BBA 2026 Columbia Southern University Organizational Communication Discussion

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BBA 2026

Columbia Southern University



In "What Was Volkswagen Thinking?," Jerry Useem (2016) discusses James Burke, the CEO of Johnson & Johnson, and highlights Burke’s decision to hold a meeting with his top executives to discuss eliminating the company credo. Burke was concerned that the managers were not reflecting upon the company credo for everyday decisions. He called for a debate among his top managers about the document and the role of moral duties in daily business. Instead of voting to remove it, the managers chose to revitalize the message of the credo within the company (Useem, 2016).

In your response, explain why this meeting was effective. Why do you believe Burke chose this type of channel—where the managers could not only directly talk to him, but they could also talk to each other—over other types of communication?

Your response should be at least 500 words in length.

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What Was Volkswagen Thinking? Useem, Jerry The Atlantic Monthly; Jan/Feb 2016; 317, 1; ABI/INFORM Collection pg. 26 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
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Running head: Organizational Communication

Effective Communication

(Total Words: 620)


Organizational Communication


Effective Communication
Effective skills of communication are essential in daily life, although it is especially
important when desiring to achieve the success of an organization. Poor communication can
rapidly and easily lead to the collapse of a company. Management team must choose the
appropriate type of transmission for the assigned activity. Face-to-face gatherings, email, instant
messaging, telephone conversations, video calls are also popular means of contact in the
corporate world. Many considerations must be weighed before settling on a method of
interaction, such as the value of the information to be conveyed, the number of persons to which
the information must be communicated, the speed at which a response is required (if one is

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