PSYC 110 California State University Fullerton Introspection Process Questions

User Generated



PSYC 110

California State University Fullerton



1. What does the term “introspection” mean to you? Do you think it’s a challenging or an easy process? 

2. Have you ever taken the time to introspect? If so, how was your experience with introspection? If not, what do you think your experience would be like if you ever do choose to introspect?

3. Describe/discuss at least 3 ideals or rules of conduct you live by. 

4. How does the presence or absence of these ideals/rules affect your life? Be specific with each ideal when answering this question.

5. How do you treat others? Give specific examples per group regarding how you act and why you act that way with them. Describe “respect” if you choose to use that term. 


-family or close friends 

-those who serve you in public

6. How do you generally handle disagreements with others (for example: what do you think, how do you feel, what do you do)?

7. Is there a particular topic of conversation which is the most difficult for you to discuss with others (for example: religion, culture, politics)? Provide at least one specific example. 

8. Give an example of one act of kindness (kind words will also work!) that someone engaged in towards/for you. How did it make YOU feel? 

9. Give an example of one act of kindness (kind words will also work!) that you engaged in for someone else. How did it make YOU feel?

10. In regard to social media use, do you present your REAL self? Why or why not? 

11. How much do you value feedback/approval from others (friends and/or followers) in the form of likes, retweets, favorites, comments? Why or why not?

12. In conclusion, what have you learned about yourself in answering all these questions? Include both positive and constructive information, and your potential for additional growth as an individual 

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.



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Introspection refers to the process of examining oneself, including thoughts and mental
processes. An example of introspection includes mental examination, where an individual
thinks about their past behaviors and actions. This is a challenging process because it
involves the examination of both the good and bad aspects of one's thought processes. In the
process of introspection, one takes time in self-reflection as well as understanding oneself
I have taken time to introspect in the past, and this process was challenging, but at the same
time, it was also rewarding. The experience of introspection was one that gave me a better
understanding of myself. This is because it helped me to better understand my strengths and
weaknesses. I consider this to have been successful because it helped me to learn more about
There are different rules of cond...

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