FLM 130 UC Los Angeles Week 2 Mining Stories by Hannes Dereere Discussion

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FLM 130

University Of California Los Angeles



[Strive to post your Part 1: Individual reflection remarks by the end of Thursday, April 8 (11:59pm). You are encouraged to include a question to your group. Part 2: add a Peer response/second action by the end of Friday, April 9.]. In Week 1, the groups were named after some Asian American-produced documentaries. This week, feel free to change your Group name as you like :)

In our Week Two readings by Michael Rabiger and Broderick Fox, with some key film examples (in class and the Media Exhibits page), we are learning about how documentary filmmakers choose to intercede, or not, in the unfolding of events and behaviors recorded on camera. And noting how the point of view that emerges can vary widely (omniscient, single, personal/autobiographical, multiple). Suggested Writing Length: 250 words or more

Suggested Questions for your discussion:

A. Do one of these documentary film approaches, or modes, stand out to you as particularly appealing, effective, or problematic? In your discussion, do your best to describe what is inherent to that mode. (You can cite a combination of a Week 2 reading, lecture slides, and/or the reference sheet.)

B. Which of these modes or approaches seem most effective for presenting perspectives that can disrupt mainstream narratives about Asian American communities? (This relates to the 2021 short documentary initiative project goal for A-Doc.)

C. Additionally, do you wish to share your example of a particular documentary film that can help us think about the strengths or risks to an approach? (Your example could be from the readings, class exhibits, or your own viewing histories.)

A reminder on the modes we covered: (a quick reference sheet is available at the Week 2 Module)

  • Expository or Omniscient
  • Observational
  • Reflexive
  • Participatory or Cinema Verite
  • Performative
  • Personal or Autobiographical
  • Essayistic

(If you wish to discuss another take on the week's materials, feel free to identify a different frame for your comments.)

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Film Devices Discussion
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Film Devices Discussion
The essayistic film approach tends to bridge the audience with written literature. The
device marks the transition from traditional fiction films to various forms of art. Technological
advancement regarding camera weight and optics have made the essayistic approach effective as
they portray intellect on abstract responses beyond conformist pleasure (Freeman, 2020).
Essayistic films enable the audience to visualize the filmmaker's thought process, fostering
clarity in the expression and facilitating connectivity between the audience and the filmmaker.
According to Freeman (2020), the concept tends to manipulate t...

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