Cumberland Examine Alexa Skill in Ordering Drinks from Starbucks Discussion

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Business Finance



Discussion (Chapter 12): Examine Alexa’s skill in ordering drinks from Starbucks.

Discussion Question 1: Some people say that chatbots are inferior for chatting. Others disagree. Discuss.

Discussion Question 2: Discuss the financial benefits of chatbots.

Discussion Question 3: Discuss how IBM Watson will reach 1 billion people by 2018 and what the implications of that are.

Exercise 1: Compare the chatbots of Facebook and WeChat. Which has more functionalities?

Exercise 12: Research the role of chatbots in helping patients with dementia. Write a report.

Exercise 16: Microsoft partners with the government of Singapore to develop chatbots for e-services. Find out how this is done. Write a report.

TextBook: Analytics, Data Science, & Artificial Intelligence 11th edition

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Explanation & Answer

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Business Intelligence

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Business Intelligence

Part #2
Discussion #1 - Some people say that chatbots are inferior to chatting. Others disagree.
The inferiority or superiority of chatbots lies with its underlying design. Chatbots are
capable of carrying out excellent chatting tasks depending on whether they are appropriately
programmed based on the laid down standards and methodologies or not. Where they are poorly
designed to imitate an actual chatting process, they can be regarded as inferior. Therefore, the
level of investment an organization makes in chatbots determines its quality. Thus the difference
between opinions.
Question 2: Discuss the financial benefits of chatbots.
Chatbots are essential in an organization’s objectives. Chatbots have the capabilities of
saving both time and costs than relying on human beings. Currently, chatbots are embedded on a
corporate website or system to provide support and direction to users. The use of chatbots
ensures quicker responses. Besides, they are also reliable due to their automated replies. Unlike
human beings, chatbots provide support 24/7. All these benefits are critical in increasing
customer confidence in the company’s products. This is because customers receive responses
promptly than having to wait the whole day for reactions. Therefore, chatbots are critical in
increasing productivity and lowering employee costs. Chatbots reduce costs since they are much
cheaper than hiring an employee. Apart from paying employees a monthly salary, they are also
paid allowances, accommodation, medical covers, and require training which signifies more
costs. Besides, the employee may fall sick, which can increase cost...

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