SUNY at New Paltz State Economic Impact of Covid 19 Pandemic and Lockdown Paper

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State University of New York at New Paltz



I need help with my macroeconomics homework. Help would be greatly appreciated!

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Current event assignment 3 The U.S. Real GDP declined by about $2 trillion due to COVID-19 pandemic and economic lockdown. See the following graph. For Federal government, and Federal Reserve’s response to pandemic triggered recession read the following short articles: 1. 2. 3. Write a 500-word essay explaining the economic impact of the recession we have been experiencing, and the fiscal and monetary policy response to it. You should try to use the IS-LM model in explaining your arguments, and to incorporate some of the graphs from FRED in your report. Note that the fiscal policy has incorporating raising both TR and G, and has not touched TA. Write your report in MSWord and upload it to Blackboard.
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Hey buddy,I am done with your assignment. The answer is written in red after the question on the attached document.If you need revision, I will be happy to provide one. All the best and please invite me for future questions.
Hey buddy,I am done with your assignment. The answer is written in red after the question on the attached document.If you need revision, I will be happy to provide one.All the best and please invite me for future questions.

Current event assignment 3
The U.S. Real GDP declined by about $2 trillion due to COVID-19 pandemic and economic lockdown.
See the following graph.

For Federal government, and Federal Reserve’s response to pandemic triggered recession read the
following short articles:

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