Identify a current issue being debated about the American economy, writing assignment help

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This is part one of the class project assessments. Click here to see the overview of the assignments.

Complete a research essay on the government and the economy. Remember this is being written for the president to read.

The U.S. economy is always and issue, even when it's doing well. Here are the aspects and questions to address for this essay:

  1. Identify a current issue being debated about the American economy.
  2. Explain two competing solutions to this problem.
  3. Evaluate which one is preferable.
  4. Address the responsibilities of each level of government, which are federal, state, and local. (Most of the essay will be about the federal government).


  • 300 word minimum length, not including references listed at the end or footnotes if used.
  • Incorporation of concepts and terms from the required readings.
  • Inclusion of facts from a recent news article about the topic/solution.
  • Correct spelling, grammar, and formatting, whether it's APA, MLA, or Chicago/Turabian.
  • See the essay rubric for further details on grading.

Writing tip - Essays should be written in the third person perspective. (Avoid using "I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, you, your").

38 mins ago

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Explanation & Answer


One of the existing issues being debated about US economy is “aging of U.S population”. As
per the 2015 statistics of Central Bureau, around 15% of Americans are over 65 years of age.
The aging population tends to put more pressure on Medicare and Social Security. This causes
an impact on economy, since the retired individuals have to be paid retirement pension,
which is fre...

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