Human development

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Health Medical

Human Development and interaction

Minnesota State University - Mankato


i need help me with my human development paper i will provide all the necessary materials that can help with the assigment.

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Assignment #3 Interview with a Young Adult: “My Life Story” DUE: Friday April 12, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. Directions: Revisit the information and concepts from Chapters 13 - 16 that cover information regarding the development young adults. Having this information as background, you will now: 1. Interview a young adult (chronological age: 20 – 35 years) referencing the five interview questions below. Provide a description of your subject’s body language, comments and questions for clarification as necessary to secure information so that you can address the four prompts in this writing assignment. 2. Possible interview prompts/questions to include are listed below. Feel free to add other questions/prompts you wish to raise with your interviewee: • Describe yourself today in terms of family, personal, material, relationships, and occupation. • Describe yourself as an adolescent in terms of family, personal, material, relationships, and occupation. • Describe your future in terms of family, personal, material, relationships, and occupation. • How would you describe your ideal self in terms of family, personal, material, relationships, and occupation? • Is there anything about the future that you fear? 3. To compose your assignment, first describe the interviewee, e.g. age, gender, general background information, etc. Then, use the information you gathered through your interview to address the four questions listed in item 4. 4. Questions – • Do you see evidence of a unified sense of the past, present, and future sufficiently to be a Life Story? Does it sound like an Autobiography? Do the past, present, and future seem unified? What is your supportive evidence? • Is there reference to a Social Clock? Are there episodes that provide insight into perceived change and continuity of the individual’s life? • What Possible Selves did your subject discuss? Do these responses seem age appropriate? • What is the nature of this person’s Personal Control Beliefs? 5. This assignment is due on Friday 4.12.19 at 5:00 p.m. – no late assignments are accepted. Word process and prepare a 1 ½ - 2 page, single spaced, 12 font, standard margins paper. Please use professional writing skills, e.g. topic sentences for paragraphs, avoid the use of contraction, etc. unless you are providing a direct quote from your subject. The grading rubric for this assignment is listed below – All content required from possible interview questions/prompts is included/referenced within the paper = 10 pts. All prompts for this assignment are addressed within the paper = 15 pts. Written mechanics and paper requirements are followed = 5 pts. Total = 30 pts.
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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

Background of the Interviewee

I conducted the interview, and the respondent was a 26-year-old lady. Her name is Lucy.
She is married and has one child. She was not able to join college because of the financial
constraints at home.

Life Story

During the interview, the past, present, and future of the respondent seemed unified. This
is because what she is today was shaped by what she has been through in the past.

I can describe Julia’s answers as a life story and autography because she explains what
she has been through at each stage of her life

Social Clock

Her life is not a social clock because she does not follow the steps stated by society. After
high school, she started working in a café and then got married. She got a child, and she
wants to join college while she takes care of her family.

Possible Selves

She desires to be a psychologist in the future. In terms of occupation, she knows that it
psychology she wants to study in college. It is linked with her experience of
understanding her parent’s situation, and now she wants to learn more about

Personal Control Beliefs

Her control beliefs rely on her goals. What she wants to achieve makes her motivated to
swork harder.


Interview with Young Adult
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Interview with Young Adult
Background of the Interviewee
I conducted the interview, and the respondent was a 26-year-old lady. Her name is Julia.
She is married and h...

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