PHI 413V GCU Biomedical Ethics in The Christian Narrative Responses & Discussion
JAC MWA 1 - The four principles of medical ethics are Autonomy, Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, and Justice. Autonomy allows an individual to be able to make decisions for his or herself. Beneficence is to prevent harm from being done to others, providing benefit, and balancing the benefits against risks and costs. Nonmaleficence is to not harm one another. Justice is the fair distribution of benefits, risks, and costs to a general population (Hoehner, 2018).In my opinion non-maleficence would rank first, as we should not harm others, and patients trust us to do “no harm,” and provide the best possible care. As a nurse, I feel we should always be concerned with not providing any unnecessary invasive treatment that may have risks associated that are unnecessary. Beneficence would be second, as we must act in a manner to achieve the best result and do what is right for the patient. Justice is very important, I do believe all patients be treated equally and fairly. Health care professionals must be fair to each patient, respect their rights as a person, and afford the patient; in as far they are able, proper access to health care (Hoehner, 2018).However I place it in third since achieving justice comes with many controversies, for example how do we make resources available to all those who cannot afford them. I would place autonomy last, as to be autonomous requires a person to have the capacity to deliberate a course of action, and to put the plan in to action, this causes problems when patients are comatose, incompetent, or imprisoned (Lawrence, 2007). However, I do value a patient's right to choose what is best for them, as long as they are in sound mind, but there are many gray areas with autonomy. I do not always agree with a patient, but it is my job to respect their choice and deliver the best care possible in whatever they choose.According to the Christian biblical narrative, the four principles are ranked as followed: Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Autonomy, and Justice. I believe Beneficence is ranked first because as health care professionals we are trying to prevent harm from being done to our patients. Nonmaleficence follows in attempt to not harm one another. Autonomy gives the patient the right to hold views, make choices, and take actions based on their values and beliefs. (Hoehner, 2018) Justice holds everything to be done fairly for the general population.LAU TOR2 - In the U.S, the principle of autonomy and the ability to allow an individual to participate in making informed decisions about his or her health is highly recommended such that it triumphs the other principles in healthcare. Additionally, the U.S operates on the premise that a person has the right to make the best choices, without input or interference from the external actors (Grand Canyon University, 2019). Among the four principles, autonomy is the most applicable principle towards making some of the most ethical decisions and practices in the health sector. The four principles fall under the term principlism, and they include:Beneficence: A group of principles requiring that people prevent harm while providing benefits and balance benefits against risks and costs.Nonmaleficence: A principle requiring that people, especially health professionals, do not cause harm to others.Autonomy: Respect for the decision-making capacity of individuals.Justice: A group of principles requiring a fair distribution of benefits, risks, and costs.Even though the principles do not have a predetermined biblical order of arrangement, they apply to the Christian worldview and the belief that all life is valuable and worthy of vital considerations (Lawrence, 2007). Consequently, I believe the principles would be ordered such that nonmaleficence comes first, beneficence is second, autonomy is third, and justice comes last to show the importance of Christian biblical narrative. Workers, especially in the public service sector play critical roles in ensuring the provision of quality services without any harm to the recipients; therefore, nonmaleficence is the most important principle regarding the context of bioethics in the country. HEA COR3 - The four principles of medical ethics include Respect for Autonomy, Beneficence, Non maleficence, and Justice. Everyone applies these principles according to their world view, although people holding the same world view may still apply the principles differently. As health care providers we tend to follow the philosophical ethical theory of Deontology, ethics based on duties, obligations, or rules. So, despite our world view guiding how we would use the principles of medical ethics, we must also stay true to our obligations as care givers.My person world view of Pantheism does guide me in implementing the four principles of medical ethics. The order in which I would rank the importance of them is Beneficence, Respect for Autonomy, Non maleficence, and finally Justice. As a nurse my priority is always the safety and wellbeing of my patients which I carry into my personal life. My world view leads me promote Respect for Autonomy because I have always believed people have the right to make decisions about their body. Non maleficence is important because we should never cause harm to another human. Justice, although important, seems to be the least important to me considering if you follow the previous principles then justice for human should fall into place.Christians world view according to our readings states their principles of medical ethics would be as follows; Beneficence, Non maleficence, Respect for Patient Autonomy, and Justice. I think the order according to my reading would start with Non maleficence because it against God’s will to harm others followed by Beneficence because Christians believe in taking care of their neighbors. Christians believe in following God’s will therefore they do not hold autonomy as a priority. Finally, Justice is the last principle as they believe God is aware of all sin and can hand down punishment.PRE JOY4 - The four principles of bio medic ethics are Autonomy, Justice, Beneficence, and Non-maleficence. These principles are important because they determine whether a medical practice is ethical. While