Form #: 2
Cell Bio Lab Final Exam: Part II Instruc ons Sheet
Please use the informa on in this Instruc ons Sheet, that you have been uniquely assigned, to complete your
Final Exam Part II Answer Sheet. Be sure to record your Name, Lab sec on, and Form # on your answer sheet
word doc (available for download in the assignment instruc ons in Canvas). Work on your own and be sure
short answer wri en responses are all typed and paraphrased in your own words to receive credit. (40pt)
1. Did we use SDS-PAGE to purify or verify puri ca on of our recombinant DHFR protein? Explain your
answer. (3pt)
2. Imagine we were to use an an -His tag primary an body for our Western Blot analysis. Based on the data
your lab sec on obtained this semester, indicate your expected results by comple ng the chart below:
an -His
Number of bands
Size of each band (kDa)
His-tagged DHFR
DHFR lysate
Control lysate
*Which speci c data obtained provided ra onale for your above expected result for our GST-DHFR-His
sample and why? List and brie y explain all that apply. (2pt)
3. We an cipate our recombinant DHFR protein to be func onal for use in future research applica ons.
However, if you had been able to test func onality and found that your recombinant GST-DHFR-His protein
was not func onal, what would you propose is one poten al issue you would inves gate to troubleshoot
further. In other words, what is one thing that could have gone wrong to result in non-func onal protein
from the method used and results obtained this semester? Please be speci c with the issue, where in the
procedure it would have occurred, and explain your ra onale. (4pt)
4. Use the DHFR fusion protein nucleo de sequence provided below. Hint: the DHFR fusion protein sequence
you have been provided with here only contains one tag.
a. Which reading frame (5’3’) did you use to translate the sequence: 1, 2, or 3? _______ (2pt)
b. Where is the tag located: At the N-terminus or C-terminus of DHFR? ____________ (2pt)
c. Brie y describe how you found the tag loca on in (b.) above. (2pt)
d. What is the tag used: Myc, FLAG, GST, or His? _____________ (2pt)
e. What is the calculated molecular weight of this fusion protein? __________kDa (2pt)
DHFR fusion protein nucleo de sequence:
5. Once you have expressed and puri ed your DHFR fusion protein from the sequence provided above, you
want to determine the concentra on of the puri ed protein sample for further analysis. Use the following
informa on to answer ques on parts a-d below:
Standard curve equa on: y = 0.0024x + 0.018
Dilu on of puri ed protein sample: 1:5
Absorbance value of protein dilu on: 0.474 (can assume this value is within range of the curve)
a. What is the concentra on of the dilu on analyzed? ________ug/mL (2pt)
b. What is the concentra on of your original (undiluted) sample? ________ug/mL (2pt)
c. Convert your protein concentra on above in (b.) from ug/mL to ug/uL: ________ug/uL (1pt)
d. Complete the following table to prep your DHFR fusion protein sample for SDS-PAGE. You are looking to
load 15ug in a total volume of 40uL. (3pt)
Concentra on
From (c.) above
Concentra on of sample
+ 2X Laemmli (ug/uL)
(Bringing Laemmli to 1X)
Volume (uL) of
sample+Laemmli mix
needed for 15ug
Volume (uL) of
1X Laemmli
solu on to bring
total vol to 40ul
6. Imagine you produce, purify, and analyze this DHFR fusion protein from ques on 4 & 5 above by Western
Blot using an an -DHFR primary an body. You obtain the following unexpected result: There is no band
present from your DHFR fusion protein sample nor is there a band present from the puri ed His-tagged
DHFR control sample. Would any of the following errors likely explain this unexpected result? Yes or No and
why for each? (6pt)
a. The transfer apparatus was connected to the wrong electrodes (electrical current was provided in the
wrong direc on) and proteins did not transfer onto the nitrocellulose membrane
b. You accidentally added an an -FLAG an body instead of an an -DHFR an body at the primary
an body incuba on step
c. You forgot to perform the wash steps during puri ca on, so your DHFR sample was contaminated with
other proteins.
7. When screening for new DHFR inhibitor molecules to treat bacterial infec ons, do you want the molecule
to speci cally target prokaryo c DHFR, eukaryo c DHFR, or both? Brie y explain your ra onale. (2pt)
8. Which Labster simula on (Molecular Cloning, Protein Synthesis, Signal Transduc on, ELISA) do you feel was
most helpful to your understanding of our recombinant DHFR project procedures and why? (2pt)
(For a reminder of the content and skills covered in each, you can visit the Simula on page summary for
each in the Week 2, 3, 7, and 10 Canvas modules.)
Molecular cloning simulation
About this Learning Simulation
Molecular cloning is one of the techniques that has laid the foundation for modern
biotechnology. The technique was first used in the 1980′s and allowed the insertion of an
insulin gene derived from humans to be inserted into yeast and coli bacteria. This allowed
the microbes to produce insulin, which is the primary medication in diabetes treatment.
Since then, molecular cloning and genetic engineering has become one of the most
fundamental techniques ranging from pharmaceutical production, bioethanol production
along with medical to basic research. In the Molecular Cloning lab, you will learn how to
assemble an expression vector containing RAD52 and GFP. The aim is to control the
expression level of RAD52 with Doxycyline and to monitor the expression level by observing
the GFP signal.
Vector assembly
In the first part of the Molecular Cloning lab, you will learn how to extract DNA from yeast
cells and restrict enzyme isolation in DNA from another vector. First, you will prepare the
extracted DNA and measure the concentration, and then, you will assemble a vector
containing a gene of interest (RAD52) and GFP using the correct ligase, buffer and
temperature of incubation.
The assembled vector will be transformed into yeast cells using electroporation. RAD52 gene
expression is regulated by a gene regulator. When Doxycyline is added to the media, RAD52
gene will be silenced. GFP is used as a reporter gene to RAD52, cells with active RAD52 will
also express GFP and cells with silenced RAD52 will not express GFP. The GFP signal is
monitored by exposing the cells to blue light.
DNA damage and repair system
RAD52 is hypothesized to be an important player in DNA repair. You will perform an
experiment comparing the result of induced DNA damage through UV radiation in cells
expressing RAD52 and cells with silenced RAD52. If RAD52 is important in performing
DNA repair, cells with silenced RAD52 will not survive the UV radiation treatment. All in
all, the Molecular Cloning lab will give you an overview of the molecular cloning techniques
and the reporter gene, and you will learn all about DNA damage and DNA repair system.
Protein Synthesis Simulation
About this Learning Simulation
In the Protein Synthesis lab, you will learn about the difference between protein synthesis in
prokaryote (using E. coli) and eukaryote (using CHO cells).
Prepare recombinant Erythropoietin and use the mass spectrometer
Your first task in the lab will be to prepare recombinant Erythropoietin that is transfected
into E. coli and CHO cells. The lab assistant will prepare the recombinant EPO and you will
measure the mass to charge ratio using a mass spectrometer. Not sure how to handle the mass
spectrometer? No worries! You can just take out your labpad and find an animated video to
learn the basics.
Study the translation process from mRNA to amino acids
You will also learn about the translation process from mRNA to amino acids and how amino
acids are assembled to proteins. A 3D animation is shown describing how triplets of codons
are translated into amino acids, how these amino acids are joined together by peptide bonds
creating a primary structure of protein, and furthermore, how the primary structure is folded
into secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure.
Investigate doping in bike athletes
In the last part of the Protein Synthesis lab, you will use mass spectrometry and investigate if
there are any athletes who are using rhEPO as a doping substance. You will do so by
collaborating with the doping agent who collects urine samples in a large bicycle race.
Will you be able to detect if any of the athletes are using doping?
Simulation: Signal Transduction
About this Learning Simulation
In this simulation, you will learn how tumor cells send signals to surrounding cells to help
promote tumor growth, and how this signal is transmitted inside the cell.
Analyze patient samples by western blotting
As a researcher in the R&D department of a big pharma company, your mission will be to
test the hypothesis that increased blood vessel growth, also called angiogenesis, plays a role
in breast cancer development. To investigate this idea, you will perform a western blot
experiment to test for the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR)
expression in patient samples compared to healthy tissue samples.
Learn about VEGFR signal transduction
Following the interpretation of initial results, you will learn more about how VEGFR, a
receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) transmits an external signal to the inside of the cell, and how
this influences angiogenesis. You will be able to follow the process in a 3D animation.
Develop a strategy for breast cancer therapy
Finally, your mission is to test different inhibitors targeting VEGFR signaling. You will
design an experimental approach to test for the activity of this specific class of RTKs.
Will you be able to identify a promising new drug candidate for treating patients with breast
Simulation: ELISA
About this Learning Simulation
Trying to capture a specific protein amongst thousands of types of proteins is like looking for
a needle in a haystack. In the ELISA simulation, you will join scientists who are using a
groundbreaking technique for detecting and quantifying substances, such as protein. The
method is called Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). You will help Dr. Lisa
quantify Factor IX protein, which is used for hemophilia drugs.
Detecting Factor IX
In the simulation, Dr. Lisa is working on producing protein used for treating hemophilia
patients. The protein is called Factor IX. She produces them in different cell lines. However,
she needs your help to determine which cell lines produce Factor IX the most. To help Dr.
Lisa, you will perform an ELISA technique.
Performing ELISA
Scientists have developed numerous kinds of ELISA. You will learn the principles of the
most common ELISA method. ELISA is about antibody and antigen, which you should
already be familiar with. Once you understand the principle of each type of ELISA, you will
have to decide which ELISA technique you want to use.
Analyzing the results
Not all experiments run smoothly. In this simulation, you will compare good and bad results.
By comparing the results, you will be able to perform basic troubleshooting for your results.
Finally, you will interpolate your data to find out which cell lines are producing Factor IX
the most.
Will you be able to help Dr. Lisa in reducing the production cost of hemophilia drug?
SDS-PAGE Gel Code Blue and
Western Blot analysis
Data Images
See well labels, order of sample loading may vary
Gel code blue staining of SDS-PAGE gel
Western Blots
Anti-rabbit alkaline phosphatase secondary antibody was used + NBT substrate for detection
Production of Recombinant
Dihydrofolate Reductase
Cell Biology Lab Manual
PCB 3023L
Department of Cell Biology, Microbiology and Molecular Biology
University of South Florida, Tampa
Spring 2021
Adapted from the Protein Expression and Purification Series, Courtesy of Bio-Rad
Laboratories, Inc., © 2011.
