Reason for Substance Abuse, law assignment help

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You are working in a rehab center for teenagers who tell you that drugs get them through the day because school is boring, their families are dysfunctional, and that they use them because their friends pressure them. Some tell you that their parents, aunts, and uncles gave them their first exposure to marijuana, cocaine, and meth. Others say they just like how some drugs calm them down and others speed them up.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Address the following in 4–5 pages:
    • What are four common reasons why people begin to use mood altering substances? Explain.
      • Briefly describe and summarize the four selected reasons.
    • With regard to your selected reasons, answer the following questions:
      • Once started, why do people continue to use mood altering substances? Explain in detail.
    • What are recreational drugs? Explain.
    • Since teens are most at risk for recreational drug use, what can be done to divert them away from recreational drug use? Explain.
      • What does current research suggest with regard to persuading teens to not partake in drug use?
    • Are the reasons for teen drug use and abuse different than those of adults? Explain.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
  • 4-5 references

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Explanation & Answer



An Insight into the Causes of Substance Abuse




The present paper discusses substance use and abuse during teenage years. Specific
topics discussed include factors that may lead people toward consuming mood altering
substances for the first time and continue to do so on a consistent basis as well as measures that
can be taken in prevent teens from becoming drug addicts or chemical dependent. It is concluded
that helping teens avoid the negative effects of mood altering substances can be realized through
programs that target the common causes of drug abuse and that promotes drug education.

Substance Use and Abuse during Teenage

There are several common reasons that make people begin using mood altering
substances. Four of the most common reasons are sensation-seeking, group pressure, stress, and
psychological problems (Lampert, Kaye, Urman & Manchikanti, 2015). Sensation-seeking is a
very common reason for which people start using mood altering substances. While most people
know something about the negative effects of chronic consumption of mood altering substances
when they start using one or more of them for the first time, they also know that these moodaltering substances are rewarding on the short-run. There are also psychological gratifications
that may result from using a mood-altering substance for the first time. For instance, some
individuals are merely gratified by the idea of doing something that is in one way or another
prohibited. This may be especially true for the youngest users of mood-altering substances.

Group pressure often plays a major role in making someone consume a mood-altering
substance for the first time. Again, this may be especially true for the youngest users. Group
pressure typically occurs when non-users from groups that mostly consist of users are persuaded
to try a mood-altering substance. Non-users often become users because they are afraid they will
be negatively judged by their peers or even excluded from the group if they do not use moodaltering substances. On the other hand, some individuals may start using mood-altering
substances as an attempt to become members of a group.

Stress is another factor that leads people to tryi...

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