TJUEFC Plus Fashion Business and Products Market Penetration Analysis

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Business Finance

Thomas Jefferson University East Falls Campus


In this assignment, you will be explaining your business or service and what you are selling.  You should explain how these items or actions benefit consumers and the product or service life cycle. 

You will also provide a market analysis explaining why your business has a place in the market.  You should research your business industry, the market (demographics) and your competitors in your selected area.

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.


Business Plan

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A business plan must consider the start-up's target market's demographics and
competitors. A target market is the market segment in which a firm plans to tap its
consumers. Considering a firm's target market is vital in planning critical marketing,
customer attraction and retention, market penetration, and product promotion strategies for
the organization. On the other hand, competitors are firms, either in the same or different
industries, who sell similar goods in the same market. Knowing a company's competitors
allows it to plan various competitive strategies to grow and cement its market share.
Competitors affect a company's internal and external decisions, such as pricing, product
quality, market entry and exit, and product promotion. Consequently, this study will evaluate
Plus Fashion's target market segment and competitors.
Plus Fashion's Business and Products
Plus Fashion's business involves selling products rather than services. A firm's
products are the item it sells to the market or its consumers to satisfy an identified need
(Dolnicar et al., 2018). Plus Fashion is a plus-size store and boutique that provides classy,
elegant, and trendy women's plus-size clothing. The store will provide various clothing
products, including dresses, tops, pants, jeans, and innerwear for the plus-size market
segment. Therefore, the organization will operate in the fashion industry. The firm has
identified a significant need for its products and has customized its products to meet these
consumer needs.
Nonetheless, the firm will offer several services which...

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