Table of contents
Recombinant Protein Expression and Purification
Cell and Plasmid Selection for Protein Expression
Protein Purification and Quantification
SDS-PAGE and Western Blot
Computational Sequence Analysis
Protein Expression and Purification Series
Recombinant Protein Expression and Purification
Why Produce Proteins Recombinantly?
To be used for research, industrial or pharmaceutical purposes, proteins need to be purified in large
quantities. Some proteins, like casein, which makes up 20% of the protein content in milk, can easily be
extracted from a readily available source in large quantities. However, most proteins are not naturally
produced in a form and in amounts that allow easy purification. The techniques of genetic engineering
overcome the limitations of naturally produced proteins by making cells synthesize specific proteins in
amounts which can be purified for use in fundamental research or for industrial and therapeutic
Biogen, one of the first companies to develop recombinant proteins, is using genetic engineering to
produce human interferon beta-1a in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and is sold under the
tradename Avonex. A similar form of recombinant human interferon, interferon beta-1b, is expressed in E.
coli and sold by Bayer under the drug name of Betaseron. (An interferon is an immune protein
produced in response to a virus, bacteria, parasite, or tumor cell.) Both recombinant human
interferon beta-1a and 1b have been developed, tested, and brought to the market to help slow
the progression of multiple sclerosis. Without recombinant production of these proteins in CHO cells
or in E. coli, there would not be an easy way to obtain this protein for therapeutic usage.
Table 5.1 Human proteins produced by genetic engineering. Human proteins produced via genetic engineering and the
disease or disorder they are used to treat.
Used in the treatment of
Growth disorders
Growth disorders
Factor VIII
Factor IX
Christmas disease
Leukemia and other cancers, MS
Cancer, AIDS, MS
Cancers, rheumatoid arthritis
Cancers, immune disorders
Granulocyte colony stimulating factor
Tumor necrosis factor
Epidermal growth factor
Fibroblast growth factor
Tissue plasminogen activator
Heart attack
Superoxide dismutase
Free radical damage in kidney transplants
Lung surfactant protein
Respiratory distress
alpha 1-antitrypsin
Serum albumin
Used as a plasma supplement
Used to aid childbirth
Protein Expression and Purification Series
Choice of Cell Type
The biotechnology industry uses several cell types, both prokaryotic (bacteria) and eukaryotic
(animal, fungi, plant), to synthesize recombinant proteins. The choice of the host cell depends on
the protein expressed.
Bacteria can express large amounts of recombinant protein, but the expressed proteins
sometimes do not fold properly. In addition, bacterial cells cannot carry out the post-translation
modifications that are characteristic of some of the proteins made by eukaryotic cells. The most
important post-translation modification is glycosylation, the covalent addition of sugar residues to
the amino acid residues making up the protein. Glycosylation can change the structure and thus
affect the activity of a protein. Many mammalian blood proteins are glycosylated, and the addition
of these sugars often changes the rate of turnover (half-life) of the protein in the blood, because
proteins that are misfolded will be quickly degraded. If glycosylation is important for the function
of the protein, mammalian cells are the cell type of choice, but these cells produce less protein
and are more expensive to grow.
In the early days of the biotechnology industry Escherichia coli (E. coli) was the bacterial host of
choice. This species had been used as the primary experimental system to study bacterial
genetics for decades. More was known about the molecular biology of E. coli than any other
species, and many genetic variants were available. In addition E. coli grows quickly, can reach high
cell concentrations, and can produce large quantities of a single protein. It is also relatively
inexpensive to grow. Today E. coli remains the bacterial system of choice, and many companies
produce recombinant proteins using this bacterial species. Insulin, the first protein produced by
genetic engineering, was produced in E. coli. Blockbuster products like human growth hormone and
granulocyte colony stimulating factor (which increases white cell production in cancer
chemotherapy patients) are also produced using this bacterial species. In general, if a protein’s
properties allow it to be produced in bacteria, then E. coli is the system of choice.
For recombinant protein expression in lower eukaryotic cells, two yeast species are commonly used:
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) and Pichia pastoris (P. pastoris). S. cerevisiae is the yeast species
used to make bread, wine and beer. Baker’s yeast is used in research laboratories as a model
system to study the genetics of eukaryotic cells. P. pastoris is a yeast species initially discovered by
the petroleum industry. It divides rapidly, grows to a very high cell density, and can produce large
quantities of a single protein. In addition, it can be genetically engineered to secrete the protein
into the surrounding medium to allow easier recovery. Both species can glycosylate proteins,
although the glycosylation patterns may differ from mammalian patterns. The sugars that are
added to the protein and their position on the amino acid chain may differ between yeast and
mammalian cells. Despite these advantages, relatively few biotech companies use yeast as a
production system. The exceptions are the vaccine that immunizes against hepatitis B virus and
the vaccine Guardasil that immunizes against HPV, the human papillomavirus.
If a protein has a very large and complex structure, or if that protein requires glycosylation to be
active, then the protein must be produced in a mammalian cell line. Chinese hamster ovary cells
(CHO) is the cell line that is almost always used. CHO cells bear relatively little resemblance to the
cells of the hamster from which they were derived in the 1950s; they have adapted to growth in
cell culture medium. Cell lines are established when cells from a multicellular organism are
separated from one another by a protein-digesting enzyme and grown as if they are really a
unicellular organism. The cells require a rich medium that provides them with all of the amino
acids, vitamins, and growth factors that they need to grow. This complexity means that
mammalian growth medium is many times more expensive than the media used to grow either
bacterial or yeast cells. The CHO cell lines can be adapted for growth in suspension culture. The
CHO cell lines are most often engineered to synthesize the protein of interest on the ribosomes
Protein Expression and Purification Series
attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum, to package and glycosylate the protein in the
Golgi apparatus, and to eventually secrete the protein into the extracellular medium where it is easier
to purify.
CHO cells can glycosylate proteins with a mammalian glycosylation pattern. If glycosylation is
important to the function of the protein, CHO cells should be used. Because CHO cells divide
slowly, the production runs are much longer than with E. coli (on the order of weeks rather than
days). All equipment and all growth media must be scrupulously sterilized. A single contaminating
bacterial cell will overgrow the culture and will lead to that batch being discarded. Although the
growth of CHO cells takes longer, uses expensive media, and presents a greater risk of
contamination, the isolation of the proteins that these cells produce is usually easier than in
bacterial or yeast cells.
Interferon beta provides a good example of how the end product influences the choice of
expression system for recombinant proteins. Avonex, the human interferon beta-1a form
produced in CHO cells, is glycosylated; while Betaseron, the human interferon beta-1b form
produced in E. coli, is not glycosylated. Since glycosylation is important for interferon beta-1a
function, it is produced in CHO cells.
Table 5.2 Advantages and disadvantages of using bacteria, yeast and mammalian cells to produce recombinant
Contamination risk
Cost of growth medium
Product titer (concentration)
Yes, but different pattern
Relative ease to grow
Relative ease of recovery
Deposition of product
Intracellular or extracellular
Often secreted into media
Table 5.3 Examples of pharmaceutical products and the cell line used to produce them.
Cell Line
Escherichia coli
Human growth hormone
Escherichia coli
Granulocyte colony stimulating factor
Escherichia coli
Tissue plaminogen activator
CHO cells
Pulmozyme (DNase) cystic fibrosis
CHO cells
Erythropoietin induces red blood cell production
CHO cells
Hepatitus B virus vaccine
Human papillomavirus vaccine
Rituxan rheumatoid arthritis, non-hodgkins lymphoma, leukemia
CHO cells
Herceptin breast cancer
CHO cells
Choice of Plasmid
Once the cell type has been chosen, the plasmid or vector to express the protein needs to be
selected. Different plasmids are used for expression of proteins in bacteria, yeast and higher
Protein Expression and Purification Series
eukaryotic cells. Some features that need to be considered in the plasmid include: selection
system (such as antibiotic resistance), the promoter, the copy number of the plasmid,
presence of signal peptide sequence to excrete the expressed protein out of the cell,
presence of sequence coding for a protein purification tag or DNA coding for fusion protein
Antibiotic resistance is a common component of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic vector systems. The
presence of a gene for antibiotic resistance allows for selective retention of the plasmid and
suppression of growth of any cells that do not contain the plasmid. However, to ensure safety
for expression systems being used for vaccine and therapeutic protein production, other
selection systems can be used such as the expression of a required metabolic enzyme that has
otherwise been deleted from the host organism.
The promoter controls the level of gene expression. It can be either constitutive, meaning that it is
always active and there is no control over when the protein of interest is expressed, or
inducible, meaning that its activity can be triggered by external factors. Examples of inducible
promoters are the heat shock promoters, which are activated by a change in temperature.
These promoters are derived from naturally occurring sequences in organisms that need to
express a different protein when they are in a warm environment versus a cold one. Other
inducible promoters are activated by the addition of a chemical such as lactose or its analog IPTG
in the case for the LacZ promoter in E. coli. The T7 promoter is an example of a chemically induced
promoter system. For industrial applications, genes for the protein of interest tend to be under
inducible control.
The copy number of a plasmid depends
on the origin of replication present in the
plasmid. The origin of replication
determines the level of control of replication
of the plasmid, and if the plasmid is under a
relaxed control more copies can be made.
The size of the plasmid and size of the
insert also affect the number of copies. If
there are more copies of the plasmid in cells
it is possible for them to produce more
protein than cells that have fewer copies of
the plasmid. Plasmids used for cloning
such as pUC tend to be higher copy
number while plasmids used for protein
expression tend to be larger and have
lower copy number.
Prokaryotic Cells
Eukaryotic Cells
Bacterial/Yeast Culture
Cell Culture
Cell Lysis and Protein Extraction
To facilitate the purification of the
expressed protein, DNA sequences coding
for a signal (amino acid sequence) that
targets the protein of interest to be
secreted into the periplasmic region of
E. coli or into the extracellular medium for
eukaryotic cells, can be fused to the
gene of interest. Other tags that are
commonly added are fusion proteins to
increase the solubility of the expressed
protein (such as glutathione-SFigure 5.1 Gene Design For Recombinant Protein Production.
