Read Media Textbook and Answer to Each Questions, writing homework help

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Please fill out the answers to the problems listed under Chapters 6 through 12 below. When you write an answer, please include the chapter number and the item number, and mark it. Finally, be sure to include the Extra question.

Complete the following questions in preparation for the final exam:

Chapter 6: Popular Radio and the Origins of Broadcasting

1. What is the piece of legislation that allowed companies like Clear Channel to dominate the radio landscape, and what did it change both for radio and other media industries? What are some of the negative effects of having one company, like Clear Channel, own such a large percentage of radio stations nationally? (10 points)

2. Why was radio such a heavily regulated medium from the very beginnings of its emergence as a mass medium? How did the government ensure control over the development of this new medium with its establishment of RCA? (10 points)

3. Briefly describe the importance of each of the following pieces of early radio regulation:

  • Radio Act of 1912 (2 points)
  • Radio Act of 1927 (4 points)
  • Radio Act of 1934 (2 points)

4. Discuss the idea of broadcasting, and how it emerged with the development of radio. How does the network-affiliate relationship play into this idea? (5 points)

5. Describe the payola scandal in radio and its impact on both audiences and the medium as a whole. How did it lead to management-driven radio and the push towards more top-40-based, format radio? (10 points)

Chapter 7: Movies and the Impact of Images

6. What is vertical integration, and how was that demonstrated in the movie industry’s early studio system? (10 points)

7. How did the Paramount Decision and the introduction of television negatively impact the film industry? What strategies did it adopt to try to cope? (10 points)

8. Do most films released in theaters make their money back? What other revenue streams are currently available for feature films? (10 points)

Chapter 8: Television, Cable, and Specialization in Visual Culture

9. Describe how narrowcasting and targeted marketing works in the world of cable television. How is this different from how the major broadcast networks traditionally functioned? (10 points)

10. Briefly describe the importance of each of the following pieces of television regulation:

  • Prime Time Access Rule (PTAR) and Financial Interest and Syndication Rules (Fin-Syn) (5 points)
  • Must carry rules (2 points)

Chapter 11: Advertising and Commercial Culture

11. List the strategies described in the textbook that can be used in advertising and persuasion. (10 points)

Chapter 12: Public Relations and Framing the Message

12. What are the differences between advertising and public relations? How does this relate to the idea of paid versus earned media? (5 points)

13. Who was Edward Bernays, and what was his contribution to the world of public relations? (5 points)

14. What are some of the tools a public relations agent can use to transmit their message? In what ways is there a greater potential for deception with these techniques than with traditional advertising? (10 points)

Extra Questions:

B1: Talk about the way in which streaming services have enabled the phenomenon of cord-cutting. How is this new distribution model affecting the traditional broadcast and cable landscape? How is it changing what content gets produced and how audiences consume it? (5 points)

B2: How did film industry’s early attempt at self-regulation, the Hays Code, compare with the current ratings system? What is the role of the MPAA within the movie industry? (5 points)

B3: What are the differences between hard and soft sell techniques? (1 points)

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