ENGL 103 American Academy of English Differences in Sonnet 18 and 130 by Shakespeare Essay

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PPoery in English Submission Deadline Marks and Feedback Before 6pm on: 15 working days after deadline (L3, L4, L5 and L6) xx working days after deadline (Foundation Programme) 19th April,2021 Module title & code Poetry in English ( OMG 40-3) Assignment number and title 1 (Incourse Assessment) Assessment type Essay Weighting of assessment 50% Module learning outcomes 1. Be able to demonstrate creative, critical, and aesthetic understanding of poetry by acquiring awareness of various poetic concepts, theories and terms 2. Interpret the texts from various angles. construct critical appreciation of the listed poems, in terms of theme and figurative language, discussing intelligently and with discrimination cultural and cross-cultural nuances What am I required to do in this assignment? You are required to write a referenced essay in about 2000 words on any one of the following topics. Refer to at least two critical literature related to the poems. 1. Sonnet 18 and Sonnet 130, by William Shakespeare, are two of the most well-known ‘Fair Man’ and’ Dark Lady’ sonnets. Both are similar in theme, however, the two poems are very much contradictory in style, purpose, and the muse to who Shakespeare is writing. Elaborate with proper explanations and quotes from the sonnets. 2. Nature was a philosophical and spiritual guide to Wordsworth. Explain with regards to the poems’ ‘Daffodils ‘’ and ‘’ I wandered Lonely as a Cloud’ ’with the help of suitable quotes and references. 3. ‘’Ode to a Nightingale’’ brings out the elusive nature of happiness in human life and deals with musings on mortality. Explain the Theory of Negative Capability and a brief suspension of disbelief in the poem by John Keats You may follow these guidelines to complete your assignment: 4. Read various academic articles on the poems in questions. 5. Research well on the poet – his/her life, literary contributions 6. Write an academic essay with an introduction to the poet and the poem in question, address the question in the Body and in Conclusion try to relate it to the real life and situations, mention if the poem in question is relevant to the present time. 7. You should be elaborating on the poem using correct poetic devices, poetic concepts and terms 8. Quote from the poems to support your argument. 9. Refer to at least two critical literature related to the poem 10. In text citations and references should be clearly reflected. 11. The writing should be completely yours; copying from other sources without proper attribution will be penalized. Deliverables Submission At the time of submission, you need to make sure that the assignment is your own and all the sources have been acknowledged. Is there a word limit (Number of Words ± 10%)? 2000 words ( +/- 10% ) What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations) You need to show at least some evidence of learning outcomes of the module (mentioned in the Student Handbook). Your language should be comprehensible, interpretation skills and personal opinion manifested. Your assignment should clearly tell your understanding of the content. How do I produce high quality work that merits a higher grade? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Your language should be accurate and free from grammatical mistakes. Content should be well researched and cited. Your interpretation should be apt, properly supported by quotes from the poems in question. Your personal view point should be clearly reflected critical appreciation of the listed poems should be well presented in terms of theme and figurative language Your Research skills should be of high quality How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions? 2 The scheduled sessions will take you through various literary ages and its representational poets and their most famous poems. Your Assignment would evaluate your focus, your detailed study in and outside classrooms. 3 PPoery in English How will my assignment be marked? Your assignment be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page. You can use them to evaluate your own work and estimate your grade before you submit. N o 1 Criterion Informati on and Research Weighi ng (%) 20 Sub Standard / No Attempt (0 Marks) No evidence for information search. Tasks are incomplete. No clear evidence of following the phases to complete the essay. No understanding of the theoretical context. Poor (20 Marks) There is inadequate Information search. Very limited resources are used to discuss the tasks. Limited and uncritical use of a range of sources Inadequate and unsatisfactory understandin g of the theoretical context and unsuccessful completion of tasks. Satisfactory (40 Marks) There is an attempt to address some tasks but some other tasks lack proper focus in discussion. Although information supports the task, it is not properly analysed and it lacks paraphrasing at some areas. There is satisfactory understanding of the theoretical context. There is clear evidence of following phases such as completion Good (50 Marks) Good attempt to address the tasks but one or two tasks lack focus or clarity. Good understanding of the theoretical context but it should have been more focused. Relevant information search is evident, but not adequate. Very Good (60 Marks) Excellent (70 Marks) Very good usage of variety information from various sources. The usage of information can be better if it relates to the context. Contents are properly paraphrased. All tasks are discussed properly. Evidence of very good understandin g of the theoretical context as presented in the section on background and successful Excellent understanding of relevant information and research. Reference to appropriate theoretical background provides support to the discussion. Excellent application of the relevant information from variety of sources. Excellent usage and quoting of the literature. All the tasks are discussed with proper focus. Use of a wide range of appropriate Outstanding (100 Marks) Exceptional use of a wide range of appropriate and current sources, focusing on relevant research and critical awareness of their status and relevance. Outstanding understanding of the theoretical context and clear evidence of following all phases to complete the task. of the essay and information search. 