Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that explains

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Health Medical


Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that explains your plan for identifying and onboarding your hypothetical quality improvement (QI) subcommittee team members for decreasing medication errors on the unit

  • Obtain your facility's organization chart and identify the staff that are associated with quality. Examine the various roles of the group. Based on these findings, describe who you would choose to be on the interdisciplinary team and why.
  • Identify some of the risks associated with working with interdisciplinary teams and how you plan to address them.
  • Decide what you want the team to review before the meeting.
  • Describe the methods you would use to get buy-in from the team.
    • Develop a SMART goal to help you achieve your team's buy-in.
  • Develop a brief agenda for meeting your hypothetical team.
  • Explain how you will assess if this meeting was effective.

Format your paper and reference page according to APA guidelines.

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Grading Criteria HSN/575 University of Phoenix Material Grading Criteria Week 1: Health Care Quality Presentation Content: 8 points possible Points possible Clearly describes the purpose and necessity of quality management in the health care industry 1 Accurately identifies various health care stakeholders and explains why quality of care definitions differ 2 Identifies the similarities health care quality shares with manufacturing or service quality 1 Accurately identifies the areas of health care must nurse administrators routinely monitor for quality 2 Identifies the accrediting and regulatory organizations involved in quality improvement and explains their roles 1 Research provides appropriate support 1 Format: 2 points possible Points possible Points earned Comments Points earned Comments The presentation—headings, title slide, and reference slide—is formatted according to APA guidelines and meets course-level requirements Presentation is professional, organized, and captures and maintains the listener’s attention 2 Presentation meets length requirements Presentation is professional and has a scholarly tone Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference slide Presentation is organized and flows well, including an Copyright © 2016 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 1 Grading Criteria HSN/575 Format: 2 points possible Points possible Points earned introduction and conclusion Follows professional presentation design principles Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation; spelling is correct Points earned/possible /10 Copyright © 2016 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Comments 2 Grading Criteria HSN/575 Week 2: Quality Collaborative Content: 8 points possible Points possible Identifies quality collaborative or HCAHPS of their institution for quality measurement and performance 1 Accurately describes purpose of quality collaborative or HCAHPS, quality measures, and tools used 2 Identifies three to five quality improvement measures 2 Provides a general description of needed data 1 Effectively compares the scores or benchmarks to the state and national averages 1 Researched at least three peer-reviewed sources that provided appropriate support for the information presented 1 Format: 2 points possible Points possible Points earned Comments Points earned Comments The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is formatted according to APA guidelines and meets course-level requirements Meets the required word count Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page 2 Paper is organized and flow wells Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation; spelling is correct Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow Points earned/possible /10 Copyright © 2016 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 3 Grading Criteria HSN/575 Week 3: Threats to Quality Processes Content: 8 points possible Points possible Visual tool accurately and thoroughly describes the various steps that led to the event; research supports the information provided 3 Accurately identifies the possible prevention and recovery steps for the undesirable event 2 Accurately incorporates the principles of SWOT, FMEA, or RCA in the analysis and identifies the barriers to using this tool in health care 3 Format: 2 points possible Points possible Points earned Comments Points earned Comments The summary—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is formatted according to APA guidelines and meets course-level requirements. Meets the required word count Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page 2 Paper is organized and flow wells Follow rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation; spelling is correct Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow Points earned/possible /10 Copyright © 2016 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 4 Grading Criteria HSN/575 Week 4: Process Improvement Plan Presentation Content: 8 points possible Points possible Clearly conveys the quality issue 2 Identifies two or three strategies for quality improvement and thoroughly describes the pros and cons for each 2 Determines appropriate strategy to address the quality issue and explains the rationale of this choice 1 Compiles cogent ideas into implementation plan to improve processes in identified quality improvement areas 1 Accurately aligns the plan with the organization’s mission, vision, and value