Protein Expression and Purification Series
transferase, GST) or affinity tags (polyhistidine or GST tags) that can be used to selectively purify
the recombinant protein.
Choice of Cell Expression System
Once the cell expression system has been determined for recombinant protein production, the
gene construct to express the recombinant protein needs to be designed. This could be as
simple as taking the coding sequence of the gene of interest as it exists in the parent organism
and inserting this sequence into an expression plasmid for the cell system being used. However,
this usually does not produce optimal levels of recombinant protein when the gene is expressed
in a heterologous system (a cell or organism different from the one where the gene is naturally
found) because the preferred codon usage for various species differs. For example, the codon
GGA for glycine can be found at a frequency of 16.4 times per 1000 codons in human genes
while it is only used 9.5 times per 1000 codons in E. coli genes. Therefore, there is a chance that
leaving this codon in the recombinant gene might lead to lower levels of recombinant expression
due to a scarcity of tRNA molecules for GGA.
A second consideration for recombinant gene design is whether or not the protein of interest is expressed in a
soluble or in an insoluble form. If a protein is expressed in an insoluble form, it can be easier to initially
separate it from components, such as nucleic acids, phospholipids and soluble proteins, by
centrifugation. An insoluble protein is also relatively protected from the action of proteolytic proteins
that are present in the host cell that can be released upon lysis of the cell. However, if a fully
functional recombinant protein is desired, it is necessary to refold the insoluble protein to its native
conformation, which many times proves extremely problematic especially if the fully refolded protein
has disulfide bonds and multiple subunits.
The ability to express a recombinant protein in the soluble form is partially dependent on the protein
being expressed as well as the rate of expression of the recombinant protein. If the protein is
expressed at an extremely high rate, it could overwhelm the native proteins involved in folding
proteins (such as chaperonins) in the cell host. The rate of expression can be controlled by the
promoter system involved such as the T7 polymerase system used commonly in E. coli.
A final consideration for recombinant protein gene design is how the recombinant protein will be
purified from the other host cell components. Some recombinant proteins, such as antibodies,
have a specific antigen against which they were raised and hence can be purified by binding to
that molecule (affinity chromatography).* Other recombinant proteins have a very large positive
or negative charge associated with them and can be purified by binding to charged resins (ion
exchange chromatography). Some proteins do not have any strong distinguishing property, and
an affinity tag, such as GST or a histidine tag can be added as a DNA sequence to the gene of
interest at either the 5' or 3' end of the recombinant gene. The tag attached to the protein
enables the specific purification of the recombinant protein using affinity chromatography
*Antibodies can also be purified by binding to Protein A, a surface protein of Staphylococcus aureus which has
high affinity for immunoglobulins. Protein A is commonly used for the first step in the purification of antibodies
in industrial applications.
DHFR—Our Protein of Interest
The focus in the experiment here is on the protein dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), which is
essential for proper cell function and illustrates the importance of basic oxidation– reduction
enzymatic reactions. DHFR is an enzyme that converts
Protein Expression and Purification Series
dihydrofolate, a folic acid derivative, into tetrahydrofolate (THF) by
the addition of a hydride from NADPH. Tetrahydrofolate is a
methyl group shuttle required for the synthesis of purines,
thymidylic acid, and amino acids, all essential for nucleic acids.
DHFR is ubiquitous in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, and is found
on chromosome 5 in humans. Deficiency in DHFR has been linked
to megaloblastic anemia, an anemia disorder with larger-thannormal red blood cells, as well as cerebral folate metabolism
disorders. Both are treatable with folic acid and/or Vitamin B12,
depending on symptoms. Being able to control DHFR makes it a
powerful tool not only for research and gene manipulation but
also for medical treatments for cancer and malaria. When DHFR
is inhibited or reduced, it leads to a shortage of thymidylates,
interfering with nucleic acid synthesis. A lack of nucleic acid
synthesis thus interferes with cell growth, proliferation, and
ultimately causes cell death.
DHFR Cancer Connection
Cancer occurs when a particular cell loses the ability to control its
division. These dividing cells spread, displace normal cells, disrupt
the architecture of tissues, and use up the nutrients required by
normal cells. Surgery can remove most of the cells in a solid
tumor, but malignant cancers send out colonizing cells called
metastases that use the blood and lymph systems to spread far from
the tumor and non-solid tumors, such as leukemia or lymphoma,
are not confined to one specific area. Clinicians use radiation or
chemotherapy to kill these cells.
Figure 5.2 DHFR protein structure.
Chemotherapy drugs target cancer cells by disrupting the functions of actively dividing cells. This
strategy exploits the fact that most of the cells in an adult are not dividing. Therefore, chemotherapy
damages the rapidly dividing cancer cells by disrupting structures required for mitosis, like spindle
fibers, or by disrupting the production of nucleotides required for DNA replication. One of the first
chemotherapeutic agents was methotrexate, a folic acid analog that interferes with folic acid
metabolism. Treatment with methotrexate limits the ability of dividing cells to make nucleotides by
competitively inhibiting the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). When the enzyme DHFR is
inhibited, cancer cells cannot divide and spread.
Occasionally after repeated treatments with methotrexate, a patient’s cancer will develop a
methotrexate resistance and will stop responding to the drug. Some of these resistant cells when
examined show that the resistance was due to an increased copy number of DHFR genes. This
gene amplification leads to increased levels of DHFR protein in the cell and therefore an increased
ability to catalyze its reaction and produce nucleotides, even in the presence of methotrexate.
DHFR and Malaria
DHFR is also integral to parasite cell metabolism. Malaria is caused by the parasite Plasmodium
falciparum, which is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. Once in the human bloodstream,
the parasite multiplies, eventually causing headaches, fever, coma, and ultimately, death if
Protein Expression and Purification Series
Like in humans, interrupting the DHFR pathway in Plasmodium leads to reduced DNA synthesis:
blocking DHFR successfully blocks Plasmodium falciparum multiplication. There are many drugs to
treat malaria, but drug-resistant strains are becoming more and more common. Strains
resistant to the once effective DHFR inhibitors pyrimethamine, sulphadoxine, and methotrexate
are appearing.
Having a system to produce recombinant DHFR to study its enzymatic activity and develop
inhibitors for chemotherapy or antimalarial drugs could be a powerful tool in developing new
therapeutics. Scientists continue to search for effective drugs to stop the spread of malaria and
cure those infected with malaria.
Use of DHFR in Biomanufacturing
The regulation of the DHFR gene amplification phenomenon described above is used to produce
genetically engineered CHO cells to biomanufacture particular therapeutic proteins. Cells
containing the gene of interest and DHFR are treated with methotrexate leading to the
amplification of the DHFR gene; since the gene of interest lies next to the DHFR gene, the
transgene is amplified too. This increases the amount of protein produced by the cells. Individual
clones are separated and independently tested for their ability to produce protein and to divide. A
particular clone that produces a large amount of protein and that retains its ability to divide quickly,
will become the master cell bank from which all subsequent cells for production runs will be pulled.
Cell and Plasmid Selection for Protein Expression
Recombinant Production of DHFR Cell Selection
In this series of laboratory exercises, you will express the human DHFR gene in E. coli, a recombinant protein host
system that is used extensively for research and industrial purposes. The bacteria have a quick doubling time (20 minutes)
and are easy and inexpensive to culture, induce, and lyse to release cell contents. Also, posttranslational
modifications such as phosphorylation and glycosylation are not required for the human DHFR to function properly,
also making E. coli a good selection.
Plasmid Selection
A high level of expression with tight regulation is desired so the pET21a plasmid system will be used.
This plasmid contains the constitutively expressed β-lactamase gene that confers resistance to ampicillin. The pET21a
vector used contains the T7 promoter. This vector is used with a specific type of E. coli, the BL21(DE3) strain. This
strain has been engineered to contain the T7 RNA polymerase gene (a gene that is not endogenous to bacteria)
placed under the control of the inducible lac promoter. Addition of lactose or its analog IPTG to the growth medium,
will induce the expression of the T7 RNA polymerase and, thus, the expression of any gene placed downstream of
the T7 promoter. In the absence of the inducer, there is no expression of the gene.
Figures 1.3.a (above) and 1.3.b (below). Protein expression control using the pDHFR plasmid in a BL21(DE3) E. coli.
Protein Expression and Purification Series
Figure 1.3a shows the use of the pDHFR plasmid in BL21(DE3) E. coli having tightly controlled expression
of GST-DHFR-His. Both the BL21(DE3) E. coli genomic DNA and the pDHFR plasmid contain the lac I gene
which codes for the lac repressor protein. Both the BL21(DE3) E. coli genomic DNA and the pDHFR plasmid
also have recombinant genes that are inserted after a lac operon site. In the BL21(DE3) E. coli genomic DNA,
the inserted gene codes for bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase. In the pDHFR plasmid, the inserted gene
codes for the fusion protein GST-DHFR-His. Before the lac operon, the BL21(DE3) E. coli genomic DNA has
a native E. coli RNA polymerase promoter site. This is different than on the pDHFR plasmid where before the
lac operon, there is a bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase promoter site. The lac repressor protein is
constitutively expressed, and when there is no lactose or its analog IPTG present, the lac repressor protein
binds to the lac operon on both the genomic and plasmid DNA, preventing binding of the appropriate RNA
polymerase and transcription of genes downstream from the lac operons, T7 RNA
polymerase and GST-DHFR-His, respectively.
Figure 1.3b shows that once lactose or its analog IPTG has been added, the lac repressor protein
detaches from the lac operon on both the genomic DNA and the pDHFR plasmid. This allows binding of
the constitutively expressed E. coli RNA polymerase to the E. coli RNA polymerase promoter site on the genomic
DNA and starts the transcription of the bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase gene. Once the bacteriophage
T7 RNA polymerase gene has been transcribed and translated into protein, the bacteriophage T7 RNA
polymerase binds to the promoter region on the pDHFR gene. Once bound, the bacteriophage T7 RNA
polymerase transcribes the recombinant gene GST-DHFR-His coded for on the pDHFR plasmid.
Gene Design
When expressed in E. coli using the pET21a system, the human DHFR is insoluble. To increase its solubility, a
GST tag was added to its N-terminus. A six histidine sequence (polyhistidine tag) was added to the
C-terminus of DHFR to allow for easy purification by metal affinity chromatography. The resulting plasmid
codes for a GST-DHFR-His fusion protein that can be expressed in E. coli BL21(DE3).