2 Developm ent and Support of Analysis 30 No evidence of analysis as well as supporting description. LNo evidence of critical application of the concepts to the case. No evidence of critical evaluation of material. The discussed tasks are completely out of focus. Task are not properly addressed. Limited evidence of critical evaluation of material. Poor selection and analysis of information and use of supporting description. Although there is evidence for some discussion, they are discrete and lack focus. It does not reflect critical application of the concepts to the case. Limited Satisfactory selection of theoretical information and linguistic data as well as satisfactory supporting description. Evidence of limited critical evaluation in some areas, with some lost opportunities or misunderstand ings Good evidence for critical analysis and reasoning in some areas. There is sporadic evidence of critical evaluation in some areas though some material not evaluated. Good selection of theoretical information and linguistic data as well as supporting description. completion of tasks. Clear evidence of following all phases in the completion of the essay. sources, indicating critical awareness of their status and relevance. Very good selection of theoretical information and supporting description. Very good application of the information to the case. There is evidence of in-depth analysis of data. However, all tasks are not consistent in analysis and could have been be presented in a better manner. Evidence of very good critical appreciation and evaluation of Excellent selection of theoretical information and supporting description. Excellent analysis of the information and precise application to the case. Critical reasoning is evident while discussing the tasks. Evidence of thorough appreciation and evaluation of relevant theory and research and a systematic and creative attempt to relate it to the topic. Evidence of exemplary understanding of theoretical background and research. Reference to appropriate theoretical information provides support to the discussion.Outsta nding selection of theoretical information and supporting description 5 evidence of critical evaluation of material. 3 Structure 10 Lack of statement of objective, introduction, development and conclusion Lack of paragraph structure and distinct representation of data. The assignment is unacceptable. Unsatisfactor y statement of objective, introduction, development and conclusion. Unsatisfactor y paragraph structure and distinct representatio n of the data.The assignment is poor in terms of structuring and clarity of writing. relevant theory and research and a systematic attempt to relate it to the topic. Statement of objective, introduction, development, conclusion and paragraph structure are satisfactory. Though discussion of the ideas is clear, a coherent flow of thought is not evident. The report is unorganized, but can be read. The flow of the report structure is only satisfactory. The assignment has failings in structuring and clarity of written expression, which impair its capacity to Good statement of objectiveGood introduction, development and conclusion Good paragraph structure and distinct representation of data Statement of objective, and introduction, development and conclusion are very good. The report is well structured and well organized. There is orderliness in the structure that communicate s its messages clearly. Coherence is also evident but there is still scope for improvement. Statement of objective, introduction, development and conclusion are all excellentExcellent paragraph structure and distinct representation of data.The report is well organized with a cohesive discussion. The structure of the report is excellent. Outstanding statement of objectiveOutstanding introduction, development and conclusion Outstanding paragraph structure and distinct representation of data.The structure is exemplary and clear layout augments the presentation. Overall organisation of the report is exceptional. 6 communicate the content. 