SOCY 2077 University of Colorado Boulder Racial Wealth Gap Discussion

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SOCY 2077

University of Colorado Boulder



Hi, this is for sociology upper division class and the idea of this writing is to respond to the reading (link) which I have attached with your own word 90% of the time. Use only the reading materials and your own word to respond to the reading questions and respond with 3 double spaced 12 pt. Pages. Please use only the material provided( no external sources). The question for the reading given by the professor is down below.

Coates 2014

Reading Questions

  • Coates discusses the racial wealth gap in the United States and explains that it stems from many different government programs, private industry practices, and actions by everyday people. List and briefly describe the government programs, private industry practices, and types of actions by everyday people that have contributed to racial wealth inequality, as discussed in the article.
  • Coates recommends “reparations” for redressing these harms. What does this mean?
  • Coates does not discuss environmental inequalities, but you can use his analysis to understand some of the roots of racial environmental inequalities. How might this article help you understand where environmental inequalities come from and/or what to do about them?
  • Thank you!!!

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Explanation & Answer

Hello buddy it was awesome working with you and look forward to more work from you. Kindly find the attached documents of the final answer and an outline of the same. Feel free to reach out incase of any revisions or further questions.


Racial Wealth Gap
Institution Afflation


Racial Wealth Gap
Over the years, the wealth gap in the USA has always been a thorn in its flesh. The
history of racial gaps between the whites and the blacks is a reality. This paper discusses the
racial wealth gap between the whites and the blacks, root causes of environmental inequalities,
and reparation action by the blacks for a redress of their plight by the whites.
Government policies, private sector activities, and forms of acts by ordinary people have
led to racial wealth inequality.
The racial wealth gap between the whites and the whites has been a discussion emerging
from time to time in the USA. The racial gap of wealth between the different races stems from
various sources. These sources include government programs, private industry practices, and the
action of the people. Government programs on farming to ensure food security promotes the
racial gap.
The whites to take away land from the blacks violating their rights to own land. The
whites become the landowners where most of the blacks become labors. The government
conspires with the people willing to start projects as most blacks landowners needed to pay large
taxed to seize their land.
The government fails to protect the blacks in the courts whenever they seek help in
courts. The blacks who refused to vacate their lands were arrested and others killed. Their land
was seized and forcefully taken to work in the farms of the whites. The enacting of financial laws
discriminating the blacks-only is disadvantage the people of color seeking them into poverty.
Consequently, the blacks received an order to work for whites with low pay, barred from owning
any land, and discriminated of the financing institution. The outcome is an increase in the gap


between the rich and the poor. The whites get favor while the blacks are discriminated against,
widening further the racial wealth gap.
The private industry also widens the racial gap of wealth between whites and blacks. The
private financing institutions only gave mortgages to the whites. The recruitment processes were
discriminative. Most blacks remain jobless. Those who are lucky to secure a job got poorly paid.
The refusal to grant housing mortgages to the blacks forces them to seek alternative means to
secure them. The alternatives for financing to purchase of houses were inflated prices. House
financing for the blacks was one on contract terms. The blacks live hand to mouth only to save
nothing but to widening the gap of wealth. The whites are given the prime jobs, paid well...

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