Prince Georges Community College Pharmacology Discussion

User Generated


Health Medical

Prince Georges Community College


Cite all answers - use APA sentence structure and referencing

1. What is selective toxicity?

2.How does antibiotic use promote resistant organisms? What are ways that nurses can help to reduce the spread of resistant organisms in hospitals?

3.What is broad spectrum vs. narrow spectrum antibiotics? Name an example of each.

4.How is clostridium difficile treated initially? How about for a severe infection?

5.What medication can cause “red mans syndrome?” How is this treated?

6.What organs can be affected by aminoglycosides?

7.What are some nursing teaching points for the patient being prescribed Tetracycline?

8.Who is at the highest risk for tuberculosis (name some populations of people).

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Explanation & Answer

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Running head: PHARMACOLOGY


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1. Selective toxicity is the death or damage of one kind of living cells without affecting the
neighboring cells. Selective toxicity occurs due to similarity in the antigen's receptors and the
antigen-presenting cells (Albert, 2012).
2. Antibiotic use promotes resistant organisms due to prolonged exposure to one type of
antibiotic. In other cases, resistant organisms prevail due to improper use of antibiotics, such
as not completing the dose or using the wrong antibiotic to treat a certain bacterial infection.
Nurses can help reduce the spread of resistant organisms in hospitals through correct

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