Culturing E. coli for Protein Expression
Logarithm of viable cells
The starting point in the Protein Expression and Purification Series is lyophylized BL21(DE3) E. coli containing
pDHFR which will be rehydrated and plated to generate individual colonies. An initial culture is grown to
saturation from a single bacterial colony picked from a Petri dish. This culture is used to initiate a larger
culture that is grown to mid-log phase at which stage expression of the recombinant protein is induced by
addition of IPTG to the medium. Determining when cells have reached their mid-log phase of growth is
accomplished by measuring the absorbance of the culture at 600 nm. An OD600 of 0.6–1.0 is
the typical target for induction. At this point the cells are dividing rapidly, and production of the protein will
be optimal.
Figure 1.4. Depiction of cell growth phase in relation to
overall culture viability.
For the GST-DHFR-His construct in the BL21(DE3)
E. coli an overnight culture containing 1% glucose
is grown from a single colony on an LB/amp
plate. The 1% glucose is added to ensure that
the lac operon remains repressed and no T7 RNA
polymerase or GST-DHFR-His is expressed. Leaky
expression (not actively induced) of recombinant
proteins is generally undesirable because expression
of the recombinant protein may be
toxic and prevent bacterial growth. The overnight
culture (late log/stationary phase) is diluted in fresh
LB medium and allowed to grow until mid-late log
phase. At mid-log phase, expression of GST-DHFR-HIS
is induced by addition of IPTG. Cells will use their internal
Protein Expression and Purification Series
biochemistry to produce the recombinant protein and will not divide as quickly or at all. After induction has
been completed, cells are recovered by centrifugation, and protein is extracted from the cell pellet.
Protein Purification and Quantification
Introduction to Protein Purification
Protein purification is an important step in biotechnology workflows. It is the isolation of the protein
of interest so that it may be used in subsequent research, for diagnostic tests, or for pharmaceutical production. The
purity needed depends on its end use. For proteins used in research 90–95% purity may be sufficient but for proteins used
for pharmaceutical applications, much higher purity levels (up to 99.99%) must be reached. How purification is done
will depend on the type of protein engineered, the volume of protein to be purified, the degree of purity required, and
the availability of special laboratory equipment.
The first step in the purification workflow is to extract the protein from the cells by lysing, or breaking them open.
Techniques used for lysing cells depend on what type of cell—bacterial, plant, or mammalian—was used to
produce the protein as well as where the protein is produced in the cell. Freeze-thaw cycles, enzymatic digestion,
chemical breakdown, and mechanical disruption methods such as sonication or grinding (mortar and pestle) are
some of the cell lysis techniques available. In this laboratory the E. coli cells are lysed in a buffer containing lysozyme,
an enzyme which digests the cell wall, along with freeze-thaw cycles. Once the cells are lysed, the soluble and
insoluble components are separated by centrifugation. The insoluble components form a pellet at the bottom of the tube
while soluble components will remain in the aqueous phase. (Not only proteins are found in the cell lysate, but also
nucleic acids, sugars, phospholipids and other cell components.) When present in high concentration, nucleic acids
(mostly genomic DNA) render the aqueous phase viscous making it difficult to isolate the recombinant protein. To
reduce viscosity the genomic DNA can be broken down using sonication (ultrasound), a French Press that shears
the DNA by pushing the cell lysate through a narrow opening at very high pressure or shearing the lysate using a
narrow gauge syringe needle. These treatments break the genomic DNA down into small fragments and reduce
viscosity. The DNA can also be degraded enzymatically by addition of a DNase. A too viscous soluble fraction of
protein can be problematic since it may clog the resin and the frit (bed support) of the chromatography column
during the subsequent protein purification step.
Isolating the Recombinant Protein of Interest
Proteins are usually purified by chromatography. There are a variety of chromatographic methods to choose
from; the method used will depend on the protein’s physicochemical properties. In the following sections some
of the common chromatographic techniques available are described.
Introduction to Protein Chromatography
Chromatography is commonly used in biotechnology for separating biological molecules, such as proteins, from
complex mixtures. Chromatography consists of a mobile phase (solvent and the molecules to be separated) and a
stationary phase, such as paper (in paper chromatography) or glass, resin, or ceramic beads (in column
chromatography), through which the mobile phase travels. The stationary phase is typically packed in a cylinder
known as a column. Molecules travel through the stationary phase at different rates or bind to the solid phase based on
their physicochemical properties.
The liquid used to dissolve the biomolecules to make the mobile phase is usually called a buffer. In column chromatography
the mixture of biomolecules dissolved in the buffer is called the sample. The sample is allowed to flow through the
column bed, and the biomolecules within the buffer enter the top of the column bed, filter through and around the
beads, and ultimately pass through a small opening at the bottom of the column. For this process to be completed
additional buffer is placed on the column bed after the sample has entered the bed. The mobile phase liquid is collected, as
drops, into collection tubes that are sequentially ordered. A set number of drops, known as a fraction, is collected into each
tube. Fractions are collected so that they may later be analyzed to see which one or ones contain the protein or
proteins of interest.
Protein Expression and Purification Series
Chromatography Techniques
There are many ways to perform liquid column chromatography. The choice of chromatography media and buffers
depends on the properties of the protein of interest to be purified.
Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) separates molecules based on their hydrophobicity. Hydrophobic
(water-fearing) substances do not mix well with water. Exposing a hydrophobic protein to a high salt buffer causes
the three-dimensional structure of the protein to
change so that the hydrophobic regions of the protein are more exposed on the
surface of the protein and the hydrophilic (water-loving) regions
are more shielded. The sample in high salt buffer is then loaded onto a
chromatography column packed with hydrophobic interaction beads. The
hydrophobic proteins in the sample will stick to the beads in the
column. The more hydrophobic the proteins are, the more tightly they will stick.
When the salt is removed by flowing in a low salt buffer through the column, the
three-dimensional structure of the protein changes again so
that the hydrophobic regions of the protein now move to the interior of the
Figure 1.5. Depiction of HIC
separation of molecules based on
protein, and the hydrophilic regions move to the exterior. The result is that
the hydrophobic proteins no longer stick to the beads and elute (wash out)
from the column, separated from the other proteins.
Size ExclusionChromatography(SEC), also known as gel filtration
or desalting chromatography, separates molecules based on their shape and
size. The solid phase is made of gel beads that have pores of
varying size (think of them like wiffle balls). Larger molecules cannot enter the
pores and are excluded, so they merely flow between the beads and are eluted
first. Smaller molecules can enter the pores and therefore will take longer to flow
down the column. Typically, size exclusion columns
are tall, narrow columns so that there is a long path for the molecules to flow
through or to be retained by the pores and better separated from each other.
Size exclusion chromatography can also be used
to exchange the buffer that the molecule of interest is currently in for
another buffer.
IonExchangeChromatography(IEX) beads have either a positive
(cation) or negative (anion) charge. During ion exchange chromatography, the
protein of interest binds to
Figure 1.6. SEC separation of molecules
based on size. 1) A mixture of large and
small proteins is applied to a column of
porous beads. 2) As the buffer flows down
the column, the small proteins penetrate
into the beads and are slowed. 3) The
larger protein molecules emerge from the
column first.
the oppositely charged beads. If the charge of the beads is positive, it will bind negatively charged, or anionic,
molecules. This technique is called anion exchange (AEX) chromatography. If the beads are negatively charged,
they bind positively charged, or cationic, molecules, called cation exchange (CEX). A scientist picks the resin based
on the charge of the protein of interest. After contaminants are separated from the protein of interest, a high salt buffer is
used to disrupt the interaction and to elute the protein of interest from the column.
Resin Type
Charge of
of Interest
Charge of
For example, in anion exchange chromatography, the resin beads have a
molecule with a positive charge covalently attached to the resin. The
molecules to be separated flow across the resin beads and any positively
charged molecules are repelled and do not stick to the column, exiting the
column with the flow of the buffer. Negatively charged molecules will bind, or
adsorb, to the column. The column is then washed with buffer of increasing
salt concentration, and those molecules that are more tightly bound will elute.
Cation exchange chromatography works in a comparable way except that the
resin beads have molecules with negative charges covalently bound to them.
Protein Expression and Purification Series
In ion exchange chromatography knowing the isoelectric point (pI) of the protein allows researchers to
manipulate the charge of the protein. The pI of the protein is where the protein has equal positive and negative charges. A
buffer with pH higher than the pI will give the protein a negative charge; a buffer with pH below the pI of the protein will
have a more positive charge. This change of charge depending on buffer pH can be used to elute protein from ion
exchange columns by changing buffer pH.
Mixed Mode, orMultimodal, Chromatography resins combine more than one type of chromatography technique,
such as having both anion and cation exchange properties on the same bead. Based upon the properties of the
molecule of interest and the buffers used, this can be a very selective chromatography method.
In AffinityChromatography(AC), a ligand with specific affinity for the molecule to be isolated is covalently
attached to the beads. A mixture of proteins is added to the column and everything passes through except the
protein of interest which binds to the ligand and is retained on the solid support. The desired molecule is
primarily eluted by adding a molecule that competes for the ligand. The affinity chromatography methodology
depends on the presence of a specific tag on the recombinant protein such as a polyhistidine (His) affinity tag; a
fusion protein partner, such as maltose binding protein or glutathione-s-transferase (GST-tag), or an antibodyantigen interaction such as protein A or protein G and
different classes of antibodies.
Polyhistidine-tagged proteins bind to nickel groups that have been
attached to the resin, known as immobilized metal affinity
chromatography (IMAC). The histidine groups of the polyhistidine-tag
bind to the Ni++ groups on the resin. The protein of interest can be
eluted by the addition of imidazole which competes for nickel binding
sites. A second example is using a fusion partner such as GST. This
protein will bind to a resin bead coated with glutathione. In order to
elute the recombinant protein fused with GST, glutathione is added to
the mobile phase and competes with the binding site on the
GST and the fusion protein elutes.
Figure 1.7. Depiction of the interaction of the Ni++
groups on the resin and the polyhistidine tag.
