Michiavelli 180, english essay help

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Reading Machiavelli 180

Is it better to be feared or loved and why?

You will be grad on your demonstration of your knowledge of the text and your ability to communicate your ideas.

Write 1-page essay.

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Explanation & Answer


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Is it better to be feared or loved and why?
Fear is a belief of either something or someone is capable of causing harm, dangerous or
a threat. Love, on the other hand, is an emotional feeling of compassion, care and generosity in
all aspects (Machiavelli pg.180)
Machiavelli, in his context, indicates that it is better to be feared than loved. He continues
to explain in different scenarios. He says that a prince ought not to worry about the reputation of
being cruel as long as he keeps his people united. Most people take advantage when the king or
leader is leni...

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