraphicsThis assignment must be 500 to 1,000 words in length and should include at least two graphics that help clarify technical concepts. Any references must be cited in APA format.Supporting MaterialsThe following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:Resource: Software Design DocumentsUse one of these software design documents as the basis for your product brief.Website: WebopediaThis website gives definitions of several technology terms. You can use this website to assist with defining terminology in the software design documents.Website: What Is a Product Brief and Why Is It Important?This website explains the components of a product brief and why it is important. Although you do not need to follow the suggested suggestions exactly, this may act as a starting point for structuring your assignment.Shapiro Library Resource: APA StyleThis Shapiro Library guide goes over the basics of APA-style formatting and citations.
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Hood College Module 1 Tao Security Information Systems Essay
Cengage assignment for information security class all can be found in Chegg so you only to Paraphrase the answer that for ...
Hood College Module 1 Tao Security Information Systems Essay
Cengage assignment for information security class all can be found in Chegg so you only to Paraphrase the answer that for Think Critically QuizEssay Submittal only one page no chegg or any other source. MindTap Information Security, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Whitman/Mattord's Principles of Information Security , 6th Edition Michael E. Whitman; Herbert J. MattordISBN-10: 1-337-28164-6ISBN-13: 978-1-337-28164-5Assignment: Module 1 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.Do you think this event was caused by an insider or outsider? Explain your answer.b.Other than installing virus and worm control software, what can SLS do to prepare for the next incident?c.Do you think this attack was the result of a virus or a worm? Explain your answer.Ethical Decision MakingOften an attacker crafts e-mail attacks containing malware designed to take advantage of the curiosity or even greed of the recipients. Imagine that the message body Amy saw on the e-mail from Davey had been “See our managers’ salaries and SSNs” instead of “Funniest joke you’ll see today.”a.Would it be ethical for Amy to open such a file?b.If such an e-mail came in, what would be the best action to take?TAO Security Essay SubmittalQuestion Workspace1. Open a new Microsoft® Word document, and enter your answer to one of the prompts below:Select two articles from the RSS feed, one that details an information security concern and one that explains a new cybersecurity skill or knowledge. Summarize each article and include a concluding paragraph that explains how you as a cybersecurity professional would use this information.Scan the articles that appeared over the last two weeks. Use those articles to create your own one-page summary of significant security concerns over the last two weeks and the major events that have occurred.Select one article that is of particular interest to you. Perform additional Internet research on that topic and then write a summary of that article. Include why you were interested in the article, what you learned from it, and how you could use it in your career as a cybersecurity professional.2. Save the file on your computer with your last name in the file name. (Example: chapter_01_essay_Jones.doc)3. Click the Choose File button below to find and select your saved document, and then click Submit Assignment for GradingAssignment: Module 2 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.Before the discussion at the start of this chapter, how do Fred, Gladys, and Charlie each perceive the scope and scale of the new information security effort? Did Fred’s perception change after that?b.How should Fred measure success when he evaluates Gladys’ performance for this project? How should he evaluate Charlie’s performance?c.Which of the threats discussed in this chapter should receive Charlie’s attention early in his planning process?Ethical Decision Makinga.Instead of Charlie being named CISO, suppose instead that Fred hired his son-in-law, an unemployed accountant, to fill the role. Assuming the person had no prior experience or preparation for a job in information security, did Fred make an ethical choice? Explain your answer.b.Suppose that SLS has implemented the policy prohibiting use of personal USB drives at work. Also, suppose that Davey Martinez brought in the USB drive he had used to store last month’s accounting worksheet. When he plugged in the drive, the worm outbreak started again and infected two servers. It’s obvious that Davey violated policy, but did he commit ethical violations as well?Assignment: Module 3 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.Should Iris have approached Henry directly, or was the hotline the most effective way to take action? Why do you think so?b.Should Gladys call the legal authorities? Which agency should she call?c.Do you think this matter needs to be communicated elsewhere inside the company? Who should be informed and how? How about outside the company?Ethical Decision Makinga.It seems obvious that Henry is doing something wrong. Do you think Henry acted in an ethical manner?b.Did Iris act in an ethical manner by determining the owner of the flash drive?c.Assuming that this incident took place in the United States, what law or laws has Henry violated?d.Suppose Iris had placed the flash drive back at the coffee station and forgotten the whole thing. Explain why her action would have been ethical or unethical.Assignment: Paul's Security Weekly Essay Submittal1. Open a new Microsoft® Word document, and enter your answer to one of the prompts below:Select two articles from the RSS feed, one that details an information security concern and one that explains a new cybersecurity skill or knowledge. Summarize each article and include a concluding paragraph that explains how you as a cybersecurity professional would use this information.Scan the articles that appeared over the last two weeks. Use those articles to create your own one-page summary of significant security concerns over the last two weeks and the major events that have occurred.Select one article that is of particular interest to you. Perform additional Internet research on that topic and then write a summary of that article. Include why you were interested in the article, what you learned from it, and how you could use it in your career as a cybersecurity professional.2. Save the file on your computer with your last name in the file name. (Example: chapter_01_essay_Jones.doc)3. Click the Choose File button below to find and select your saved document, and then click Submit Assignment for Grading.Assignment: Module 4 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.What