In this laboratory purification affinity polyhistidine tag chromatography (more specifically, immobilized metal affinity
chromatography (IMAC)), will be used to purify DHFR. The recombinant DHFR in this laboratory also has a GST-tag,
but in this instance the tag was added to make the protein more soluble and increase the overall molecular weight
of the fusion protein. It would be possible to use the GST-tag in a second round of purification. In research and
industrial purification of proteins more than one chromatographic method is needed to reach the level of purity desired.
Chromatography Methods
Once the chromatographic purification strategy is chosen for the target protein, a decision needs to be made as
to how the chromatographic separation will be performed.
Batch Purification
The simplest way to perform chromatography is in a beaker. To do this, the chromatography resin of choice is
resuspended in buffer in a beaker. The sample is added. The beaker is either gently swirled to mix the sample and
resin, or a stir bar and stir plate may be used, being careful not to damage the resin. Next, the resin is allowed to
settle, the buffer is decanted and wash buffer is added to the beaker. Again, the resin is mixed, and the buffer is
decanted. Finally, an elution buffer is added and the decanted buffer is saved since that is where the protein of interest
should be. This method may work well for purifying crude extracts where quantity, and perhaps quality, of protein is not a
Protein Expression and Purification Series
The most common way to purify protein is by column chromatography
using gravity flow. In gravity chromatography the resin is resuspended in
buffer and poured into a column. The column is placed upright in a stand
and the resin is allowed to settle into what is known as the resin bed.
Once the resin has settled, the sample is loaded onto the column. As
the sample flows through the column, buffer is added to the column so
that the top of the resin bed stays wet and there is a pressure head to
continuously push the sample and buffers through the resin. The buffer
and sample rely on gravity to move through the column. During the
Figure 1.8. Gravity column set-up
chromatography process fractions are collected. Samples from these fractions are tested for purity and for
the presence of the protein of interest.
The main advantage of gravity chromatography is that it is an inexpensive method of purification. A glass or plastic
column, buffers, sample, a column holder, and test tubes to collect the fractions are all that is needed. Columns, and
sometimes resin, can be cleaned and reused multiple times. The expense of this method of chromatography is time. A
person must monitor the column so that it does not go dry, ensure the correct buffers are used when they should
be used, and collect fractions. Gravity chromatography is typically used with larger diameter chromatography
beads and softer resins. There needs to be minimal resistance to flow due to gravity or this will not work. (Think of
trying to flow water through a small diameter of sand versus around pebbles or rocks.)
Spin Column Chromatography
A variation on gravity chromatography is the use of a spin column. Spin columns are
typically small (3–5 cm in length) plastic chromatography columns that fit in
a standard microcentrifuge. They come empty or in many cases prepacked with resin.
The sample volume that can be applied to the column is limited by the small size of the
column and by how much protein can bind to the amount of resin in the tube; the
advantage, however, is that this is a quick way to perform chromatography. Simply load
the resin or add buffer to a prepacked column, spin in the centrifuge, add sample in
buffer, spin again to bind the protein, add elution buffer, and spin again. The gravitational
force from the spin “pulls” the buffer and sample through the column. The spin column
fits in a centrifuge tube, and after each spin the column is moved to a fresh tube so at
the final spin the protein of
Figure 1.9. Spin column
interest will be in the elution tube. Each resin or prepacked column has a spin protocol to follow on how
to use it in a spin column and how fast to spin it. (See Appendix C for more information on centrifuge spin speed.)
The advantage of the spin column is that it is quick and relatively inexpensive in terms of columns, resin, and
time. Many spin columns come prepacked with popular resins. Most spin columns are single use. They require
a centrifuge and sometimes require a certain rotor (the inside of the centrifuge, where the tubes are placed), that
will depend on the length of the spin column and type of chromatography resin used.
Prepacked Chromatography Cartridges
Figure 1.10.
Prepacked cartridges are a good choice for chromatographic needs when sample
size is too large for a spin column, but a short purification time is desired.
Cartridges are convenient as they are prepacked with resin, consistent in quality of
resin bed from column to column, and disposable. Most cartridges have Luer-Lok
or similar screw-like connections that allow them to be used with a syringe with a
Protein Expression and Purification Series
Luer-Lok end, a mechanical pump or chromatography system.
The simplest way to use a prepacked cartridge is with a Luer-Lok syringe. The syringe is used to deliver
the buffers and sample in sequence and collect the eluate or fractions in test tubes. For more complex purifications or for a
hands-off approach, a pump can be used to deliver the sample and buffers through the columns. Some
monitoring of the pump may be needed depending on the programming capabilities. The cartridge can also be
connected to a fraction collection system or apparatus.
Most large-scale purifications, when the sample volume is milliliters to liters and
columns range in size from smaller than a tube of toothpaste
to 100 L and larger, are performed using a chromatography system. The system
will allow for multiple buffers and columns to be used. Systems can range from low
pressure to high pressure, and basic to complex.
As the complexity of the chromatography equipment rises, so does the price. The
decision of which system to use depends on the purification scheme.
Figure 1.11. Bio-Rad BioLogic System.
Purification of our recombinant protein of interest
Chromatographic purification of GST-DHFR-His
The purification of the GST-DHFR-His is accomplished in two steps: First the protein will be purified using IMAC.
As previously described, the IMAC resin selectively binds polyhistidine-tagged proteins. All other biomolecules will
flow through the column. The column is first equilibrated in 20 mM sodium phosphate,
300 mM NaCl and 5 mM imidazole. The 300 mM NaCl prevents the non-specific binding of charged molecules in the
E. coli lysate soluble fraction from binding to the column. Since imidazole has a similar structure to histidine (see
figure 1.12), the 5 mM imidazole prevents non-specific binding of any E. coli proteins which contain multiple
histidine residues, but the imidazole is not at a high enough level to prevent the binding of the polyhistidine tag on
the GST-DHFR-His to the Ni-IMAC beads. After the lysate is added and the GST-DHFR-His binds to the resin and
the majority of E. coli proteins flow through without binding,
the column is washed. The wash buffer contains the same 20 mM sodium phosphate for buffering and
300 mM NaCl to prevent non-specific ionic binding,
but also contains a higher level of imidazole. This 10
mM imidazole is slightly more stringent and will wash
away many of the E. coli proteins that were able to bind
under the 5 mM imidazole condition. However,
N H3 +
10 mM imidazole is not stringent enough to effectively
compete with the binding of the polyhistidine tag so
the GST-DHFR-His remains bound to the column
beads during the wash step. GST-DHFR-His is
eluted from the column with a buffer containing 250
mM imidazole. At 250 mM, the imidazole is at a
much higher concentration than the GST-DHFR-His
Figure 1.12. L-histidine
N H structure compared to effectively competing with the polyhistidine tag for
imidazole structure.
binding to the Ni++ groups of the resin. There are a lot
more molecules of imidazole present than GST-DHFRHis so the GST-DHFR-His is knocked off the Ni++ binding sites and elutes from the column.
The second step in the purification of GST-DHFR-His is removing excess salt and imidazole from the sample. If the
sample is not desalted, during subsequent polyacrylamide gel analysis, sample bands may be fuzzy, broad,
skewed, or otherwise distorted. The desalting also removes the imidazole, which interferes with measuring the
absorbance at 280 nm, used to estimate protein quantity.
Protein Expression and Purification Series
Desalting the sample is performed using a size exclusion gel prepacked in a spin column. The gel, Bio-Gel
P-6, has a fractionation range of 1,000 to 6,000 Da. This means that the pores of the gel are large enough
to allow molecules in the 1 to 6 kD range, like salts and small proteins, to enter, but larger molecules,
such as GST-DHFR-His, with a molecular weight of 52 kD, will be excluded and flow through the column.
In essence, the salts (imidazole, NaCl and phosphate buffer) are trapped in the gel while the protein of
interest comes out “clean” in a Tris buffer.
Methods To Quantify Protein Concentration and Check Protein Purity
Once the protein of interest (GST-DHFR-His) is purified it is necessary to check its purity and determine
the quantity of protein purified. There are multiple ways to perform these tasks.
Absorbance at 280nm
The aromatic amino acids (tryptophan, and to a lesser degree tyrosine and phenylalanine) in proteins
absorb at 280 nm. If the extinction coefficient (a parameter that helps define how well a substance
absorbs light at a specific wavelength at a particular concentration) is known, the amount of protein
present can be calculated using Beer’s Law (absorbance = εcL) where ε is the extinction coefficient, c is
concentration and L is the pathlength of light. If the extinction coefficient is not known, there are computer
programs, such as that from Expasy (see Appendix J), that can calculate an approximate extinction
coefficient from empirical relationships.
It should be noted that other molecules such as imidazole absorb at 280 nm and can interfere with
calculations. The buffer in which the sample is measured is critical for A280 measurements. This is one of the
reasons why a second purification step can be performed. It is a desalting step to remove the imidazole
from the GST-DHFR-His so that the A280 measurement can be taken.
Colorimetric Protein Assays
There are multiple colorimetric protein assays that have been developed to determine protein
concentrations. The first—the Bradford protein assay—is based on a shift in the maximum absorbance
of a colored dye, Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250. The dye interacts mainly with basic amino acid groups
(arginine and lysine) as well as aromatic amino acids (phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan). A second
method—the Lowry method—is based on reaction of the protein with an alkaline copper tartrate solution
and Folin reagent. In the case of the Lowry method, color is mainly due to the presence of tyrosine and
tryptophan as well as cysteine and histidine. Each of these assays has its advantages and
disadvantages, namely the compatibility of the assay with reagents in the buffer as well as sensitivity.
Protein Quantification by Coomassie Assay
In this exercise, you will learn how to generate and use a standard curve to determine
concentrations of protein from unknown samples. This assay will allow us to then analyze our
purified recombinant DHFR sample, to determine if we successfully isolated protein and at
what concentration. The sample’s concentration will be needed for further protein verification
and functional analyses. Here, you will gain knowledge and practice with micro pipetting,
colorimetric assays, spectrophotometry, serial vs parallel dilutions, generation of a standard
curve, and calculation of protein concentrations.
