Ashworth College Week 1 Health & Medical Discussion

User Generated


Health Medical

Ashworth College


Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please read the Kessler and Alverson (2013) “Influence of Lifestyle, Health Behavior, and Health Indices on the Health Status of Underserved Adults” article.

For this discussion, you will assume the role of a health and wellness professional working in the setting you identified in the “Post Your Introduction” initial post. In this role, you will create a client record for a fictitious person with one of these major health issues: alcohol dependency, diabetes, obesity, tobacco use, stress, or a chronic disease. Include the required elements in your client record.

Name, Photo, and Demographic Information: Include your client’s age, gender, race, ethnicity, marital status, occupation, sexual orientation, language, religious orientations, and location of residence (country, state, and region).

Symptoms and Diagnosis: List the client’s medical diagnosis, major health risks, and any cognitive, behavioral, or physiological symptoms. List the client’s presenting problem (e.g., lack of physical activity, poor diet, negative coping skills), and any cognitive, behavioral, or physiological symptoms.

Psychosocial Factors: Describe the client’s personal and cultural background including family history, mental health disorders, substance related issues, previous treatments and beliefs systems related to culture. Assess how these factors have influenced the client’s health and wellness.

Special Considerations: List any physical, social and/or economic barriers that the client may have. This may include allergies, dietary needs, or restrictions.

Assessment: Describe the client’s current knowledge about his/her condition and level or conviction and confidence towards changing the targeted behaviors.

Guided Response: Assume the professional role you identified in the “Post Your Introduction” discussion and generate 3-5 questions you have based on the information provided in the client record. Be sure to also respond to any questions posed by your peers.

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

Running head: WEEK 1 DISCUSSION


Week 1 Discussion
Institutional Affiliation


Name, Photo, and demographic information
The above patient whose portrait appears is known as Alicia Johnson. The patient is aged
51 years and is female. The patient is a Caucasian by race, a Christian based on religious
affiliation, married with three children, a retired teacher by profession, speaks American English,
and stays in Brooklyn.
Symptoms and diagnosis
Mrs. Johnson suffers from diabetes mellitus with elevated blood sugar levels that require
control. The diagnosis was done in the past five years and has been undergoing an integrated
management approach to help in reducing the severity of the condition. The symptoms include
high body weight, blood glucose of >140mg/L (Thangaratinam et al., 2020). Excessive sweating
and other challenges of health associated with diabetes mellitus are regarded as the main threat
which needs to b...

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