4 5 Language Academic Skills 30 10 No evidence of possession of vocabulary, use of cohesive devices, use of terminology and lack of academic style and accuracy Lack of citation and source acknowledge ment, bibliography, use of appendices and layout Unsatisfactor y possession of vocabulary Unsatisfactor y use and range of cohesive devices Unsatisfactor y use of terminology Unsatisfactor y academic style and accuracy Satisfactory possession of vocabulary, use of a range of cohesive devices, use of terminologySatisfactory academic style and good accuracy. Unsatisfactor y citation and source acknowledge ment Unsatisfactor y bibliography and use of appendices The references do not clearly comply with the basic requirements of HARVARD STYLE. The references are Satisfactory citation and source acknowledgem ent and bibliography Satisfactory use of appendices and layout. The report shows some compliance to HARVARD Referecing Style, but shows many errors. References cited are Good possession of vocabulary Good use and range of cohesive devices -Good use of terminology Good academic style - Good accuracy Good citation and source acknowledge ment, bibliography and use of appendices Good layout Very good possession of vocabulary, use of a range of cohesive devices -very good use of terminologyVery good academic style and accuracy Excellent possession of vocabulary Excellent use of a range of cohesive devices Excellent use of terminology - Excellent academic style Excellent accuracy Outstanding possession of vocabulary, use of a range of cohesive devices - outstanding use of terminology outstanding academic style outstanding accuracy. The report is free of grammar or writing errors. Very good citation, source acknowledge ment and bibliography, use of appendices and layout . The report demonstrates a solid understandin g of the basic elements of HARVARD STYLE of referencing. Sources used to support Excellent citation and source acknowledge ment, bibliography, use of appendices and layout . The report demonstrates excellent HARVARD REFERENCING STYLE. In-text citations are presented at relevant areas. Consistent use Outstanding intext citation and source acknowledgement , bibliography and use of appendices as well as layout. Student recognizes the concept of intellectual property, can defend himself if challenged, and can properly incorporate the ideas and published works of others into his own work 7 inadequate to support the literature used in the report. Sources used show either limited relevance or currency. inconsistent with the amount of literature used in the report. Some sources of information are relevant while others are not. the discussions are relevant and current. of relevant and current sources that enhance the discussions. building upon them. Accurate use of Harvard Referencing style. 8
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Differences in Sonnet 18 and 130 by Shakespeare
William Shakespeare has volumes of fiction material that reflects on the theme of love. In
almost all his writings, the major them is love revealing its extremes and the possible impacts,
incredibly when ill-advised among teenagers and young people. In his sonnets and specifically
sonnet 18 and 130, which are referred to in this essay, the same theme of love dominates. The
author associated the love from his companion with nature, wherein the former Sonnet compares
it to summer times while he reflects on natural things later. In sonnet 18, titled Shall I compare
thee to a summer's day, Shakespeare addresses the beloved whom he asks on whether he shall
compare her to summer's day then focuses on the traits that differentiate the young man from the
said summer. In Sonnet 130, titled My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun, Shakespeare
compares the speaker's lover to several nature beauties and not to the lover's favor. Despite the
same theme explored in the two sonnets, Shakespeare uses different styles, purposes, and muse
in the two sonnets as discussed in this essay.
Styles employed in the sonnets
The styles employed in both sonnets differentiate them despite all explaining and
exploring the love theme as explained in the introduction. Shakespeare uses different types, with
Sonnet 18 utilizing a more traditional poem style compared to sonnet 130. In sonnet 18, the
author shows his readers a picture of his muse in a divine way. In this poem, he uses a complex
metaphor where he compares his subject, the lover, to a summer period while at the same time

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making it easy to fathom. In writing this poem, the poet has that traditional belief that poems are
eternal objects, where they will not change or become altered as they face fresh readers or new
historical contexts (Hale 3). There is the feeling that the Sonnet possesses a set of extraordinary
magical powers, hence proving his traditional approach to the Sonnet. While making the lines,
the port moves as conventional as possible through the pipes, "his friend surpasses the beauty of
summer, as summer will go away and winter come due to periodical changes."
On the other hand, sonnet 130 is easy to understand without complex comparison and
metaphors employed as the former. In style used to write this poem, Shakespeare uses
straightforward comparisons that move from one line to another. Contrary to the former Sonnet,
sonnet 18, the comparison is line o line rather than having one metaphor being explained through
the whole poem, highlighting the difference in style. As stated earlier, the primary contradiction
between sonnet 130 and sonnet 18 is that in 130, the speaker branches off from the ancient
traditional romance in poetry. It is evident that in sonnet 130, Shakespeare does not describe the
person in reference as a true beauty but instead describes the subject as his true love. Therefore,
in this Sonnet, 130, there is movement from traditional romanticism to the most recent form of
love where comparison is the more personal and direct address of partners experienced during
the romanticism era.
Another difference in style visible in both sonnets includes the messages discovered at
the end of each piece. In writing poems, and through Shakespeare's fictional writing expe...

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