What is Obesity and What Causes It Article Review

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Health Medical


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Author(s) Journal citation (Include journal, number of pages, and year of publication 2-3 Paragraph Summary 1-2 Paragraph Opinion There will be a series of article reviews that you will need to accomplish for this class. Each article will deal with a different area of nutrition. A form will be provided that you will be asked to fill out. How do you find the article to review? • The article can be about any topic concerning nutrition related to that module (for example anything related proteins) • You may use any source as long as it can be cited and has an author(s) • The summary must be 2-3 paragraphs long so do not pick a short news article • You will also write a 1-2 paragraph opinion concerning the topic. Where people lose the most points is that they do not edit their work. Edit your work and make sure you have written the proper amount. The summary needs to be 2-3 paragraphs long!
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Yvette Brazier
Journal citation (Include journal, number of pages, and year of publication
Brazier, Y. (2018). What is Obesity and What Causes It? Retrieved from
2-3 Paragraph Summary
Obesity is a common medical condition that occurs when an individual has excess body fat or
weight, which might negatively impact their health. Usually...

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