all four are equally important, it is hard to accurately order them. Depending on the case different principles will be prioritized as some, or maybe only one will be prominent in a particular situation (Grand Canyon University, 2019).Respect for autonomy – requires respect for the decisions made by autonomous persons.Beneficence – requires that one prevents harm to others, provides benefits, and balances those benefits against risks and costs.Nonmaleficence – requires one not to cause harm to another.Justice – requires the fair distribution of benefits, risks, and costs to a general population.The principle of respect for autonomy is a principle that requires respect for the decision-making capacities of autonomous persons. It means that patients have a right to hold views, to make choices, and to take actions based on their values and beliefs. The term beneficence implies acts of mercy, kindness, friendship, charity, and altruism. As a principle, it is used in a broad sense to include all forms of action intended to benefit other persons. Nonmaleficence is the principle that requires persons to refrain from harming others. The surface meaning of nonmaleficence—do not harm—is too broad to apply in any meaningful way to medical care. Justice is the principle that refers to making things fair, by distributing the benefits, risks, and costs equally. (GCU. Edu n.d.). In medical ethics, justice most often refers to a group of principles requiring the fair distribution of medical benefits, risks, and costs. When it comes to ranking these principles from a Christian point of view, I believe “Autonomy” should be highly ranked; however, based on circumstances and situational. As healthcare providers, we should make sure the patient is adequately informed and appropriately educated to make informed decisions. We are their advocates and trusted care providers. In case of emergency, where a child needs lifesaving measures such as blood transfusions parents are informed but if refused, some states allow the decisions to be taken from them (McCormick, 2013). To have a choice and decide what is right or wrong, we must have the capability to reason. Secondly, I believe justice is extremely important. We are taught to treat others how we would like to be treated and consideration of the rights and fairness of another is a selfless and moral thing to do. Beneficence and non-maleficence would come next. These principles are important when considering actions towards another person, as God teaches us to not harm others, but instead to love them.JAC MWA 5.2 - The Christian biblical narrative is divided into four parts: creation, fall, redemption, and restoration, telling the past and future of humanity. God created all things in the universe and humans, but humans sinned and separated from God. Jesus is the way to redeem human life and is the only way to forgive sins and reconcile with God. This has several influences on Christian ethics and Christian views on disease, recovery, and death.Faith and God's gifts in creation, including medicine, biotechnologies, and the skill and judgment of physicians and nurses, are not opposed or set against one another. We have to recognize the relationship between sin, illness, and healing. According to the biblical narrative, there is a connection between sin and physical brokenness in this world, including disease and suffering. All illness and suffering are a consequence of the fall in a general sense. While in general, all spiritual brokenness results in physical brokenness, one should not equate the guilt of any sin with illness as a specific punishment. As followers of their savior, Christian healthcare professionals are to be imitators of Jesus in his compassion and healing ministry. Christian health care workers recognize and use God's gifts to mitigate the effects of the fall with loving-kindness and mercy as they seek to relieve the pain and suffering of their fellow human beings.As God showed his love and mercy to the whole world through Jesus, Christian health care workers bring that same love and mercy to all persons. For the health care worker, this already and not yet aspect of redemption gives an eternal and present perspective to the relief of suffering and illness to which they have been called. For instance, death is no longer the ultimate enemy, having been conquered through Jesus’s own death and resurrection. Believers await the resurrection of their bodies and a glorious eternity of embodied life and fellowship with God. But in the meantime, physical death and suffering remain a reality. A biblical narrative of restoration informs the Christian health care professional that while medical science is a great good, it is limited and imperfect. The way medical science pushes back against the reality of aging and death must, at some point, accept its truth and the finitude of all human beings.LAU TOR6.2 - The four parts of Christian Biblical narrative are very elaborative about the nature of God and His love for humankind during sickness and disease.Creation – God is the ultimate creator; he created the universe and everything in it. The concept of Imago Dei explains the creation of man in God's image (Ross, 2013).Fall – The original sin is the start of the fall of humankind from the love and mercy of God. Adam and Eve eating the forbidden tree and created original sin as well as death, disease, and suffering, creating an estrangement from God.Redemption – due to the love God has for humankind, he sent his only begotten son Jesus to die for our sins.Restoration – We look forward to the resurrection of Jesus when he returns, and the final judgment of all people takes place (Topic 3: Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative, 2019)After falling short of God's love and mercy, He gives us the knowledge to manufacture medications and treatments to help prevent or treat some sickness and disease. We have redemption from sin when we go to confession and confess our sins and try to lead a life that God intended for us. We know that if we live a good life and follow God's intentions, he will relive us from sickness and disease. The four narratives give us hope and knowledge of the nature of God, such as never giving up on his creations, provision of everlasting love, and forgiveness to his creation despite our sins.