FIU Management Happy and Work Life Essay

User Generated


Business Finance

Florida International University


Please divide paper into two. In the first page, write about how you can be happier in life. Then, in the second page, write about how you can be happier in your work life. Please separate these two parts under two main headings such as “HOW I CAN BE HAPPIER IN MY OWN LIFE,” and “HOW I CAN BE HAPPIER AT MY WORK LIFE.”

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Explanation & Answer

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How can I be happier in my own life?
Finding happiness is a hard task for some people, while others think that happiness comes
from something. However, this might still not be it, but a point worth noting is happiness is a
driver. When people want to find happiness, they try all means they can to make this happen.
This does not go without saying the many things people do searching for happiness as it is quite
One of the best ways you can get happiness is through exercising. Exercises can be done
anywhere in the gym, at home or even with friends (Freeman, 2012). It has been scientifically
proven that exercising for 7 minutes would bring you a lot of happiness. Exercise tends to have a
nice effect on people's happiness and well-bei...

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