Compile and submit an "Annotated, Working Bibliography" of sources you have so far identified for your research project. To receive full credit, you must list at least five items (but not too many more).
Make a real effort (again, to get full credit) to format them using an MLA "Works Cited" style. See the MLA Guide in Appendix A of our textbook or use the Purdue Owl:
Follow each item with a brief paragraph (3-4 sentences) describing how you hope the source will contribute to your final paper (this is the "annotated" element of the project).
After the annotated list, write a short statement (not more than 2 paragraphs) about aspects/sub-topics of your paper for which may need to do additional research, since the sources you have listed may not fully meet your anticipated needs. Try to explain in some detail.
To summarize the guidelines for your submission:
--5 research sources you've identified and read through, formatted in MLA "Works Cited" style
--For each source you've listed, a 3-4 sentence statement how you expect the source will contribute to your project.
--At the end, a short statement (max: 2 paragraphs) of research you still think needs to be done for the project.
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Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.
Thesis statement: This is an annotated bibliography about the topic of virtual reality and its
impact on human mind. Additionally, it also discusses the research that has happened in this field
and the research needed afterwards.
1. “Why Is Virtual Reality Interesting for Philosophers?”
2. “The Effect of Virtual Reality as a form of Escapism.”
3. "The Impact of Perception and Presence on Emotional Reactions: A Review of
Research in Virtual Reality."
4. "Virtual Reality."
5. "Affective Interactions Using Virtual Reality: The Link between Presence and
6. Short Statement
[Name of Student]
[Name of Institution]
April 9, 2021
Metzinger, Thomas K. "Why Is Virtual Reality Interesting for Philosophers?" Frontiers in
Robotics and AI, vol. 5, 2018. Crossref, doi:10.3389/frobt.2018.00101.
This article was instrumental in explaining how virt...