PUB 650 Grand Canyon University Health Policy Analysis Review

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Health Medical

PUB 650

Grand Canyon University



The purpose of a policy analysis is to provide advice to a decision maker regarding a specific course of action on a public policy decision. For this assignment, conduct a critical analysis of an existing policy of your choice, either at the local, state, or federal level. Develop a short, written policy analysis (750 to 1,250 words) related to a public health issue of your choice. Refer to the resource "Guidelines for Preparing a Brief Policy Analysis" when preparing this assignment and include the following in the policy analysis:

  1. Problem Statement: A problem statement should be clear, concise, and written in the form of a question that identifies the public health problem addressed in the analysis. The problem statement should be one or two sentences maximum.
  2. Background of the Problem: This section should include factual information and evidence necessary to understand the public health problem, describe why the public health problem is important, and explain why the issue needs attention.
  3. Landscape of the Problem: Key Stakeholders: This section should identify the specific key stakeholders relevant to the policy analysis.
  4. Landscape of the Problem: Key Factors: This section provides the overall context of the issue and should include epidemiological, political, economic, practical/feasibility, legal, and ethical factors.
  5. Available Options for Action: This section should provide an analysis of three to five options for a policy course of action, including the benefits and drawbacks of each course of action. Discuss the evidence and ethical implications of each of the options.
  6. Recommendation: This section should describe one of the previously described options as the recommendation. Clearly identify which option is being recommended and why it was selected over the other options. Describe why it is the best option despite potential drawbacks, and address ways to reduce negative aspects of the recommendation. Describe the potential this policy recommendation could have for public health or health equity.

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Explanation & Answer

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Health Policy Analysis



Problem Statement

Marijuana legalization has been a big issue featured by national and local media (Gabriel,
2019). The use of Marijuana by the youth and adults in the U.S. is increasing and has become a
significant concern in medicine since users are more vulnerable to disorders. However, according
to recent decade's state specialists are developing policies that would be aimed at making
Marijuana to be used for medical purposes. As a result, it has raised concern as people are
developing campaigns that advocate against marijuana legalization.
Background of the problems
Considering that Marijuana has several negative effects, its legalization has raised several
worries (Gabriel, 2019). It has various dreadful effects that raise many concerns in public health.
It leads to addiction, and those who attempt to quit experience depression, anxiety, insomnia, lack
of appetite, and irritability. This drug is prevalent in young adults, and its early uses can lead to
many addiction-related treatments in the healthcare sector.
The landscape of the Problem: Key Stakeholders:
The legalization of Marijuana has brought attention to ...

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