statement 1 Uses appropriate sources to support an evidence-based approach to addressing the quality issue 1 Format: 2 points possible Points possible Points earned Comments Points earned Comments The presentation—including table and graphs, headings, title slide, and reference slide—is formatted according to APA guidelines and meets course-level requirements Meets the required slide count Presentation is professionally built and has a scholarly tone 2 Presentation is organized and flows well; including an introduction and conclusion Follow rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct Points earned/possible /10 Copyright © 2016 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 5 Grading Criteria HSN/575 Week 5: Planning Your Quality Improvement Team Meeting Content: 6 points possible Points possible Describes chosen interdisciplinary team members and provides rationale for their inclusion 1 Identifies the risks associated with working with interdisciplinary teams and explains the plan to address them 1 Identifies what the team should review before the meeting 1 Develops a SMART goal to achieve the team’s buy in and outlines a meeting agenda 1 Develops a brief agenda for the team meeting 1 Describes how the effectiveness of the meeting will be assessed 1 Format: 2 points possible Points possible Points earned Comments Points earned Comments The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is formatted according to APA guidelines and meets course-level requirements Meets required word count Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page 2 Paper is organized and flow wells Follow rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation; spelling is correct Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow Points earned/possible /8 Copyright © 2016 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 6 Grading Criteria HSN/575 Week 6: Project Implementation Content: 6 points possible Points possible Accurately highlights the plan to educate and communicate the plan 1 Accurately describes the timeline for implementing and evaluating the plan 1 Identifies required resources 1 Identifies the role of technology 1 Describes staff engagement 1 Describes steps involved 1 Format: 2 points possible Points possible Points earned Comments Points earned Comments The brochure has a scholarly tone Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page 2 Brochure is organized and flows well Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation; spelling is correct. Points earned/possible /8 Copyright © 2016 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 7 Grading Criteria HSN/575 Week 7: Executive Summary Content: 6 points possible Points possible Fully explains the purpose of the project 1 Accurately describes the types of data collection and display tools that will be used 1 Identifies realistic and appropriate milestones for project implementation 1 Explains the role of IT in the improvement of quality care delivery 1 Identifies any internal or external benchmarks 1 Determines appropriate and realistic timeframes for evaluating and reevaluating the quality improvements 0.5 Identifies the key players responsible for leading diverse teams in improving quality in care delivery 0.5 Format: 2 points possible Points possible Points earned Comments Points earned Comments Executive summary is organized and flows well; including an introduction and conclusion 2 Follow rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation; spelling is correct Points earned/possible /8 Copyright © 2016 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 8 Grading Criteria HSN/575 Week 8: Poster Presentation Content: 8 points possible Points possible Student used problem identified in previous week and executive summary. 2 Student identifies materials and methods used. 2 Student describes the results. 2 Student’s research adequately supports the information in the poster. Format: 2 points possible Points earned Comments Points earned Comments 2 Points possible Presentation is appropriate for identified audience and uses appropriate media data charts, trends, graphs, or picture to capture and keep audience attention Presentation is professional formatted, is organized, and flows well 2 Reference list is submitted and formatted according to APA guidelines Includes detailed speaker notes Points earned/possible /10 Copyright © 2016 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 9 Week 5: Planning Your Quality Improvement Team Meeting Content: 6 points possible Describes chosen interdisciplinary team members and provides rationale for their inclusion Identifies the risks associated with working with interdisciplinary teams and explains the plan to address them Identifies what the team should review before the meeting Develops a SMART goal to achieve the team’s buy in and outlines a meeting agenda Develops a brief agenda for the team meeting Describes how the effectiveness of the meeting will be assessed Points possible Format: 2 points possible The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page— is formatted according to APA guidelines and meets course-level requirements Meets required word count Points possible Points earned Comments Points earned Comments 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Intellectual property is recognized with intext citations and a reference page Paper is organized and flow wells Follow rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation; spelling is correct Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow
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