would be the first note you wrote down if you were Charlie?b.What else should be on Charlie’s list?c.Suppose Charlie encountered resistance to his plans to improve continuity planning. What appeals could he use to sway opinions toward improved business continuity planning?Ethical Decision MakingThe policies that organizations put in place are similar to laws, in that they are directives for how to act properly. Like laws, policies should be impartial and fair, and are often founded on ethical and moral belief systems of the people who create them.In some cases, especially when organizations expand into foreign countries, they experience a form of culture shock when the laws of their new host country conflict with their internal policies.a.Suppose that SLS has expanded its operations in France. Setting aside any legal requirements that SLS make its policies conform to French law, does SLS have an ethical imperative to modify its policies to better meet the needs of its stakeholders in the new country?b.Suppose SLS has altered its policies for all operations in France and that the changes are much more favorable to employees—such as a requirement to provide child and elder-care services at no cost to the employee. Is SLS under any ethical burden to offer the same benefit to employees in its original country?Assignment: Module 5 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.Did Charlie effectively organize the work before the meeting? Why or why not? Make a list of important issues you think should be covered by the work plan. For each issue, provide a short explanation.b.Will the company get useful information from the team it has assembled? Why or why not?c.Why might some attendees resist the goals of the meeting? Does it seem that each person invited was briefed on the importance of the event and the issues behind it?Ethical Decision MakingSuppose Amy Windahl left the kickoff meeting with a list of over 200 assets that needed to be evaluated. When she looked at the amount of effort needed to finish assessing the asset values and their risk evaluations, she decided to “fudge” the numbers so that she could attend a concert and then spend the weekend with her friends. In the hour just before the meeting in which the data was due, she made up some values without much consideration beyond filling in the blanks. Is Amy’s approach to her assignment ethical?After the kickoff meeting, suppose Charlie had said, “Amy, the assets in your department are not that big of a deal for the company, but everyone on the team has to submit something. Just put anything on the forms so we can check you off the list, and then you will get the bonus being paid to all team members. You can buy me lunch for the favor.”a.Is Amy now ethically justified in falsifying her data?b.Has Charlie acted ethically by establishing an expected payback for this arrangement?Assignment: Module 6 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.What questions do you think Kelvin should have included on his slide to start the discussion?b.If the questions were broken down into two categories, they would be cost versus maintaining high security while keeping flexibility. Which is more important for SLS?Ethical Decision Makinga.Suppose that Ms. Hamir stacked the deck with her design proposal. In other words, she purposefully under-designed the less expensive solution and produced a cost estimate for the higher-end version that she knew would come in over budget if it were chosen. She also knew that SLS had a tendency to hire design consultants to do build projects. Is it unethical to produce a consulting report that steers a client toward a specific outcome?b.Suppose instead that Ms. Hamir had prepared a report that truthfully recommended the more expensive option as the better choice for SLS in her best professional opinion. Further suppose that SLS management decided on the less expensive option solely to reduce costs without regard to the project’s security outcomes. Would she be ethically sound to urge reconsideration of such a decision?Assignment: Module 7 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.Do you think Miller is out of options as he pursues his vendetta? If you think he could take additional actions in his effort to damage the SLS network, what are they?b.Suppose a system administrator at SLS read the details of this case. What steps should he or she take to improve the company’s information security program?c.Consider Miller’s hacking attempt in light of the intrusion kill chain described earlier and shown in Figure 7-1. At which phase in the kill chain has SLS countered his vendetta?Ethical Decision MakingIt seems obvious that Miller is breaking at least a few laws in his attempt at revenge. Suppose that when his scanning efforts had been detected, SLS not only added his IP address to the list of sites banned from connecting to the SLS network, the system also triggered a response to seek out his computer and delete key files on it to disable his operating system.a.Would such an action by SLS be ethical? Do you think that action would be legal?b.Suppose instead that Miller had written a routine to constantly change his assigned IP address to other addresses used by his ISP. If the SLS intrusion system determined what Miller was doing and then added the entire range of ISP addresses to the banned list, thus stopping any user of the ISP from connecting to the SLS network, would SLS’s action be ethical?c.What if SLS were part of an industry consortium that shared IP addresses flagged by its IDPS, and all companies in the group blocked all of the ISP’s users for 10 minutes? These users would be blocked from accessing perhaps hundreds of company networks. Would that be an ethical response by members of the consortium? What if these users were blocked for 24 hours?Assignment: Module 8 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.Was Charlie exaggerating when he gave Peter an estimate for the time required to crack the encryption key using a brute force attack?b.Are there any tools that someone like Peter could use safely, other than a PKI-based system that implements key recovery, to avoid losing his passphrase?Ethical Decision MakingSuppose Charlie had installed key logger software on all company computer systems and had made a copy of Peter’s encryption key. Suppose that Charlie had this done without policy authority and without anyone’s knowledge, including Peter’s.a.Would the use of such a tool be an ethical violation on Charlie’s part? Is it illegal?b.Suppose that Charlie had implemented the key logger with the knowledge and approval of senior company executives, and that every employee had signed a release that acknowledged the company can record all information entered on company systems. Two days after Peter’s call, Charlie calls back to give Peter his key: “We got lucky and cracked it early.” Charlie