Non Coding and Coding Genomic Variants Distinguish Prostate Cancer Discussion

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Below are two articles to choose from for your paper. You will choose one of the two articles, read through it, and write a review on the paper. Be sure to use concepts we have covered in class to show your ability to integrate what you have learned. Make sure you write the content in your own words and you do not share with others

The paper does not have to be in a typical research paper format (e.g. abstract, introduction, etc) It should be written as a summary of the paper in your own words. Consider the following:






You should incorporate concepts we have covered in class.

The paper should be a minimum of 3 pages and a maximum of 5, excluding references and cover page.

It should be in APA format and a minimum of 3 references are required.

An example of the components required for the literature review is provided. I have also provided a sample of an article critique. While you are not critiquing the article you are summarizing what it is about in your own words. The format provided should be a source.Choose one of the two articles Below:

Trabectedin Article (Links to an external site.)

Kaiso Article

Attached is Example/Template for Literature Review

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Literature Review Template Definition: A literature review is an objective, critical summary of published research literature relevant to a topic under consideration for research. Its purpose is to create familiarity with current thinking and research on a particular topic, and may justify future research into a previously overlooked or understudied area. A typical literature review consists of the following components: 1. Introduction: • • • A concise definition of a topic under consideration (this may be a descriptive or argumentative thesis, or proposal), as well as the scope of the related literature being investigated. (Example: If the topic under consideration is ‘women’s wartime diaries’, the scope of the review may be limited to published or unpublished works, works in English, works from a particular location, time period, or conflict, etc.) The introduction should also note intentional exclusions. (Example: “This review will not explore the diaries of adolescent girls.”) Another purpose of the introduction is to state the general findings of the review (what do most of the sources conclude), and comment on the availability of sources in the subject area. 2. Main Body: • • • There are many ways to organize the evaluation of the sources/experiments. Chronological and thematic approaches are each useful examples. Each work should be critically summarized and evaluated for its premise, methodology, and conclusion. It is as important to address inconsistencies, omissions, and errors, as it is to identify accuracy, depth, and relevance. Use logical connections and transitions to connect sources. 3. Conclusion • • The conclusion summarizes the key findings of the review in general terms. Notable commonalities between works, whether favorable or not, may be included here. This section helps provide a clear understanding of all concepts discussed with inferences in the context of the field. In your case, it should be in the context of the course. 4. References • As well as accurate in-text citations, a literature review must contain complete and correct citations for every source. Dr. Jacqueline Jones Running head: ARTICLE CRITIQUE Format your title page according to your university guidelines. 1 Introduce your reader to the title of the article, ARTICLE CRITIQUE the authors, and the main point of the article. 2 Article Critique Graduate student enrollment has increased in recent years, but these students face many challenges on their path to a degree. Researchers have noted that graduate students experience anxiety and stress that may be connected to high attrition rates (Poock, 2002). In the article “Student anxiety: Effects of a new graduate student orientation program,” Megan Hullinger and Dr. R. Lance Hogan (2014) examined the impact of an online orientation program on student anxiety. While this article produced significant results showing that an orientation program could reduce anxiety of new graduate students there are limitations related to the replicability, sample, and generalizability of results. Hullinger and Hogan (2014) used a sample of 32 incoming graduate students to Provide a brief summary of the article in your own words. Include a thesis statement. examine the impact of an online orientation program designed to connect new students with resources across the university. The researchers collected demographic information of participants and used the State Trait Anxiety Inventory to measure anxiety before and after the orientation program. Using t-tests, Hullinger and Hogan found that the participants experienced a significant reduction in anxiety following the completion of the online orientation program. Begin the critique. This can be multiple paragraphs, but follow any specific guidelines from your instructor. The researchers discussed an important topic, as administrators continue to attempt to improve retention efforts in higher education. The approach of an online orientation program could be useful for students as it would allow them to have important information at their fingertips, regardless of if they are on campus or not. However, Hullinger and Hogan (2014) did not provide key information about the orientation program they used in their study. This lack of detail would make it difficult to replicate their program in order to further expand the research on this kind of program. Use specific examples to strengthen your critique. Significant results were noted in the results of this study, but there are limitations to these findings. First, the sample size was small. Out of 802 incoming students who were invited to participate, only 32 students completed the pre- and post- anxiety inventory. With ARTICLE CRITIQUE 3 such a small sample size it is difficult to generalize these findings to the larger graduate student population. Also, all participants in this study were from a state university in the Midwest; this also limits the generalizability of these findings to the larger student population. While Hullinger and Hogan (2014) stated that the study should be replicated with a larger population and at other schools, the authors did not discuss how these factors of their study were limitations. This article focused on an important topic within higher education, as administrators need to find solutions to improve retention. One of the barriers graduate students face is anxiety, so an online orientation designed to reduce anxiety could be one useful tool to address this problem. Hullinger and Hogan (2014) shared encouraging results of an online orientation program designed to connect incoming graduate students with university Summarize the key points of the article and your analysis. resources. However, this study did not adequately describe this orientation program so that future researchers can replicate this program in other samples. Furthermore, the small sample size and lack of diversity among participants limits the generalizability of these findings. Future research on online orientation programs with a clear description of the program among a larger more diverse sample is necessary to provide evidence of the impact of online orientation programs. This closing sentence provides direction for future research. ARTICLE CRITIQUE 4 References Hullinger, M., & Hogan. R. L. (2014). Student anxiety: Effects of a new graduate student orientation program. Administrative Issues Journal: Education, Practice, and Research, 4(2), 27-34. Retrieved from Poock, M. C. (2002). Graduate student orientation: Assessing need and methods of delivery. Journal of College Student Development, 43(2), 231-245. Retrieved from Include a reference list formatted in APA style.
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Prostate Cancer –Outline

Providing a concise direction of the paper, including a descriptive review/paper statement

Stating the general findings of the review


Using an analytical approach to present results from various studies

Critical summaries of the review findings

Using logical connections and transitions to the referenced connect sources


Summarizing the key findings of the review in general terms

Providing a clear understanding of the concepts discussed in the review


A list of references resourced/used in this paper



Prostate Cancer

Student's Name
Institution Affiliation


Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a prevalent malignancy among African-American adult men, with a
diagnosis rate of about 60% compared to 40% for white men. Kaiso is a transcriptional
repressor that binds to methyl-CpG dinucleotides or sequence-specific Kaiso binding sites. It
belongs to the BTB-POZ zinc finger protein family. Kaiso overexpression and nuclear
localization are also linked to the development of prostate cancer (PCa). The aim of this
analysis is to look into the molecular mechanisms that drive kaiso-mediated prostate cancer
progression. Kaiso appears to necessitate cell movements or migration and encroaching, as
shown by the regulation of miR-31 expression. However, the exercise will not explore the
low expression association with advanced overall survival of individual PCa patients in this
study. Most sources acknowledge that prostate cancer is a frequently diagnosed cancer type
and a significant cause of cancer-related deaths among men.
Metastasis and tumor invasion are to blame for the high mort...

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