Cargo Theft in The United States of America Report

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PROBLEM-SOLVING REPORT FORMAT PROBLEM-SOLVING REPORT FORMAT D R. MA MD OO H A . A BD E L MOTT LE P JAN UA RY 2 021 Ideally, a Problem-Solving Report is akin to a decision memorandum. A Problem-Solving Report must be thoroughly researched and be richly accompanied by endnotes. A good Problem-Solving Report will have the following parts. 1. Executive Summary A short abstract of the paper content including all the Problem-Solving Report parts. 2. Problem Background A. History of the Problem B. Current Status of the Problem C. Importance of the Problem D. Definition of the Problem Introduction to the problem. Keep it short and to the point. This section frames the issue. 3. Problem Statement A. Identify the objectives of the entity that is trying to solve the problem and the Statement of the Problem B. Statement of Methodology Used in Analysis C. Identification of Actors Involved D. Impact of the Problem It concisely identifies the problem to be solved. It may be in the form of a question. 4. Alternative Solutions A. Listing of Alternatives Considered B. Comparison of Alternatives 1 PROBLEM-SOLVING REPORT FORMAT C. Constraints, Including Political Enumerate the options and describe them briefly. It is common to provide three options, but don’t force it to that. For and against arguments do not constitute two options. Give the decision-maker some choices. 4-D: Analysis of Options: How does each option serve the objectives listed above (3-A) and what are the other cost issues associated with each. Consider positive and negative externalities. You should be sensitive to the options’ domestic political repercussions. 5. Recommendations A. Description Recommendation(s) B. Rationale for Recommendations C. Plan for Implementation D. Provisions for Monitoring/Evaluation Select the best option and recapitulate why it is the best. Do a reality check. Does the recommendation solve the problem; is it actionable? Your recommendation should ideally be a stand-alone, and not require another iteration of the process to figure out how to implement it. A good recommendation is never a suicide pact. 6. References 7. Appendices 2
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Cargo Theft in the United States of America

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Executive summary

Problem background
History of the Problem
Cargo theft has been in existence in the world for a long period. The problem has
been progressing over time in the American Economy. According to Burges (2012), the act
has advanced annually from 5 to 15% between 2005 and 2010 (Boone et al.,2016). Over
these years, statistics show that over 60% of property losses have been reported. The thieves
moved across the states in search of cargos and later sold the products in big cities such as
Los Angeles, and some exported to Europe and Latin America. However, recently, America
has reported improvement in cargo theft statistics.
Current Status of the Problem
The Sentech's Sensi guard Supply Chain Intelligence Cargo Theft Annual Report, the
US experienced a decline in cargo theft in 2018 by 22% (Ahmetasevic, 2019). These
developments were a result of advancement in the security system and vigilance of the cargo
on transit. Cargo theft has contributed to substantial economic losses in the USA economy. It
has posed challenges to the supply chain of goods; therefore, it is worth pursuing in order to
provide solution analysis statistics.
Importance of the Problem
Cargo theft has contributed to huge losses in the transport sector. It is essential to
discuss it to create frameworks and policies that can reduce the impact of cargo theft in the
USA's economy (Ekwall & Lantz, 2019). Such analysis will assist in identifying effective
solutions that can be implemented in the fight against the theft of cargo. Outlining the causes
of the economic crisis will help formulate risk assessment and management methods in the
supply chain.

Definition of the Problem
It is worth noting that cargo causes billion worth of losses, which has affected the
commodity supply globally. The problem has involved a robbery of trucks and ships on
transit, breakage of warehouses and stores. It has been prevalent irrespective of the
preparedness of the stakeholders in the goods supply chain sector (Ekwall & Lantz, 2019).
The thieves have complex intelligence and mastery of the vices making the problem a global
Problem statement
The Objectives of The Entity That Is Trying to Solve the Problem and The
Statement of The Problem
The challenges facing cargo transit, several objectives have been suggested to solve the crisis.
These include:

To report cargo theft

To identify hot spots of cargo thieves.

To apply technological advancement in the surveillance of goods on transit.

The listed objectives are believed to favourably solve the setback of cargo theft
experienced in the US economy. In this case, the objectives will provide solutions to the
emerging issues of monetary losses incurred by the consumers and business owners in cargo
theft (Vadillo & Levanti, 2016). Cargo has greatly contributed to economic challenges such
as inflation. In most cases, the business transfers the monetary losses to the end consumer in
the economy. The federal government needs to develop frameworks to aid technological
surveillance to reduce the impact of cargo theft. However, addressing the problem emanating
from cargo theft need robust frameworks which can reduce the existing gaps in reducing
cargo theft.

Statement of Methodology Used in Analysis
Advanced technology like GPS tracking, when combined with CCTV cameras, can
improve fleet management and monitor the movement of vehicles. Some technologies like
telematics can significantly improve the process of vehicle recovery and may also deter some
less sophisticated criminal activities even though there exist success stories based on onboard
tracking system (Kubanova & Kubasakova, 2020). GPS and common tracking technologies
mostly get defeated since criminals are changing the techniques in transportations networks.
It is essential to note that technology alone cannot reduce cargo theft. An effective security
program should be created and combine technology embedded in strong security procedures.
Some of the practices that can be put forth include enhancing security surveillance around
properties includes GPS and security cameras. Places that are covered by security cameras
have minimal thefts. Therefore, individuals who are planning to steal will see security
cameras and may fear being caught by the CCTV cameras (Kubanova & Kubasakova, 2020).
Potential thieves who are planning to steal will choose places that do not have security
cameras, and individuals who see cameras always decide not to steal due to failure to be seen.
Cargo handling and transportation should be enhanced through security cameras to still fear
those who still want to.
Identification of Actors Involved
The crisis of cargo theft affects a number of people and institutions. From cargo
thieves, the act initiates law enforcement agencies' involvement—stakeholders, such as the
consumers and cargo owners, experience monetary losses. The problem has been escalated by
the absence of vigilance and timely reporting of the theft incidences. The public and
insurance companies have reportedly failed to raise issues in fear of public scrutiny.
Impact of the Problem

Law enforcement faces different crossroads in determining whether a loss of cargo
on transit takes place because of negligence or stealing. The emerging issues have escalated
Cargo theft which in turn has greatly contributed to economic losses to traders. The losses
incurred by the trader's agencies are then transferred to the end-user of products in the
market. The merchants translate the stolen products' cost into the retail price, thereby making
the end product expensive in the long run. Therefore, cargo theft exploits consumers as they
lack much control over the retail price of products.
Alternative solution
Listing of Alternatives Considered
Some of the suggested solutions towards ending cargo theft include surveillance of
cargo theft hot spots and understanding the supply chain. The supply chain routes have to be
predetermined beforehand to install appropriate security measures. Secondly, screening and
empowering employees to cross-check their criminal records and level of work
conduct(Vadillo & Levanti, 2016). Lastly, use of technological advancement in products
security. Technological applications such as GPS tracking can help track stolen cargo and
initiate an immediate response in the making.
Comparison of Alternatives
The three alternatives towards cargo theft solutions have unique approaches. For instance,
invested in surveillance increases preparedness for perpetrators who may undermine the
transit routes' operations. It enhances security measures dur...

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