INFR 2810 Ontario Tech University Computer Architecture MIPS Assembly Code Project

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INFR 2810

Ontario Tech University



Need help with this MIPS Assembly code project that has four functions. You can find the requirements in the PDF attached. It has to be in one file though.

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INFR 2810: Computer Architecture Winter 2021 Final Project: Option 1 of 2 Due Date: During exam period (actual date to be announced shortly) You can work in groups of 2‐5. Individual work is allowed although keep in mind that this may be a large amount of work for one person to complete. For those in the Game Development program, you may work in your GDW groups. There is no final exam for this course but there is a final course project that focuses on assembly programming. This final project accounts for 40% of your final grade. Your final project will involve writing a MIPS assembly code project that contains multiple utilities and will allow the user to choose based which utility they want to use. The utilities are described below. You will prompt the user to enter their choice of either “a”, “b”, “c”, or “d” and then based on their input, as described below, the program will prompt them to enter the further required information.  Body‐Mass Index (BMI) Calculator (“a”) o According to the US Centres for Disease Control, the Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. The formula to calculate the BMI is BMI = kg/m2 where kg is a person's weight in kilograms and m2 is their height in metres squared. The user will be prompted to enter a weight in kilograms, followed by a height in metres and the program will out the corresponding BMI.  Fahrenheit to Celsius converter (“b”) o The formula to convert a temperature given in Fahrenheit (F) to a temperature in Celsius (C) is C = (F ‐ 32)/1.8. The user will prompted to enter a temperature in Fahrenheit and the program will output the corresponding temperature in Celsius.  Pounds to Kilograms converter (“c”) o The formula to convert a weight given in pounds (lb) to a weight given in kilograms (kg) is kg = lb / 2.2046. The user will prompted to enter a weight in pounds and the program will output the corresponding weight in kilograms.  Sum calculator (“d”) o The Sum calculator will begin by prompting the user to enter an integer number “n” and then computes (and displays once the final result is computed) the result as follows: if n== 0, then result = 0, Otherwise result = n + Sum(n-1) For example, if the user enter the value “3” then the result will be “6” (and “6” will be displayed). 3 + Sum(2) = 3 + 2 + Sum(1) = 3 + 2 + 1 + Sum(0) = 3 + 2 + 1 + 0 = 6 o You are required to define (and call) a procedure (e.g., called “Sum” and takes one integer argument “n”) to compute the final result. Notes:   If the user enters anything other than one of the four choices (“a”, “b”, “c”, or “d”), they will simply be re‐prompted enter their choice. For each of the four options, you can assume that the input entered by the user is valid (no error checking is required). Work Distribution For those working in a group, you must include a page that includes the following (not needed if you are working individually):    A brief description of the work conducted by each group member. A weighting (percentage) of the work completed by each member; For example, if there are two group members and each team member contributed equally, then each group member’s weight is 50 % (2 x 50 % = 100%). Each group member must agree to and sign off to this weighting; include each group member’s name, student ID, and signature. This weight will contribute to your final project grade. Working Collaboratively Online/Remotely This is a group‐based project. Given the university has moved to an online format due to COVID‐19, and the recommendations of health care professionals to practice social distancing, please make use of the various online collaborative tools available to you including Google Meet/Hangouts. What to Submit: 1. [35 % of final grade] Submit your assembly language source code. Your submitted code should include (in the form of comments), the name of each group member and their corresponding student ID. 2. [5% of final grade] A brief (5 minutes maximum), YouTube video that outlines/describes your solution. There is flexibility with respect to the video contents but you may want to briefly outline your solution to each of the four sub‐programs listed above; describe the assembly code and the choices you made. Each group member should contribute to the video. You should submit a link to the YouTube video and not the video itself. 3. Work distribution page.
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