PSYC 1101 ARCC Social Psychology Psychological Diagnosing Disorders Discussion

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PSYC 1101

Anoka-Ramsey Community College



Thinking about Social Psychology +Psychological Disorders + Diagnosing Disorders

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Social psychology and disorders
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1. Thinking about social psychology
Persuasion is one of the techniques that has been used to influence decision-making
for many years now. Although persuasion is limited due to personal perceptions and is
subject to bias, I find it effective. In my personal relationships, I have employed persuasion
countless times. In fact, I find that at least every once in a week, I have persuaded a friend or
family member to do something. I use two common techniques to persuade them: illustrating
how they stand to benefit and showing them how it is working for others. Research shows
that people tend to be more responsive when they stand to gain from an opportunity
(Pasquale & Cashwell, 2018).
Fear is a significant hindrance to decision-making. When I show my friends how
others have done something, I find that they are more willing to make the decisions needed.
One particular example is where I had to persuade my friend Sally to join m...

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