Commercial Video Production Research Report

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The essay is due the last week of class, but will require several activities that lead up to it. It is a problem/solution essay, and you may choose your own topic as long as it fits the assignment. In your paper, you will research the problem and propose a solution. * Find and post your topic (see assignment sheet below);

Step 1. Read Chapter 15 to find how to write a reader centered long report.

Step 2. Choose a Topic

Step 3. Find or conduct research to use for your report.

Step 4. Create 2 original visuals/graphics in accordance with the rules of chapter 10.

Step 5. Write your report. Use UpSwing to get feedback on the rough draft of your report.

The following links provide the training material about the Discovery Search, which is the broad based search available in our library.

Step 1. Watch the training videos, then login to find at least two articles to use for your research report.

Training for Discovery Search (Links to an external site.)

***Link to Library Modules

2. Once you have viewed the modules, you can log into the Discovery search below.

Link to Discovery Search for Search Everything

3. Find and read at least 2 articles that will be useful for your research report. 

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


Commercial Video Production

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Commercial Video Production


The video shoot is one of the enjoyable tasks in video production but also be a nerveracking task. When creating commercial videos, some problems might occur. These issues
include changing minds, actors getting sick, competition from other video creators, and lack of
enough resources. Many businesses that commercial video producers work with have no or little
experience when in front of the camera and show nervous actions during the shoot. The nature of
creating videos means that issues in production are inevitable. Every video will have its setbacks
that might come up in the course of a project. However, a competent production company should
have skilled people to tackle issues thrown out at them. Commercial video production looks easy
and enjoyable but there so much stress and processes until one gets a final product.

The problem

Schultz (2021) states that Commercials take a longer time to be produced. The timeline
taken does not matter if the production is done by a small or big company. A client gives out a
timeline from the initial contact period with a video production agency to when the company
comes up with the final product. However, the estimated timeline might be longer than likely for
a lot of reasons. The planning, and reproduction meetings, can have one person as a
representative of the production agency. Several meetings will also take place before the
production day. Video producers also face a challenge in coming up with videos that will meet
the demands of the audience. Video production companies that fail to come with this type of
commercial will not attract more clients. Every client will demand a video that can attract the


attention of more clients. Video producers are also backlogged with other projects for it takes
longer to complete every stage of commercial production. Editing takes a lot of time and might
even take the editor 2 to 3 revisions until a final project is made (Jovanović, et al, 2017). One of
the challenging issues in video production is that production companies face a certain amount of
pre-production time allotted in defining the goals as possible. Agencies have several multiple
client projects they are working on at one time. Therefore, they will likely have to limit the
amount of time that has been given in pre-production in understanding the client's vision and
objectives. The third issue is in limitations in video equipment. This is obvious to some but the
equipment that is used in production usually defines the quality output (Schultz, 2021). A lot of
small agencies don’t have quality equipment used in producing videos that they make. They
usually rent the gears and this means that one cannot be sure of when the tools will be available.
Renting a piece of new or unfamiliar equipment, the production team might not have the knowhow to use it and might need some time to get familiar with the equipment. the other problem is
changing the talent pool. This is very common in every agency, especially in filling an
additionally needed hands-on shoot with a third-party video professional. When an agency
option to hire, it becomes more cost-effective to hire local freelancers instead of flying their
camera person. This is not a good idea because the agencies hired can have different experience
levels thus, interfering with production quality. Another issue is the high cost of producing a
video. When both money and timelines are combined, the money invested and required in
creating every video can cost a lot of money.

Apart from the issues mentioned above, commercial video production suffers other
production issues. Bad sound is one of the issues. This hurts to see a lot of videos that have this


problem. Recording as well as outputting a good skill takes good skills. Another challenge that
all production companies face is finding work. This is not a one-time challenge but might be
occurring in the entrepreneurial journey. After getting the clients, maintaining them beco...

Great study resource, helped me a lot.


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