The Godfather- acting styles of three actors, film homework help

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Identify 3 actors from the film The Godfather and classify each according to the acting category listed in your textbook. Explain your reasoning for classifying them in that category by using specific examples from the film. State whether or not you noticed any realistic or stylized portrayals in the film. Focus on one of the actors you chose. Based on other films this actor has played in, would they always be classified in the same category? If so, what does this say about the actor or the category? If not, what can you infer about the flexibility of these categories? Provide evidence (references from other films) to support your reasoning. Must use two outside references and they must be cited in APA format. Only needs to be 200 words. No plagiarism, will check.

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The God father film
God father film was acted in the year 1972 to highlight crime practices in United States.

God father film was directed by Francis Ford and its production was performed by Albert Ruddy.
Among actors who performed th...

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