HCCS Mother Baby Sara a 20 Years Old Case Study

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Houston Community College System


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Narrative a story for the case below from her 1st trimester to her delivery, implementing complication that might occur during pregnancy. 1st Trimester example is given below Pls use the sample given as a guide. It’s same patient but this patient will end up having placental abruption with caesarean section delivery. Fraternal twins. Pls including intervention and patient teaching for each trimester Thanks 20-year-old homeless girl pregnant with twins. G1P0 1st Trimester • Normal Labs/procedures: first trimester • This patient will have an abnormal HCG, why? • She is + for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and scabies • Negative drug screen • Estranged from her family and friends; has not seen them in three years. • 5’10” 135 lbs.; BP 110/60, HR 80, R 16, T 986; G1 P0 • States she has been living on the street and an occasional mission • She doesn’t know who the father of the babies is; she was using drugs • Admitted to the ER for excessive vomiting in the street; picked up by the police; she received DX of pregnancy in ER; twins of about 12 weeks, fraternal twins Rubric for Educational Tool Rubr9d Content Content is accurate; patient status is well researched and documented Content is accurate but documentation of patient status needs more thorough development Content is accurate but may need more research to adequately develop Ethics (optional) Contains an ethical issue; pro and con presented Humanities Content includes creative use of the Humanities Ethical issue discussed but only con stand presented Content includes the attempt to use the Humanities as a teaching tool Creativity Creativity in developing educational tool is evident with detailed plan of care each trimester. No spelling errors. No grammar errors. Text is author’s own words Ethical issue discussed with only pro stand presented Content includes the use of the Humanities as a teaching tool but may not be fully developed Some creatively is evident in the planning of educational tool. Few spelling errors. Few Grammar errors. Text is author’s own words Mechanics References Score Required number of references present (3). References reflect peer reviewed journals and/or noncommercial web sites (.com). References in APA format. 100 (20 pts each) Some references cited that reflect peer reviewed journals and/or non-commercial websites (.com). References are in APA format 90 (18 pts each) Content is questionable and information is not documented well making it difficult to follow Ethical issue stated but pro or con not addressed Content includes some mention of the Humanities Content is inaccurate and information is not documented Some creativity evident but does fully develop the educational tool Very little creativity in developing the educational tool No creativity noted in developing the educational tool Some spelling errors. Some grammar errors. Text is in author’s own words. References cited but do not reflect peer reviewed journals and/or non-commercial websites (.com). References are in APA format Some spelling errors. Some grammar errors. Most of text is in author’s own words. References cited but not in APA format. References are not peer reviewed. Many spelling and grammar errors. Text is cut and pasted from original work. 80 (16 pts each) 70 (14 pts each) 60 (12 pts each) No ethical issue present No use of the Humanities is present No references cited. Rubric for Narrative Rubr9d Organization Creativity Mechanics References Score Content is accurate in logical order of trimesters Content is accurate but may not be in order but still easy to follow Content is accurate but trimesters are not distinguishable Narrative reflects extensive use of research tools in a creative way. Creativity in developing narrative is evident with detailed plan of care each trimester. No spelling errors. No grammar errors. Text is author’s own words Narrative reflects some use of research tools Some creatively is evident in the narrative each trimester. Required number of references present (3). References reflect peer reviewed journals and/or noncommercial web sites (.com). References in APA format. 100 (20 pts each) Some references cited that reflect peer reviewed journals and/or non-commercial websites (.com). References are in APA format Narrative reflects use of minimal research tools. Some creativity evident but does not include data for each trimester Some spelling errors. Some grammar errors. Text is in author’s own words. References cited but do not reflect peer reviewed journals and/or non-commercial websites (.com). References are in APA format Score for Narrative: Score for Educational Tool): Average Score of each (final grade): Few spelling errors. Few Grammar errors. Text is author’s own words 90 (18 pts each) 80 (16 pts each) Content is questionable and information is not presented in a logical order making it difficult to follow Narrative is unorganized. Lacks use of research tools. Data present for each trimester but lacks creativity Content is inaccurate and information is not presented in a logical order making it difficult to follow. Some spelling errors. Some grammar errors. Most of text is in author’s own words. References cited but not in APA format. References are not peer reviewed. Many spelling and grammar errors. Text is cut and pasted from original work. 70 (14 pts each) 60 (12 pts each) Narrative has no flow nor evidence research tools. No creativity and no data entry for each trimester No references cited.
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Mother Baby Case Study

First Trimester
Sara, a 20 years old, living in the streets and an occasional mission, is found by the police having
excessive vomiting on the street. She is brought to the hospital and was admitted to the
emergency room. After some careful laboratory testing of blood and urine, the doctor diagnosed
her of being 12 weeks pregnant. Her hCG level is found to be abnormally high, which suggests a
multiple pregnancy. She is 5 foot and 10 inches tall, weighs 135 lbs, her blood pressure is 110/60
which is normal at her age. Sara’s heart rate is 80 beats per minute, respiration rate is 16 breaths
per minute, and current temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. All are at normal condition.
Upon the preconception screening and counseling checklist, it is discovered that she is not sure
who the father is. She has no communication to her family and friends for the last three years. It
is her first pregnancy experience and she has no one to take care of her. She also said that she has
a history of using drugs. After running pre-natal labs, it is confirmed that she is expecting to have
twins. Going back, she was found on the streets having excessive vomiting so she was admitted
for having hyperemesis gravidarum because of high levels of hCG. Sara was NPO so she was
administered IV fluids to prevent dehydration. She was also administered anti-emetics as
prescribed by the doctor. Sara also complained about having yellowish mucus discharge, dysuria
or painful urination, pelvic pain, and itching around limbs, back of the knees, and groin area. She
is diagnosed also with having gonorrhea, scabies, and chlamydia. It needs to be immediately
treated because gonorrhea and chlamydia can be passed to the fetus so the doctor prescribed
Ceftriaxone, Azithromycin and Permethrin. For the drug test, results ...

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