Ethics and Creating a Mission Statement, management homework help

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Business Finance


The company I choose is A&T.

The next phase of your strategic management plan will require you to research your company's history and existing strategic goals. Before we can make major improvements to the business, we first have to understand where they came from and what they're currently trying to accomplish. Use reliable business sources, the company website, and any traditional appropriate sources to gather as much background information that you can.
For the assignment this week, write a paper that's at least two pages in length and addresses the following:

  • Detail the history of the business. Explain how they got their start but focus mostly on how their business has changed over the last 15 years. Provide a picture of how they adapt to change and any major obstacles that they've had to overcome.
  • Include some information on the top executives at the company and the role that they've played in those last 15 years.
  • Provide the company's existing mission statement and code of ethics. In what way do they articulate their ethical practices through policies and public outreach and why is this important?
  • Identify two areas of concern ethically and explain those choices. Make sure to discuss why you feel that are areas of ethical concern. Think critically about where your chosen company has the potential for ethical dilemmas. For example, an accounting firm would be concerned with fraud.
  • Rewrite your company's mission statement. The idea is to provide clarity and set the new strategic direction that you think the company should be moving towards. Include a paragraph explaining the changes that you've made and why.

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Ethics and Creating a Mission Statement
Institution Affiliation




Ethics and Creating a Mission Statement
North Carolina agricultural and technology state university, which is known as the A& T
state university. It is a public university with most of the student remaining to be the individuals
of color or the black student. It is known for its research outreach programs through which
numerous student enroll to various programs offered by the university. The University is a
constituent university of the University of No...

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