Objective and Interpretive Theories Discussion Question

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Part I: Objective vs. Interpretive (3 points each) Please read the information below and then circle or highlight the correct answer. Chapter 2 draws a distinction between objective and interpretive theories. Although many theories combine both objective and interpretive features, it’s important for you to be able to distinguish between the two prototypes. Listed below are 5 ideas drawn from Chapter 2. Indicate whether they are characteristic of the worldview of objective (Ob) or interpretive (Int) theorizing. Circle the correct answer. 1 There’s one reality out there waiting to be discovered through our five senses. Ob Int 2 Ob Int 3 All people are different thus we cannot predict human behavior. Ob Int 4 People usually behave the same way under similar circumstances. Ob Int 5 Theories should focus on what is rather than what ought to be. Ob Int Theories could be used to analyze texts in a subjective way. Part II: True or False (3 points each) Please decide if the statement is TRUE OR FALSE. Please write your answer at the end of the statement in all caps. 6. Scholars who do objective study are scientists concerned with behavior and attitudes. ___ 7. Interpretive scholars seek prediction; scientists strive for meaning. ___ 8. The size and shape of our personal space depends upon cultural norms and individual preferences.___ 9. Edward Hall coined the term cultivation to refer to the study of people’s use of space as a special elaboration of culture. ___ 10. According to the social penetration theory, the main route to deep social penetration is through self-disclosure.___ 11.Self-disclosure is not reciprocal in the early stages of relationship development. ___ 12. Social penetration theory draws heavily on the social exchange theory of John Thibaut and Harold Kelley. ___ 13.Social exchange theory is about the struggle between discourses, and these unceasing struggles are “located in the relationship between parties, produced and reproduced through the parties’ joint communicative activity.” ___ 14. According to the social exchange theory, individuals wish to minimize rewards and maximize costs. ___ 15. Baxter’s theory relies heavily on the work of Marshall McLuhan.___ Part III: Short Answer Please answer each question with a minimum of 4-5 sentences of response. 16. According to Julia Wood, what are the four goals of theory? Please briefly explain each goal. (10 points) 17. Explain Hall’s understanding of proxemics. Be sure to describe all distances. Do you agree with Hall? Please provide a specific example of how culture could play a role. (10 points) 18. Explain uncertainty reduction theory. Relate the theory to a particular situation. Which axioms do you agree with most? If you do not agree with any axioms, please explain why you do not agree. (15 points) 19. Explain two of Baxter’s dialectics. Relate each dialectic to a particular situation. Do you agree with Baxter’s understanding? Why or why not? (10 points) 20. Which theory did you like the most in the first module? Explain why you liked it and how you could apply it to your life. (10 points)
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Part I: Objective vs. Interpretive (3 points each)
Please read the information below and then circle or highlight the correct answer.
Chapter 2 distinguishes objective and interpretive theories. Although many views combine both
factual and interpretive features, you need to distinguish between the two prototypes.
Listed below are five ideas are drawn from Chapter 2. Indicate whether they are characteristic of
the worldview of objective (Ob) or interpretive (Int) theorizing. Circle the correct answer.

1 There’s one reality out there waiting to be discovered through our five













Theories could be used to analyze texts subjectively.
All people are different; thus, we cannot predict human behavior.
People usually behave the same way under similar circumstances.

Theories should focus on what is rather than what ought to be.

Part II: True or False (3 points each)
Please decide if the statement is TRUE OR FALSE. Please write your answer at the end of the
statement in all caps.
6. Scholars who do objective study are scientists concerned with behavior and attitudes.
7. Interpretive scholars seek prediction; scientists strive for meaning. _TRUE_
8. The size and shape of our personal space depend upon cultural norms and individual
preferences. _TRUE__

9. Edwar...

Really useful study material!


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