says this to preserve Peter’s illusion of privacy. Is such a “little white lie” an ethical action on Charlie’s part?Assignment: Darknet Essay Submittal1. Open a new Microsoft® Word document, and enter your answer to one of the prompts below:Select two articles from the RSS feed, one that details an information security concern and one that explains a new cybersecurity skill or knowledge. Summarize each article and include a concluding paragraph that explains how you as a cybersecurity professional would use this information.Scan the articles that appeared over the last two weeks. Use those articles to create your own one-page summary of significant security concerns over the last two weeks and the major events that have occurred.Select one article that is of particular interest to you. Perform additional Internet research on that topic and then write a summary of that article. Include why you were interested in the article, what you learned from it, and how you could use it in your career as a cybersecurity professional.2. Save the file on your computer with your last name in the file name. (Example: chapter_01_essay_Jones.doc)3. Click the Choose File button below to find and select your saved document, and then click Submit Assignment for Grading.Assignment: Module 9 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.Based on this case study, what security awareness measures, training documents, and posters had an impact on this event?b.Do you think that Amy should have done anything differently? What would you have done in her situation?Ethical Decision MakingSuppose that the blond man in the scenario was someone Amy knew socially. Suppose she also knew he had no relationship to the company and no business being in the building. If Amy chose not to make a report about the event, would she be violating her ethical position?Assignment: ITsecurity Essay Submittal1. Open a new Microsoft® Word document, and enter your answer to one of the prompts below:Select two articles from the RSS feed, one that details an information security concern and one that explains a new cybersecurity skill or knowledge. Summarize each article and include a concluding paragraph that explains how you as a cybersecurity professional would use this information.Scan the articles that appeared over the last two weeks. Use those articles to create your own one-page summary of significant security concerns over the last two weeks and the major events that have occurred.Select one article that is of particular interest to you. Perform additional Internet research on that topic and then write a summary of that article. Include why you were interested in the article, what you learned from it, and how you could use it in your career as a cybersecurity professional.2. Save the file on your computer with your last name in the file name. (Example: chapter_01_essay_Jones.doc)3. Click the Choose File button below to find and select your saved document, and then click Submit Assignment for Grading.Assignment: Module 10 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.What project management tasks should Kelvin perform before his next meeting?b.What change management tasks should Kelvin perform before his next meeting, and how do these tasks fit within the project management process?c.Had you been in Kelvin’s place, what would you have done differently to prepare for this meeting?Ethical Decision MakingSuppose Kelvin has seven controls listed as the top tier of project initiatives. At his next meeting with Charlie, he provides a rank-ordered list of these controls with projected losses over the next 10 years for each if it is not completed. Also, he has estimated the 10-year cost for developing, implementing, and operating each control. Kelvin has identifie three controls as being the most advantageous for the organization in his opinion. As he prepared the slides for the meeting, he “adjusted” most projected losses upward to the top end of the range estimate given by the consultant who prepared the data. For the projected costs of his preferred controls, he chose to use the lowest end of the range provided by the consultant.a.Do you think Kelvin has had an ethical lapse by cherry-picking the data for his presentation?b.Suppose that instead of choosing data from the range provided by the consultant, Kelvin simply made up better numbers for his favorite initiatives. Is this an ethical lapse?c.Suppose Kelvin has a close friend who works for a firm that makes and sells software for a specific control objective on the list. When Kelvin prioritized the list of his preferences, he made sure that specific control was at the top of the list. Kelvin planned to provide his friend with internal design specifications and the assessment criteria to be used for vendor selection for the initiative. Has Kelvin committed an ethical lapse?Assignment: Uncommon Sense Security Essay Submittal1. Open a new Microsoft® Word document, and enter your answer to one of the prompts below:Select two articles from the RSS feed, one that details an information security concern and one that explains a new cybersecurity skill or knowledge. Summarize each article and include a concluding paragraph that explains how you as a cybersecurity professional would use this information.Scan the articles that appeared over the last two weeks. Use those articles to create your own one-page summary of significant security concerns over the last two weeks and the major events that have occurred.Select one article that is of particular interest to you. Perform additional Internet research on that topic and then write a summary of that article. Include why you were interested in the article, what you learned from it, and how you could use it in your career as a cybersecurity professional.2. Save the file on your computer with your last name in the file name. (Example: chapter_01_essay_Jones.doc)3. Click the Choose File button below to find and select your saved document, and then click Submit Assignment for Grading.Assignment: Module 11 Think Critically QuizAfter reading the case presented in the module, write a short response to the following discussion questions and ethical decision making scenario.Discussion Questionsa.What questions should Iris ask Charlie about the new job, Kelvin’s team, and the future of the company?b.What questions should Iris ask Kelvin about the new job?Ethical Decision MakingSuppose that Iris and Kelvin were involved in a romantic relationship, unknown to anyone else in the company. Such a relationship is not against company policy, but married employees are specifically prohibited from being in a direct reporting relationship with each other.a.Should Iris inform Charlie about her relationship with Kelvin if she does not plan to apply for the transfer?b.If she does apply for the job, but has no current plans for marriage, should she inform Charlie of her relationship?