Gloves must be worn at all times while performing experiments in the lab, and goggles worn here when
pipetting and vortexing samples containing Coomassie dye. Glass tubes are disposed of in glass waste
Upon completion of this lab exercise, you should be able to:
➢ Describe how Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 dye can be used to detect proteins in
➢ Determine how a set of known protein sample concentrations can be utilized to
determine the concentrations of unknown samples through the use of a Coomassie
colorimetric assay
➢ Identify the unknown sample dilution(s) that allows you to most confidently determine
the protein concentration of your sample(s)
➢ Calculate the unknown sample’s concentration taking into consideration dilution factors,
where needed
➢ Identify potential sources of variation in the experimental procedure and establish
techniques to help minimize experimental error
➢ Suggest when to use serial vs parallel dilutions and why each can be beneficial depending
on the particular experimental conditions
You will be using a Coomassie Plus reagent (Thermo Scientific) to quantify protein by
spectrophotometry, a procedure similar to the original Bradford assay (Bradford, 1976) for protein
quantification. The Coomassie reagent includes a dye, Coomassie brilliant blue G-250, which produces a
color change in the solution upon binding to protein. The dye exists in three different charged forms,
with equilibriums of these free dye forms driven by the pH of the environment. Positive, neutral, and
negative charges result in red, green, and blue forms of the dye, respectively. In an acidic environment
(low pH), like that of the Coomassie Plus reagent, most of the dye will exist in the red, positive charged
(doubly protonated) form due to the excess of H+ ions in the solution. However, studies have suggested
that it is the blue, negative charged (unprotonated) form of the dye that binds protein (Chial and
Splittgerber, 1993). The blue form of the dye binds to protein through non-covalent interactions with
arginine and other basic residues, and Van der Waals and hydrophobic interactions with aromatic amino
acid side chains are also thought to be involved (Compton and Jones, 1985).
So based on this information, how do we understand the assay to work? In the acidic environment of
the Coomassie Plus reagent, a small percentage of dye exists in the blue form. In the presence of
protein, the blue form will bind, generating blue dye-protein complexes. This binding decreases the
amount of free blue dye in solution, shifting the equilibrium to restore blue dye levels, providing more
blue form of the dye available to bind protein. The red form absorbs maximally at a wavelength of
470nm and the blue form absorbs maximally at 595nm (Chial et al, 1993). Therefore, the more protein,
the more blue dye-protein complexes formed, the more blue color and the higher the absorbance at
595nm by spectrophotometry.
Why use an acidic environment for this assay? A low pH, in the absence of protein, results in
predominantly red form of the dye, which will provide a nearly “negative” reading at 595nm. The
amount of blue dye in an acidic environment is proportional to the amount of protein. Absorbance
readings at 595nm will therefore serve to reflect protein concentrations in the solution. (The green
form is also present, but has a maximum absorbance at 650nm, so does not interfere significantly with
measurements at 595nm.)
Alternatively, you could measure proteins directly by spectrophotometry. Proteins absorb maximally in
the UV range at a wavelength of 280nm. However, other biomolecules that may be present in solution
can also absorb UV light, complicating interpretation of your absorbance reading. For example, DNA
absorbs UV light at 280nm (maximally at 260nm), as does RNA. The Coomassie colormetric assay can
therefore often allow for more specific analysis of proteins.
Bradford, M.M. 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantification of microgram quantities of
protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Anal Biochem, 72:248-54.
Chial, H.J and Splittgerber, A. G. 1993. A comparison of the binding of Coomassie brilliant blue to
proteins at low and neutral pH. Anal Biochem, 213: 362-69.
Chial, H.J., Thompson, H.B., and Splittgerber, A.G. 1993. A spectral study of the charge forms of
Coomassie blue G. Anal Biochem, 209:258-66.
Compton, S.J. and Jones, C.G. 1985. Mechanism of dye response and interference in the Bradford
protein assay. Anal Biochem, 151:369-74.
Your objective: Use a Coomassie colorimetric assay to determine the
concentration of an unknown protein sample
Step 1: Generate a standard curve from known concentrations of bovine serum albumin (BSA)
Step 2: Use your standard curve to determine the protein concentration of your unknown
Step 3: Assess areas for improvement/optimization for subsequent protein quantification in the lab
Reagents/Materials/Equipment available to you:
Coomassie Plus Reagent (Thermo Scientific)
2mg/mL BSA (~150ul)
Deionized (DI) H20
Pipetmen and pipettes
Unknown protein sample (~100ul)
Visible light Spectrophotometer
Glass tubes for spectrophotometry
1.5mL tubes for making standards
and sample dilutions
Guidelines for generating your standard curve:
By establishing a standard curve, you will then be able to place the absorbance value for your unknown
on this curve to determine its concentration. Here, you will first generate 4 new samples of BSA in
1.5mL tubes, at set concentrations. These, along with the 2000ug/mL stock, will give you 5 different
BSA concentrations for your standard curve:
• Based on a known linear working range of BSA concentrations in this assay, set your lowest
standard concentration to 100ug/mL and the highest to 2000ug/mL (which is the concentration
of your stock BSA solution).
• You can then select 3 concentrations in between those values to utilize to generate your
standard curve. Use the tables below to establish your conditions. You are also asked to
calculate the total ug of BSA in 10uL here because this is the volume of each sample that will be
added to the glass tubes for measurement (see general procedure details below).
• Be careful with unit conversions! Pay attention to ug vs mg and uL vs mL here!
Concentration (ug/mL)
Total ug BSA in 10uL
Based on the above concentrations you have selected to use for your standards, now use the following
table to determine the volumes needed to generate these from the 2mg/mL BSA stock provided. You
will make a total of 40uL of each standard. This is sufficient volume to perform the experiment and will
provide some extra in case you want to run any replicas or need to repeat a measurement. You do not
need to generate the 2000ug/mL standard because this is the same concentration as the BSA stock
(2mg/mL) you already have. The BSA standards should be diluted in deionized (DI) H2O in 1.5mL tubes.
Total volume
to make
Volume of 2mg/mL
BSA stock (uL)
Volume of DI H20
Once you have completed these two tables, ask your TA/Instructor to check your
experimental design and calculations before you proceed.
Once your TA/Instructor has checked your work and demonstrated how to utilize the
• Generate your standards in new, labeled 1.5mL tubes. Be sure to label each tube on the cap
and/or on the side of the tube before you get started.
• Perform the Coomassie assay to generate your standard curve (see additional guidelines below
for experimental procedure).
• Be sure to record all steps, in the order you performed them, in your lab notebook. Ask your
TA/Instructor if you are not certain about the level of detail you need to include.
General Procedures
Coomassie Assay:
This procedure is utilized for generating the standard curve and for analyzing your unknown
samples. You will establish your curve first before you start working with your unknown sample.
1. Add 1mL DI water to each glass tube
2. Add 10uL of standard or unknown sample (10uL DI water for blank)
3. Add 1mL Coomassie Plus Reagent (always add the Coomassie dye last)
4. Gently vortex and incubate at room temperature (RT) for 3-5min. Try to be consistent with the
time interval, from addition of Coomassie reagent to measurement of absorbance in the
spectrophotometer, for each sample.
5. Blank the spec prior to recording measurements for samples: Set the spectrophotometer to
595nm. Place the tube containing 1mL DI H20 + 10uL DI H20 + 1mL Coomassie in the spec and zero
the instrument. You only need to blank the spec when you start, not between each sample.
Alternatively, you can blank the spec with water only (no dye) and then subtract out the
measurement of your water only + dye control from other samples. Your TA/Instructor will
provide guidance for which method to use here.
6. Proceed with measurements of samples, recording absorbance readings at 595nm.
Note: It is best to use the same solvent to blank and measure standards as is used in your unknown
sample. That may be DI water, like the example given here, but be aware that often the protein sample
you will need to quantify is in a particular buffer (perhaps different solvents and often solutes are
present in the sample as well) depending on how it was isolated/purified. For example, crude protein
samples from cell extracts are often extracted in lysis buffer. Components in the buffer can often impact
light absorption by spectrophotometry, making it inaccurate to compare absorption of proteins from
different buffer/solution sources.
Graphing your standard curve in excel:
1. Enter standard sample concentrations (ug/mL) in one column and corresponding absorbance
values in an adjacent column in an excel spreadsheet.
2. Highlight both columns and select insert graph.
3. Choose scatter dot plot format with concentration on the x-axis and absorbance on the y-axis.
4. Add a linear trendline and R2 value to the graph. Depending on the version of excel, these options
may be available under the Design tab and Add Chart Element or through Format Chart Area,
Chart Options. To show the line equation and R2 value on the graph, select More trendline
Analysis of your Standard Curve
The standard curve can plot the absorbance vs the concentration (e.g. ug/mL) or the absorbance vs the
amount (e.g. ug). Here, because we are always adding 10uL of each standard and unknown sample to
the glass tube, with the same volumes of water and dye, we can simplify our analysis and follow the
concentration of the sample examined. However, if you chose to, you could also calculate and plot the
total ug of protein added to the glass tube and then calculate back to determine the concentration of
the sample added.
Protein standard curves are not completely linear in nature when plotting absorbance vs
concentration/amount. There is a range of protein concentrations where absorbance is directly
proportional to concentration. However, absorbance readings falling outside of this linear working
range do not provide accurate measurements of protein concentration. Too little protein can fall below
the threshold of detection, and too much protein can saturate the reaction. Here, you have guidance for
which concentrations to use at each end of your standard curve range. These were designed in efforts
to allow you to work within the known linear range of BSA in this assay and to span as much of that
range as possible.
Once you have measured and plotted the absorbance values for your standards to generate your
standard curve, discuss with your TA/Instructor to determine if you are ready to proceed with
measurement of your unknown sample. Does your graph look linear within the range tested? How
confident are you in your measurements? What does the trendline equation tell you? R2 value?
Analysis of your Unknown Protein Sample
Note which unknown sample your group is analyzing: _______
Typically you would set up your unknown sample tubes along with your standards to keep all conditions
in the Coomassie assay as consistent as possible, processing them together. However, because this is
the first time we are constructing a standard curve, here you will generate the curve first and then
analyze your unknown samples once you have generated a functional standard curve.
Take a look at your standard curve once you have it completed. Ideally where would you like
absorbance of your unknown sample to fall within the curve to give you most confidence in accuracy of
your measurement? What happens if your unknown protein sample falls below or above the linear
range of your standard curve? If your unknown falls below the linear region of your curve, there is not
much we can do using this particular assay with your current sample. If your unknown falls above the
linear range of your curve, that issue can be easily resolved! Dilute the sample to a dilution that now
falls within the linear range. Then the dilution factor can be used to calculate the concentration of your
original (undiluted) unknown sample. Typically, researchers will perform several 3-10 fold serial
dilutions of their unknown sample if the original concentration is too high when measured directly.
