ECON 302 UND Training Experiences to Tackle Career Related Intricacies Discussion

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ECON 302

University of North Dakota



Experiential Training Reflections Writing assignment.

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Training Experiences
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Training Experiences
In-house training experiences are fundamental in preparing an individual to tackle careerrelated intricacies successfully. From my perspective, I suppose that the training I received
before commencing my job and during my engagements made me a better individual and
enhanced my aptitude to perform outstandingly. After undergoing an undergraduate course in
project management and civil engineering, I considered myself ready for the job market. Little
did I realize that working requires more than the education acquired in class. My engagements in
the field made me appreciate that in-house training is crucial in enhancing my skills and make
me a successful individual.
During my initial hiring, I was fortunate to experience and learn firsthand many different
sides of what project management entails. My supervisor taught me how to plan, develop and
complete my project. She also taught me how much detail and work goes into each stage of the
project. Additionally, during my training sessions, I discerned the diverse tasks that an engineer
performs. Sequentially, these experiences have permitted me to acquire more insight into the
various roles and responsibilities that I could accomplish as an engineer. My first days in my
initial engagement were memorable. After the introductions, my supervisor handed me a tender
to work on, in which she requested recommendations to enhance certain aspects of the project as
I saw fit.
Additionally, she requested my opinions regarding improvements to the whole project. My
colleagues were happy, and open to adopting my contributions about the project and consider
every idea and suggestion I presented. This experience made me feel contented and as part of a
larger team. Additionally, this experience taught me a lot regarding the significance of valuing
every team member’s contribution to project management. Furthermore,...

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