Project Management at Dotcom com Presentation

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Analyze the case study attached below and present your solutions to the four questions mentioned at the end of the case.

Needed good PPT. and also ppt explanation so i can present it .no more than 8 slides please make it creative thanks.

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

Project Management at
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Ways of redesigning's project
management processes to minimize the problem of
poor scope management

One of the ways involves briefing the business
 Another method consists of setting a
predictive timeline to avoid missing the
 Setting open communication is also essential
when redesigning’s project
management processes

Ways in which the company’s consulting clients
contribute to the problem of expanding or
changing the scope
One of the ways is through providing incorrect
or incomplete specifications.
 Clients also contribute to the problem by
failing to understand the problem they are

The message that a potential customer should
clearly understand in their first meeting

The customers need to understand that poor
specifications lead to poor quality.
 The company can also inform the customers
that incomplete information affects the time
required to complete the project.

Ways of balancing the need to improve
customers with the need to freeze project
scope and complete project in a timely fashion
The project team can interact with the clie...

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