Option #1: Exploring Environments: Forming Online Identity, Relationships, and Communities, homework help

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Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission.

Option #1: Exploring Environments: Forming Online Identity, Relationships, and Communities

Think of the most popular Web-based media you use on a weekly basis. Facebook? Pandora? Twitter? Pinterest? Identify as many as you can!

For this assignment you will do the following:

  1. Create a list of the environments in which you use these Web-based media services.
  2. Discuss whether you only use them at your desk or other locations, such as a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, and when you access these sites.
  3. Explore and discuss what else you are doing while using these media. How does this impact your involvement, focus, and overall experience interacting with the media, and possibly communicating with others?
  4. Discuss how you perceive, approach, and develop your identity, relationships, and the community within these Web-based media environments.
  5. Compare and contrast your perceptions and approaches to current research.


  • Include research from at least 3 scholarly sources. In addition, you may use the course required readings.
  • Write a 4-5 page paper, not counting the required title and reference pages.
  • Your paper must be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. You can find additional helpful guides on making presentations in the CSU-Global Library.

Option #2: Rhetorical Analysis on Internet-based Identity Formation, or Relationship and Community Building

Rhetorical analysis is the study of how a text works—how it achieves (or does not achieve) its purpose(s) in light of its audience in the context in which it functions. In order to better understand how genre, purpose, and audience work in your writing and in texts in the broader public realm, it’s important to become a careful reader. Rhetorical analysis will help you practice rhetorically describing and analyzing a variety of texts.

What falls under the word “text”? Films, documentaries, pamphlets, novels, newspapers, journals, magazines, TV shows, commercials, advertisements, fliers, catalogues, scholarly articles essays, websites, etc.

For this assignment, you will identify a topic related to how individuals form online identities, or build online relationships or communities, make a claim about it (your thesis), and then support this claim with reasons and evidence based on your critical interpretation and scholarly research.


  • Include research from at least 3 scholarly sources. In addition, you may use the course required readings.
  • Write a 4-5 page paper, not counting the required title and reference pages.
  • Your paper must be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. You can find additional helpful guides on making presentations in the CSU-Global Library.

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The Formation of an Online Identity
Your Name (First M. Last)
School or Institution Name


Although online identities can provide individuals with the ability to expand their career
opportunities and keep in touch with their friends and families; the reality is that by participating
on social media sites and forming an online identity, individuals are in fact masking their true
identity. In actuality, when forming an online identity, individuals are creating an image that they
believe others want to see verses portraying their true qualities. The outcome of this can be
detrimental to some, as it causes them to become more susceptible to mental illnesses; such as
depression or anxiety.

The Formation of an Online Identity

Social media has become the platform in which many individuals communicate with friends
in family. These sites allow individuals to communicate almost immediately via features such as
messenger or posting directly to their wall. Additionally, the accessibility of these sites has
escalated from being available only to those that have an extensive knowledge of computers; to

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