Hunter College Type of Selection Exhibited by Populations of Dried Beans Worksheet

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Hunter College


Students will investigate and determine the type of selection exhibited by populations of dried beans.

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Lab 1: Investigating Natural Selection Students will investigate and determine the type of selection exhibited by populations of dried beans. Module Objectives (MO1.3): 1. Explain how natural selection can change the variation and prevalence of a trait within a population. Lab Objectives: 1. Recognize variation within a population. 2. Illustrate how variation of a trait in a population is graphically distributed. 3. Compare and contrast histograms of populations to determine what type of selection is being exhibited. 4. Propose explanations concerning why populations might exhibit a specific type of selection. Materials/Supplies: • • • Recording materials (notebook/pencil/etc.) 3 different types of dried beans (ex. kidney beans, black beans, lima beans, chickpeas, etc.) GoogleSheets or Excel Description: This lab introduces the phenotypic variation within a population. When the distribution of this variation is represented in graphical form, the type of selection that a population is experiencing can be determined. Exercise 1: Collecting data on phenotypic variation (expected time on task 1 hour) You will collect phenotypic data from three different types of dried beans. Bags of dried beans can be purchased inexpensively at a local grocery store. It is suggested that you try to select bean types that are different sizes, shapes, etc. 1. For each bean type, construct a data table with distances in the left margin ranging starting at 1mm and continuing down the page to 25mm. You will record bean length as a tally mark next to the appropriate length. 2. Measure the length (from end to end) of 100 beans of each type. Record the length of each bean on the prepared data tables using tally marks. 3. Take a picture of each bean population (3 pictures total) that you used for each set of measurements (you’ll need to submit this picture as part of your assignment). 4. Expect to spend 10-15 minutes collecting data from each of bean type. 1 BIOL-126 Exercise 2: Using histograms to illustrate phenotypic variation (expected time on task 1 hour) Histograms illustrate the distribution of numerical data, and they are a useful way to represent phenotypic variation. 1. Use GoogleSheets or Excel to generate a histogram of the collected data from each bean type (3 histograms). 2. A quick tutorial for creating a histogram in excel can be found here ( 3. Based on each histogram, create a hypothesis concerning the type of selection that is being exhibited. Briefly summarize the characteristics that you used to determine the selection type. To submit your lab, complete the attached worksheet. Include all indicated photos and graphs. Submit your documents as PDF files. 2 BIOL-126 Lab 1: Investigating Natural Selection Name of beans: Photo of beans: Histogram: Selection type: Reasoning for selection type: Name of beans: Photo of beans: Histogram: Selection type: Reasoning for selection type: Lab 1: Investigating Natural Selection Name of beans: Photo of beans: Histogram: Selection type: Reasoning for selection type:
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Lab 1: Investigating Natural Selection
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