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ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Course name: Course number: Assignmen t title or task: (You can write a question) Introduction to Mental Health PHC-273 Go through the research articles in the link below and answer any one of the following questions in at least 350 words. • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3743653/pdf/ndt-91121.pdf • https://www.scirp.org/pdf/OJPsych_2014042112144989.pdf Q1. Discuss about the mental health organization of Saudi Arabia. Q2. Describe the mental healthcare workforce in Saudi Arabia. Q3. Explain about the services for special populations in Saudi Arabia. Q4. How would you describe the future status of mental health in KSA? Student Name: Student ID: Submission Date: Instructor name: Dr. Afrah Kamal Yassin Grade: …. Out of 5 Release Date: 14.03.2021 Due Date: 27.03.2021 Instruction: • • • • Length of the write-up should be not more than 500 words. Font should be Times New Roman, and size should be 12. Line spacing should be 2.0. Proper headings with number should be given for each segment
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t title or
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Introduction to Mental Health

Go through the research articles in the link below and answer any one of the
following questions in at least 350 words.
• https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3743653/pdf/ndt-91121.pdf
• https://www.scirp.org/pdf/OJPsych_2014042112144989.pdf
Q1. Discuss about the mental health organization of Saudi Arabia.
Q2. Describe the mental healthcare workforce in Saudi Arabia.
Q3. Explain about the services for special populations in Saudi Arabia.
Q4. How would y...

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