organizational behavior, management homework help

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HRM742 Individual Assignment 3 40 Marks (20%) For this assignment, read the instructions and provide analysis on the ten topics listed. Before you begin, review the General Instructions for all Written Assignments (in Assignments). Introduction and Instructions You have recently been hired as the Director of Human Resources for Wilson Brothers Canada and have HR responsibility for all of the company’s Canadian operations. Bob and John Wilson have asked you to prepare a report for their review focusing specifically on organizational behavior within the company. Review the Wilson Brothers Case Scenario in depth and address only the required ten (10) topics listed below in your analysis report. This analysis report is the assignment. Marks are allocated for thoroughness of coverage of the ten required topics and their analysis-linkages to appropriate OB theories and practices from the course and external sources. It is not enough to just describe the happenings at Wilson Bros. Analysis should include the effectiveness of the current approach for each of the ten topics as well as recommendations for improvement in each. Use each topic as a heading in your analysis. While there are no page requirements for the analysis report include all relevant analysis and be concise. Edit carefully. Remember this is an Executive Summary for the owners of the company. The required ten (10) topics to be covered, and subjected to analysis, are: 1. Organizational Design and Structure (Advantages/Disadvantages). 2. Job Design (Use of job design principles to impact employee motivation and employee engagement). 3. Decision Making (How decisions are made and communicated). 4. Equity (Specific issues related to perceived fairness in the organization). 5. Organizational Culture (Culture(s) within the organization and the effect of the culture(s) on organization performance). 6. Organizational Change (Analyze any significant change – current changes being implemented; a recent change already implemented; changes being contemplated for the future). 7. Work Groups/Teams (The existence of group or teams in the organization and their effectiveness). 8. Conflict (Evidence and effect of conflict in the organization and how it is handled). 9. Leadership Style (Leadership and management style of the interviewee and others in management). 10. Power, Influence and Motivation (The use of power, motivation and influence in the organization to impact employee behaviour). 2500 words, 20 references in APA.
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Explanation & Answer


Running Head: Wilson Brothers


Wilson brothers





Table of contents


Organizational Design and Structure…………………………………………………….........3
Job Design ………………………………………………………………………………….…5
Decision Making ……………………………………………………………………………...6
Equity …………………………………………………………………………………………7
Organizational culture ………………………………………………………………………...7
Organizational Change ………………………………………………………………………..8
Work Groups/Teams ………………………………………………………………………….9
Conflict ….…………………………………………………………………………………….9
Leadership Style ….………………………………………………………………………….10

Power, Influence and Motivation………………………………………………………….....10
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………..11
References ……………………………………………………………………..…………….12


Wilson brothers

Wilson Brothers is a Canadian company which manufactures and supplies different
categories of prepared foods which entail a variety of baked products and other kinds of
bottled drinks for the Canadian people from many of its branches. The industry was started in
1960 by Bob and John. The company has six functioning branches in Canada, and its
headquarters are situated in Brandon Manitoba. Due to increased demand for its products, the
company has widened its market and opened more plants. The Human Resource Manager
requires assessing the company’s performance and measuring its output based on the
available resources. This will involve designing and structuring the business, designing jobs
to impact its performance, enhancing effective decision making, engaging in equity when it
comes to issues related to fairness in the company, facilitating productive organizational
culture and change, improving team or group work, how conflicts within the organization can
be resolved, choosing and practicing of the best leadership style, and use of power in a
motivational and productive manner (Wilson Brothers Enterprise Ltd., n.d.).
Organizational Design and Structure
The industry has a medium sized branch in Ontario, Cambridge. Up to recently,
bakery products and bottled drinks were prepared at this plant. For the recent 30 days, the
industry has made a deal with some big grocery chains to distribute the baked products that
are part of their present market products as well as new bakery products that the grocery
businesses have ordered. It is an opportunity to the company since many of the grocery
chains have made a decision not to prepare the bakery on their own but rather buy them from
Wilson Brothers and sell them for a profit. This means the company will increase its supply
and sales based on the deal it has finalized with the grocery chains (Ancona, 2013).



Since the branch in Cambridge does not have the potential to manufacture the products to
address the needs of the contracts, the company through the Human Resource manager
should seek for more facilities that can be on sale. For instance, it got a manufactu...

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