4 pages
Project Management
Why is project management has become a popular business tool? In recent years, large corporations are working on numerous ...
Project Management
Why is project management has become a popular business tool? In recent years, large corporations are working on numerous projects. With these big
St Johns College VehicleRental Physical Design Data Management Project
This is the final project and it requires a physical design of the database you have selected for your project. This datab ...
St Johns College VehicleRental Physical Design Data Management Project
This is the final project and it requires a physical design of the database you have selected for your project. This database should be normalized in 3rd normal form. Write the CREATE TABLE statements for all the entities in the database you have been designing. Make sure to include the primary keys and foreign keys, plus the data types for each attribute. In addition, write INSERT statements to input 10 rows of data into at least one of your tables.
Cumberlands AI on Jobs & Benefits of Group Decision Support System Discussion
Discussion 1 (Chapter 10): There have been many books and opinion pieces written about the impact of AI on jobs and ideas ...
Cumberlands AI on Jobs & Benefits of Group Decision Support System Discussion
Discussion 1 (Chapter 10): There have been many books and opinion pieces written about the impact of AI on jobs and ideas for societal responses to address the issues. Two ideas were mentioned in the chapter – UBI and SIS. What are the pros and cons of these ideas? How would these be implemented?Discussion 2 (Chapter 11): Explain how GDSS can increase some benefits of collaboration and decision making in groups and eliminate or reduce some losses.Your response should be 250-300 words. Respond to two postings provided by your classmates.There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post. Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author's words and continue to use in-text citations.
IT 226 Dale Carnegie of Georgia Non Technical Audiences Features and Functions HW
CompetencyIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:Present and articulate technical ...
IT 226 Dale Carnegie of Georgia Non Technical Audiences Features and Functions HW
CompetencyIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:Present and articulate technical concepts to non-technical audiencesScenarioYou are the manager of a software development team working on new applications for your company, Optimum Way Development, Inc. Your director has called for all development teams to submit product briefs detailing their current projects. The director plans to share the most promising product briefs with clients at an upcoming meeting. You have software design documents for two potential projects.DirectionsYou must choose one of the potential products and use the information contained in the technical specification document to create your product brief. The brief is intended to explain the new application to potential clients. (Use the personas created for the 2-1 Milestone as the audience for this project.) You should highlight the features that will appeal to clients and persuade them to purchase the new application. Your brief should include the following:An explanation of the features and functions of the productClear definitions of technical terms and concepts that are relevant to communicating the product capabilitiesAn explanation of the benefits of using the product within an organizationGraphics that support or clarify technical information concerning the productAppropriate language for the intended audienceWhat to SubmitTo complete this project, you must submit the following:Product Brief with GraphicsThis assignment must be 500 to 1,000 words in length and should include at least two graphics that help clarify technical concepts. Any references must be cited in APA format.Supporting MaterialsThe following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:Resource: Software Design DocumentsUse one of these software design documents as the basis for your product brief.Website: WebopediaThis website gives definitions of several technology terms. You can use this website to assist with defining terminology in the software design documents.Website: What Is a Product Brief and Why Is It Important?This website explains the components of a product brief and why it is important. Although you do not need to follow the suggested suggestions exactly, this may act as a starting point for structuring your assignment.Shapiro Library Resource: APA StyleThis Shapiro Library guide goes over the basics of APA-style formatting and citations.
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Asadi, F., Rouzbahani, F., Rabiei, R., Moghaddasi, H., & Emami, H. (2019). Information Governance Program: A Review of App ...
Annotated B
Asadi, F., Rouzbahani, F., Rabiei, R., Moghaddasi, H., & Emami, H. (2019). Information Governance Program: A Review of Applications in Healthcare. ...
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