How to determine if dilutions are needed and if so, how to estimate the dilution(s) needed other than
through trial and error? Hint: Take a look at the color of the sample when adding Coomassie reagent to
the glass tube with your 10uL of unknown. You should be able to approximate by finding dilutions that
fit within the color range of your standards. Keep in mind there is only ~100uL in the unknown stock
you were provided with, so be careful to plan accordingly.
If you use serial dilution to make your unknown dilutions, be sure to calculate how much total volume
you need of each dilution. For example, if you made three 5 fold serial dilutions from your original 1:1
(100%) sample stock: 1:5, 1:25, and 1:125, start by determining how much volume you need of the most
dilute, then calculate back from there. Hint: make the math as simple as possible without being
wasteful of reagent!
Note: Don’t dilute your unknown directly in the original sample tube. Your protein samples will often be
used in further analysis, with the Coomassie assay serving as simply a means to quantify protein
concentration for further applications. Set up new, labeled 1.5mL tubes to generate 3 dilutions of your
unknown if you find your sample is too concentrated to analyze directly. Use the table below to guide
you, and check your work with your TA/Instructor before proceeding to dilute your unknown.
Total volume
to make (uL)
Unknown dilution
to use as “stock”
Volume of unknown
“stock” (uL)
Volume of DI H20
*Here, notation of dilution denotes part:whole
Use this page to record your absorbance readings for your standard and unknown samples
Tube #
Absorbance at 595nm
Check your calculations, units, and conversions
Be sure to fully mix (by vortexing or pipetting) any dilutions made prior to analyzing them
Check that pipettes are set to correct volumes. Remember these general pipetting procedures:
Be sure to use the correct pipet size for the pipetman in use.
To avoid contamination of samples and reagents, use a fresh tip for each pipetting action,
ensure the pipet tip does not come in contact with any other surface, and keep the pipetman
upright while in use.
Be sure not to go beyond the first stop when preparing to draw liquid into the pipette.
Keep an eye on what you are doing – pipette slowly and carefully, watching the liquid as it is
drawn into the pipet to ensure the pipetman is set properly and watching as the liquid is
dispensed to ensure all liquid is transferred.
Avoid bubbles.
Place the pipet tip right below the surface of the sample as submerging it too far will draw up
more sample than intended and can risk contamination if the pipetman itself comes in contact
with the sample or inside of the container.
It is good practice when adding multiple samples to a new tube to transfer the largest volume
Protein Expression and Purification Series
SDS-PAGE and Western Blot
SDS-PAGE Analysis
Another method of determining which fractions contain the purified protein as well as the
progress of the protein purification procedure, is to analyze samples by sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). This method is not quantitative unless a protein
standard of known
concentration is run in one of the lanes and quantitative software is used to examine the gel image. It will,
however, allow the determination of which fractions contain the protein of interest if the molecular mass is
known and at what relative concentration. It will also allow the assessment of the purity of the protein fraction.
If the protein is pure, a single band should be visible on the gel, even when large quantities of the
samples are loaded.
SDS-PAGE is also the first step for proceeding with protein-specific analysis to verify the successful
isolation of the protein of interest by Western Blot, provided in more detail below.
Protein Structures and Basic Properties
In contrast to DNA, which is quantified in terms of its length (i.e., the number of base pairs), proteins
are quantified in terms of their molecular weights relative to a hydrogen atom, in Daltons. This is
because DNA is composed of only 4 nucleotides, which are in roughly equal proportions and about
the same molecular weight. Proteins on the other hand are composed of 20 amino acids with
molecular weights from 89 to 204 Daltons (the average is 110). They vary considerably in amino acid
composition. One Dalton equals the mass of a hydrogen atom, which is 1.66 x 10-24 grams. Most
proteins have masses on the order of thousands of Daltons, so the term kilodalton (kD) is used for
protein molecular masses. Proteins range in size from several kilodaltons to thousands of kilodaltons
but most fall between the range of 10 kD and 220 kD. DHFR-GST-His has a primary structure of 410
amino acids, a total molecular weight of 52,000 daltons, or 52 kD.
Using Gel Electrophoresis to Separate and Identify Proteins
A protein’s electrical charge and its mass affect its mobility through a gel during electrophoresis. The ratio of
charge to mass is called charge density. Since every protein is made of a unique combination of amino acids, the
net charge of each protein may be different. The electric charge of proteins must be removed as a factor affecting
migration in order for polyacrylamide electrophoresis to be effective as a method of
protein molecular weight determination. The intrinsic charges of proteins are masked by placing a strongly anionic
(negatively charged) detergent, sodium dodecyl sulfate
(SDS), in both the sample buffer and the gel running buffer. SDS binds
to and coats the proteins and also keeps them denatured as relatively linear
chains. In this form, proteins migrate in a polyacrylamide gel as if they
have equivalent
negative charge densities, and mass becomes the main variable
affecting the migration rate of each protein. (Note: Posttranslational
modifications such as glycosylation can also affect protein migration).
Fig. 1.13. The combination of heat and the
detergent SDS denatures proteins for SDS-PAGE
Aside from obscuring protein charge with SDS, to effectively determine the molecular weight, the
secondary (2°), tertiary (3°), and quaternary (4°) structures of the protein complexes within a protein
extract are also disrupted prior to electrophoresis. This process of structural disruption is called denaturation. A
reducing agent, such as β-mercaptoethanol (BME) or dithiothreitol (DTT), is sometimes added to samples
to ensure complete breakage of disulfide bonds. (In the case of GST-DHFR-His, no reducing agent is
needed as there are no disulfide bonds in the protein structure.) Three factors—heat, ionic detergent, and
reducing agent—completely disrupt the 2°, 3°, and 4° structures of proteins and protein complexes,
resulting in linear chains of amino acids. The denatured amino acid chains move through the gel at rates
proportional to their molecular masses.
Performing Electrophoresis
In this lab, the induction of expression of GST-DHFR-His, solubility of the expressed GST-DHFR-His, and success of
purification will be analyzed by SDS-PAGE, followed by Western Blot. To do this, a portion of the fractions will be run
on an SDS-PAGE gel against a protein standard of known molecular weight. The samples of the fractions have
Laemmli sample buffer added to them and then will be loaded into the wells of a polyacrylamide gel. Once the gel is
placed in the electrophoresis cell, the lower and upper chambers are filled with running buffer. The lower part of the
cell contains the anode, or positive pole, and the top one contains the cathode, or negative pole. Once assembled, the
electrophoresis cell is connected to a power supply. The proteins, now negatively charged due to the presence of
SDS, will flow with the electric field toward the anode. When the dye front (from the sample loading dye) reaches the
end of the gel, electrophoresis is stopped. The gel will be stained with the Coomassie blue dye. The stained gel will
allow us to check the purity of the fractions and quality and relative quantity of the recombinant protein produced.
Detection and analysis of recombinant dihydrofolate reductase by SDSPAGE and Western Blot
Wear lab coat & gloves at all times. Goggles required when heating samples and handling toxic
chemicals. Frequently inspect gloves for tears/contamination. Hazardous reagents requiring special
chemical waste disposal: Acrylamide gels, Methanol-containing transfer buffer.
SDS PAGE of purified protein samples
In addition to your purified GST-DHFR-His samples, we will also be including two other DHFR fusion proteins as
controls. Here is a list of samples for SDS-PAGE and Western Blot Analysis:
Your expressed and purified GST-DHFR-His samples for analysis
A purified His-tagged DHFR sample, also expressed and purified from E. coli
Whole cell lysate from HEK293T cells overexpressing Myc-Flag-tagged DHFR
Whole cell lysate control from HEK293T cells
Gel Apparatus Assembly
1. Two groups of 4 students will share a pre-cast, 12%, 12+2 well TGX polyacrylamide gel (BioRad
5671043). Three gels total per lab section. To prepare the gel for electrophoresis:
a. Remove gel from packaging, rinse with distilled (DI) water, carefully remove gel comb
b. Rinse wells with DI water twice, each time inverting gels and shaking to remove excess water
from wells
c. Remove tape from the bottom of the gel cassette to expose the bottom of the gel
2. Place the gel in the electrophoresis chamber and fill the buffer chamber(s) with 1X Running Buffer so
that the top of the wells are covered.
3. Carefully rinse wells by pipetting to remove any bubbles.
Sample Preparation
1. Purified protein and cell lysate samples have already been prepared and denatured in Laemmli sample
buffer. Aliquots of your GST-DHFR-His samples, the His-tagged DHFR, the Myc-Flag-tagged DHFR
containing cell lysate, and control cell lysate will be provided by your TA.
2. WEAR GOGGLES: Heat samples for 2min in the heat block at 95C. (Ensure each tube has a small hole to
prevent top from popping off during incubation, ask your TA for assistance).
3. Centrifuge samples briefly (quick spin) and maintain at room temp (RT) for gel loading (do not place
back on ice or SDS will precipitate out of solution).
4. Obtain an aliquot of the each of the following: 1X Laemmli buffer and the Kaleidoscope prestained
protein standard (BioRad 1610375). (Ok to heat Kaleidoscope standard as well, but not required)
Gel Loading
1. Record the order/location of sample loading in the table below. Each gel should contain two sets of
Kaleidoscope standard and 4 samples. It is best to leave empty wells on the exterior and/or between
groups when possible. These empty wells will be filled with 1X Laemmli to ensure even running of the
gel. To maintain consistency in the transfer setup instructions, load the protein standard on the left
for each set of samples.
2. Load 15uL of undiluted Kaleidoscope prestained standard (molecular weight marker) and 20uL of each
purified protein (0.1ug/uL-0.15ug/uL) and lysate (0.75ug/uL) sample in the wells designated in your
table above. Load slowly, avoid bubbles, and be careful not to overfill wells. Check with your TA to
see if any of these volumes and concentrations need to be adjusted/optimized from that listed here.
3. Load 20uL of 1X Laemmli into any empty wells.
4. Place the lid on the electrophoresis chamber, connect leads, and run the gel at 300 volts for 20-30min
(for TGX gels). Run until the dye front has reached the bottom third of the gel.
