During a change initiative, what can organizations use to identify or verify truly objective and measureable success?, Discussion Question help

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Business Finance


During a change initiative, what can organizations use to identify or verify truly objective and measureable success? What does your organization utilize to measure its level of success? 150-200 words

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Explanation & Answer

Hi there,Kindly have a look on the attached file for a complete response to your question. Feel free to reach out here in case something needs my attaention.Regards,Talia

Objective and Measureable Success
Organizational success can be measured with the aid of various instruments. Revenue, as
the chief tool of measuring success, can be relied upon in estimated the growth level or meeting
of the stated objectives. Understanding that any other business has outlined objectives with
estimated earnings expected within a given period of time, this factor can be relied upon as a
measure of success upon the ending of the period. Revenue needs to be considered not just from
a perspective of whether the objectives were met or not, rather the standpoint of increments. I.e.
10% more than anticipated (Griffin & Page, 1993).
However, earnings or revenue should never be considered the only legitimate way of
measuring success in an organization. As a junior accountant working with a small company, we
have had to use varied methods in determining the growth success of the company. Some of
these methods include;
 Marketing approach- This entails reflecting on the marketing vehicles and their
penetration in creating new customer leads.
 Market share- Th...

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