arrange an array of integers in ascending order, computer science homework help

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Computer Science


/ This program uses a selection sort to arrange an array of integers in

// ascending order

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// function prototypes
void selectionSortArray(int [], int);
void displayArray(int[], int);
const int SIZE = 5;
int main()
int values[SIZE] = {9,2,0,11,5};
cout << "The values before the selection sort is performed are:" << endl;
cout << "The values after the selection sort is performed are:" << endl;
return 0;

// task:to print the array
// data in:the array to be printed, the array size
// data out:none
void displayArray(int array[], int elems)// function heading
{// Displays array for (int count = 0; count < elems; count++)
cout << array[count] << "";
cout << endl;

// task:to sort values of an array in ascending order
// data in:the array, the array size
// data out:the sorted array
void selectionSortArray(int array[], int elems)
int seek;// array position currently being put in order int minCount;// location of smallest value found
int minValue;// holds the smallest value found
for (seek = 0; seek < (elems-1);seek++)// outer loop performs the swap
// and then increments seek
minCount = seek;
minValue = array[seek];
for(int index = seek + 1; index < elems; index++)
// inner loop searches through array
// starting at array[seek] searching
// for the smallest value. When the
// value is found, the subscript is
// stored in minCount. The value is
// stored in minValue.
if(array[index] < minValue)
minValue = array[index];
minCount = index;

// the following two statements exchange the value of the
// element currently needing the smallest value found in the
// pass(indicated by seek) with the smallest value found
// (located in minValue)
array[minCount] = array[seek];
array[seek] = minValue;


Exercise 1: Re-write  the sort program  you  chose  so that it orders  integers from largest  to smallest rather  than smallest to largest.
Exercise 2: Modify your  program  from Exercise  1 so that it prints  the array  at each  step of the algorithm. 

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I have finished the assignment and attached it as a .txt file. You will need to copy it to a .cpp file to compile/run it. I added com...

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