5. Prepare materials for transfer (see section below): 4 pieces of whatman paper, 1 piece of
nitrocellulose filter, 2 Scotchbrite pads, 1 transfer clamp, small container with DI water, small
container with transfer buffer, larger container for transfer setup.
6. Turn power supply off, disconnect leads, and remove lid from the electrophoresis chamber.
7. Carefully remove the gel cassette from the chamber (running buffer may be poured out in the sink
where needed).
8. Disassemble the gel cassette to remove the gel. Carefully pry the two plastic plates apart. Typically
the gel will remain attached to one plate. Remove the gel by gently detaching edges from plastic plate
when you are ready to assemble transfer apparatus (below).
9. Your TA/Instructor will need to cut the gel into 2 pieces to separate it for you to do a total protein
stain to analyze the SDS-PAGE result directly and to proceed with transfer for Western Blot analysis.
10. It may be helpful to take a picture of the gel after running to note the location of the protein standard
bands in case there is any issue with transfer of the ladder.
With one half of the gel: Stain with Gel Code Blue for total protein stain analysis
1. Place the gel half in a tray with ~100mL DI water.
2. Rinse the gel three times, 5min each in DI water, with gentle rocking. (Water rinses may be disposed of
in the sink)
3. WEAR GOGGLES: Stain the gel in 70mL activated GelCode Blue (ThermoFisher, coomassie G-250 dyebased protein stain) for 30-60min, with gentle rocking. (Dispose of used GelCode Blue solution in
chemical waste receptacle)
4. Destain in 100-200mL DI water if needed for 15-60min. (Dispose of first wash in GelCode chemical
waste receptacle)
5. Take a picture of the gel to record your data and dispose of the gel in the acrylamide chemical waste
receptacle. Rinse electrophoresis chamber and trays with DI water and hang on the drying rack to dry.
6. Use the protein standard to estimate the molecular weight of bands observed. How does this result fit
with your predicted result and why?
Western Blot
With the other half of the gel: Transfer of proteins to a nitrocellulose filter after SDS-PAGE for
Western Blot analysis
1. Carefully label the nitrocellulose filter with your group # or initial, in pencil, in the upper left corner
and place it in a small tray with DI water so that the filter is fully submerged. Always wear gloves and
handle the filter as little as possible, picking it up only at by edges. Be sure to take the filter and not
the pieces of paper. The filter is protected by a piece of paper on either side before use.
2. Assemble the transfer materials in the larger tray in the following order: (See image on next page)
a. Place the black side of the transfer clamp in the tray and add some transfer buffer, just to
cover the base of the clamp
b. Pre-soak one scotchbrite pad in transfer buffer and place it on the bottom of the clamp in the
tray to begin building the sandwich.
c. Pre-soak two pieces of whatman paper in transfer buffer and layer them one at a time on top
of the scotchbrite pad. Place each on top of the previous layer starting from one edge, side to
d. Carefully place gel on the whatman paper, “upside down” so that the protein standard is on
the right. Place it on top of the filter paper starting from one edge, side to side. Ensure the
entire gel piece is on top of the whatman paper, and be careful to not introduce any bubbles
or creases between the gel and the whatman paper.
e. Remove the nitrocellulose membrane from the DI water and carefully place it on top of the
gel, with a side to side action, “upside down” with your initials facing down, on the side with
the protein standard. Avoid bubbles. (Imagine after the proteins transfer from the gel to the
filter, you will see the protein standard on the left side of the filter once it is peeled back off
the gel).
Pre-soak two pieces of whatman paper in transfer buffer and layer them one at a time on top
of the filter. Place each on top of the previous layer starting from one edge, side to side,
avoiding bubbles.
g. Pre-soak one scotchbrite pad in transfer buffer and place it on top to complete the sandwich.
h. Close transfer clamp (clear side now on top of sandwich).
i. Place the transfer sandwich in the gel box. Ensure correct orientation so that proteins will
transfer (-) to (+) from the gel to the filter.
3. Each transfer gel box can accommodate two gel transfers. Once both transfer sandwiches are placed
in the gel box, add transfer buffer to cover the top of the sandwiches. Place lid on the gel box, connect
leads, and run at constant amps, 100mA for at least 1hr.
4. After the transfer, carefully disassemble the transfer sandwich to remove the filter (the blot). Note the
location of the molecular weight protein standard bands in case they become less visible as the blot is
further processed.
Transfer buffer (containing methanol) is collected as hazardous chemical liquid waste & acrylamide
gels are collected as hazardous chemical solid waste. Be sure to use the appropriate waste
containers for each. Transfer buffer can be re-used a second time prior to disposal.
5. Block the filter to prepare it for Western analysis: Place the blot in a small dish with 5% dry milk
solution (in TBST buffer) for 25-30min with gentle rocking. Ensure protein side of blot is fully covered
by blocking solution (this should be the side with your group initials). Alternatively, the blot can be
blocked overnight, but cover to avoid evaporation.
6. Your TA will help rinse the blot in TBST and wrap it in plastic wrap to be stored at 4C until the next lab
Western Blot analysis of purified protein and cell lysate samples (all steps performed at room
1. Obtain your blot from the previous week’s transfer, remove the plastic wrap, and submerge it in a
small tray of TBS for a few minutes. Remember that the blocking step has already been performed.
Now you will proceed with the primary antibody incubation.
2. Decant the TBS buffer from the tray and add 5mL of the primary antibody solution. This solution is
made by adding primary antibody to 5% dry milk block solution in TBST.
• Primary antibody dilutions can vary depending on the antibody used. Be sure to check with
your TA to note the rabbit polyclonal primary antibody your lab group has been assigned (for
example, anti-DHFR or anti-GST) and the dilution factor for that particular antibody. Then you
can calculate the volume of antibody stock needed to make 5mL of primary antibody solution.
Primary antibody:__anti-______________
Primary antibody dilution:___1:_____________
How many uL antibody stock to add per 5mL primary antibody solution? __________ uL
3. Ensure the primary antibody solution fully covers the blot as this volume is limited. Cover the tray with
plastic wrap to reduce evaporation and incubate for 45min with gentle rocking.
4. Perform wash step:
• Decant the primary antibody solution and rinse the blot briefly with 10mL of TBST
• Decant the rinse and add ~10mL of fresh TBST, incubate for 8min with gentle rocking
• Decant TBST wash and repeat with 2 more ~10mL TBST washes
5. Decant the final TBST wash and add 5mL of secondary antibody solution. This solution is made by
adding secondary antibody (goat-anti-rabbit alkaline phosphatase) to 5% dry milk block solution in
TBST. Incubate for 35min with gentle rocking.
• Typically, this is a 1:1000 dilution (5uL antibody in 5mL solution), but check with your TA to
note the dilution factor of the secondary antibody here:_____________
6. Perform wash step:
• Decant the secondary antibody solution and rinse the blot briefly with 10mL of TBST
• Decant the rinse and add ~10mL of fresh TBST, incubate for 8min with gentle rocking
• Decant TBST wash and repeat with 2 more ~10mL TBST washes
7. After the last wash step, place the blot in TBS prior to developing.
8. Develop the blot to visualize proteins bound by your primary antibody, through colorimetric detection
of secondary antibody localization on the blot:
You will use a NBT/BCIP substrate solution that is metabolized by the alkaline phosphatase
enzyme attached to the secondary antibody to generate a dark blue/purple precipitate.
Decant the TBS and move the blot to a fresh tray, face up. Add ~2mL of the substrate solution.
(Do not allow blot to dry prior to adding the substrate solution).
Ensure the substrate solution completely covers the top of the blot and watch for
development of bands over the course of 2-10min (no rocking).
Once desired intensity of bands, without too much background signal, is achieved, rinse the
blot with DI water to stop the reaction.
Take a picture of the developed blot to record your data. Note the location of molecular
weight protein standard bands to estimate the size of any proteins visualized on the gel.
Computational Sequence Analysis
Sequence analysis of tagged DHFR fusion proteins
Each nucleotide coding sequence used to make a protein has 3 possible reading frames. Which series of 3
sequential nucleotides group as codons to be “read” by the translation machinery depends on where
translation starts. Double-stranded DNA sequence has 6 possible reading frames because gene coding
sequence could be on either strand. The nucleotide sequence you copy and paste into expasy translate below
will be analyzed considering all 6 possible reading frames, 3 on the 5’ to 3’ sequence entered, and 3 on the
anti-parallel complementary strand. In the cell, the ribosome will scan to find the translation start site
(methionine ATG start codon) and that sets the reading frame. The next 3 nucleotides after the ATG start
codon will be “read” by the ribosome/corresponding tRNA to place the next amino acid on the growing
polypeptide chain, etc. until it reaches a stop codon. You are looking for a successful open reading frame result
from your expasy result to identify the correct reading frame. In other words, which grouping of 3 nucleotides
the ribosome would read to successfully translate the encoded protein.
Reading frame 1: 5’ CGA TGT CCG AGT CAC ACT TAT… 3’
Reading frame 2: 5’ C GAT GTC CGA GTC ACA CTT AT… 3’
*Reading frame 3: 5’ CG ATG TCC GAG TCA CAC TTA T… 3’
*Reading frame 3 has the ATG start codon shown here “in-frame”
1. Use the nucleotide sequences provided to determine the amino acid sequence and expected
molecular weight of each tagged DHFR fusion protein analyzed. The following online bioinformatics
tool set is available to help you translate nucleotide sequences and determine the molecular weight
from the amino acid sequence:
a. To translate nucleotide sequence to amino acid: Use the translate tool under the proteomics
• Copy and paste the nucleotide sequence into the search box -> Click translate -> Scroll
down to see all possible reading frame results -> Select the correct translated result giving
the full length protein amino acid sequence -> Click on the starting methionine “M” to
retrieve text and FASTA format protein sequence
• Keep track of the protein sequences produced by copy/pasting into a word doc file for
your own record – be sure to label each sequence so that you know which is which for
subsequent analysis steps
b. To determine the molecular weight in Daltons (Da) from an amino acid sequence: Use the
Compute pI/Mw tool under the proteomics link:
• Copy and paste protein sequence into the expasy molecular weight tool search box ->Click
Compute -> Record molecular weight (mw), which is provided...
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