Saudi Electronic University Customer Centric Supply Chains Presentation

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Business Finance

Saudi electronic university


Presentation Topic:

To achieve the Vision 2030 at the fullest level. Saudi companies are striving towards the improvement in the area of customer services.

Customer-Centric Supply Chains. Too Risky to Build? Or Too Risky Not To?”

For the presentation there are some requirements which you need to follow:

There should be a minimum of 10 slides in the presentation with a good background design, readable font size, and style with the appropriate color.

The presentation must have the following format:

  • Student’s Info Page description
  • Introduction of the topic
  • Description of SCM and Future approach
  • SCM and Customer Centric approach
  • Reason for choosing the topic
  • Define customer centric process
  • Challenges being faced by experts
  • Possible solutions and suggestions
  • Conclusion
  • References

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Explanation & Answer

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Too Risky Not To

Customer-centric supply chain involves all customer
experiences improvement approaches involved in the process
of taking final products to clients
The main factor for a successful customer-centric supply
chain has been associated with integrating, or embedding
current market customers and signals information into the
supply chain processes and activities
Companies which embrace customer-centric supply chain
approach are usually at the top rank when it comes to
marketplace innovations
This is because these firms pay attentions to what other
companies assume (Aldarabseh, 2019).

Management of the movement of services and goods, including all
activities involved in the transformation of raw materials into
finished goods
Involves active streamlining of activities involved in the supply of
products to gain competitive and customer value advantages in
specified marketplaces
SCM involves efforts by the suppliers to implement and develop as
economical and efficient supply chains as possible
Supply chain includes everything, starting from manufacture to
products developments to the approaches used in directing these
Usually, supply chain management attempts to mainly link or
control the manufacture, transportation, and distribution of goods
Through management of the supply chains, firms are to reduce the
extra costs and deliver goods and services to customers within the
shortest time possible (Alajaji, 2016).


Despite supply chains being in existence for several ages,
most business entities have used them as value added services
to their daily operations
The supply chain managers coordinate the logistics of supply
chains, which are composed of five sections as follows:
The strategy or plan
The source of services or raw materials
Manufacturing, focusing on efficiency and productivity
Delivery and logistics
Return systems for unwanted or defective goods (Belvedere
& Tunisini, 2020).

Technological growth has been the main catalyzer of supply chain
The advancements have changed the modes of delivery and production
of services and goods
Enabling the sharing and creation of supply chains information in more
advanced and newer ways by diverse sets of stakeholders
Contemporary firms have been undergoing digital transformations in
terms of supply chains management through applying and piloting
These technologies include block-chains, machine learning, and
augmented realities to ancient supply chain management procedures
The future supply chain management is more likely to be transparent
because communities, workers, and suppliers are able to access
sophisticated technologies
These technologies can be used in creating and sharing vital information
about social and environmental performance (Aljarboa, 2016).

Advanced production of good and automation already have
significant effects on supply chains
Also, advanced manufacture and automation will continue
playing vital roles in sourcing and labor costs reshaping,
especially in companies such as electronics, that allow
automation and in countries deemed as controllers of global
supply chain
The shifts will have many implications for most of procurement
managers such as the alteration of suppliers bases because them
will adopt the new technological advancements as other will
reluctant to buying this ideas
The shifts will also change the landscapes of most of laborrelated endeavors in supply chain leading to new challenges
associated with employee displacement
There will be also huge volumes of real-time information about
supply chains that will be validated and produced by most of the
stakeholders in the supply chain field (Althaqafi, 2021).

Customer-centric supply chain can be defined as a type of supply chain where
the producers understand their main customers, and closely work with these key
clients, with the supply chains being structured in ways that meet the demands
of these key customers
Customer-centric supply chains has become a common feature of strategic
supply chains in the 21st century
The presence of this kind of supply chain was realized in “Beyond the Horizon”
supply chain, which was a project taking three years and funded by the Supply
Chain Department of Michigan State University and APICS
Supply chain will only be strategic and perfect when the right thing is done, and
the right thing is ensuring that the needs of customers are catered for
In this form of supply chain, key customers are the deciders of what goods are
produced, with the business model realizing that all customers are vital to any
business but some, key customers, are more crucial than others
The business play vital roles in the retention of key customers by providing
value propositions
In the customer-centric approaches, capabilities refer the processes, assets,
skills, and resources drawn on by the company produce value propositions
This is where the supply chains reside, together with corporate culture,
measurements, capacity and corpor...

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